Gold Assistant

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

While the website was still being tested, they were notified that the nominations for the 23rd Golden Hundred Flowers Awards had been announced.

"True Love" has been nominated for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Newcomer, and more.

Later, Shi Lekang sent a message to analyze with them, because Wu Hao had just won the best actor, so this best actor is impossible.

However, there is still hope for Liu Li's Best Newcomer Award and An Mo's Best Supporting Actress.

This made the two of them very happy.

But in this way, the travel matter will be suspended, and everything will be discussed after the awards ceremony.

This shortlist, everyone attaches great importance to it.

Min Shasha also stayed up all night for several nights, helping Liu Li and An Mo choose their looks for the red carpet.

Although An Mo has already won the TV Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress, the Best Supporting Actress in a movie is different.

She excitedly dragged Liu Li to buy, buy, buy, and used shopping to divert her attention.

It was the first time to shoot a film, and it was nominated for a commercial film. Everyone was excited to varying degrees.

However, "The Secret Biography of the Concubine" in the same period did not have a single nomination due to various negative news and film quality problems.

This made Jia Ling, who originally hoped to rely on this movie to gain a foothold in the front line, wanted to kill with hatred.

She is different from Yu Yitong who has already won the Best Actress.

This "The Secret Biography of the Royal Concubine" was made after she begged for a long time for a financial backer before investing in the filming.

After all, film awards generally favor literary blockbusters.

She looked angrily at the photos of Yu Yitong and Xia Jianguo on her phone.

After a while, she skillfully dialed a certain reporter she had worked with.

"Xiaotian, I have a big news here, and I will send it to you for free."

"Sister Ling, what a shame, whose is it?"

"The photos of Yu Yitong and Xia Jianguo have already been sent."

After a while, Xiaotian exclaimed, "Sister Ling, this is not a still photo, right? I heard that they have a lot of intimate scenes in "The Secret Biography of the Royal Concubine"."

Jia Ling rolled his eyes, "Xiao Tian, ​​the ones in the photo are modern clothes."

"Aren't your movies half ancient and half modern?"

As soon as Xiaotian said this, Jia Ling knew that the other party didn't go to the movies.

She gritted her teeth and said word by word: "My movies are all ancient, not modern."

"Uh..." Oda knew that he had made a mistake and offended Jia Ling, so he had to change the subject immediately.

"Sister Ling, don't worry, I'll write the copy now and send it out tonight."

"Sent out at night? Has your magazine changed to a night issue?"

"No, the sales of magazines are not good now. I have come out to do it myself, posting some news on the scarf, and occasionally accepting some advertisements or breaking news. The income is much better than that of the magazine."

"So that's it. If there is any news in the future, I will ask you for help."


Not long after, a big V named Bi Geng Yantian posted a bib.

[Plowing the inkstone field: The queen of the movie will fall to X's family? [Jiugongge Photo]]

The editor received internal news that a certain actress and a male star surnamed X had an affair during filming. Although the evaluation of the film was not very good, the acting skills in some scenes were still good.

Now it seems that they are acting in their true colors.

[I'll go, do you see that the third one has a tongue!!]
[What's the fuss, the ninth picture, look at it, your hands are all in your clothes. ]
[Oh my god, I didn't see the bathing pool, and there was no interaction at the premiere. This is not bad, the boss gave you a good review. ]
[For the high-definition D film of the bath, please click the link below. ]
[Big brother upstairs, you are really dedicated, you can be seen everywhere. ]
[It's hard to find food. In addition to the bathing pool, there is also the cut clip of the previous award-winning film. Don't miss it, the link is as follows. ]
[It is true that when watching the movie, I felt that when there were only the two of them in the scene, Mr. X's acting skills were off the charts. I didn't expect it to be true. ]

After Xia Jianguo received the notice from his agent, he found the scarf.

Seeing the contents inside, he was not angry, but heaved a sigh of relief and a little bit of joy.

After the publicity was over, Yu Yitong began to treat him as if he was away, which made him very distressed.

He really wanted to break the news to the media that they were together, but he was worried that Yu Yitong would be angry.

Well now, someone else finally broke the news, and his previous painstaking efforts were not wasted.In fact, he deliberately chose a place where people might find out, and had an intimate interaction with Yu Yitong.

He hurriedly called Yu Yitong, with a hint of joy in his words.

"Yitong, our affairs have been posted on the scarf."

"Scarf?" Yu Yitong frowned, and said in a slightly unfriendly tone, "Let me see."

Because the box office of "The Secret Biography of the Concubine" did not meet expectations, and even Ben didn't come back, Yu Yitong was very busy explaining the investment to his superiors.

Seeing this report now, I was so angry that I was trembling all over, and I couldn't beat my anger.

This Xia Jianguo is useless at all, even adding chaos at this time.

She was just asking him for a mediation when she was filming, and she never took it seriously.

She immediately called back, "Did you find someone to take this?"

"How is it possible? It's definitely not me."

"Not you?"

"really not!"

Xia Jianguo said cautiously: "Yitong, this kind of revelation actually has a greater impact on the woman, why don't we announce that we are together."

Hearing this, Yu Yitong sneered.

"So that's the purpose of your breaking the news?"

"It's not like I broke the news, Yitong, you know that I love you, how could you do something to hurt you?!"

"Okay, don't say anything, I will deal with this matter." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Xia Jianguo could only listen to the beeping sound on the other end of the phone, and sighed deeply.

He turned his head to look at the edited photo on the screen, which was a selfie of him gently embracing Yu Yitong.

When filming, he happily thought he was dreaming.

He thought about the content, so he wrote the words "love you" to let everyone know that they are together.

But it can't be posted now.

Frustrated, he clicked delete, but unexpectedly, he slipped and clicked send.

In the blink of an eye, the scarf was sent out.

In a panic, it took him almost a minute to find a way to delete the scarf that had been issued.

But the content he just posted has been screenshotted and reposted.

[Hehe, what do you mean by posting and then deleting? ]
[Miss Y is now a movie queen, and Mr. X is the popular niche, the status of the two is not equal. ]
[Why do you use English upstairs? ]
[Afraid of being blocked, several people's accounts were blocked before. ]
[Pfft, those who are blocked are spreading rumors and publishing false news.This was sent by Mr. Xia himself, so there will be no problem. ]
[But he deleted it. ]
[Could it be that the agent doesn't allow it. ]
[Very likely. ]

(End of this chapter)

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