Gold Assistant

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

After delivering the things, Xue Yao stepped aside and stood with other assistants.

After reading the "Secret History of the Entertainment Industry", which was broken for half a year, she realized that the assistants also have circles.

Because of this scandal, Xue Yao's identity has been exposed on the Internet.But she doesn't want to be known for the time being, as long as she goes out with Liu Li and the others, she will wear a baseball cap and mask in a low-key manner.

Therefore, even if they stood together, no one would recognize her as the CEO of

She took out a large bag of ginger candies from her bag and distributed them to the assistants standing beside her.

"This is the ginger candy I made myself, please try it."

Everyone took the ginger candy politely and thanked them, there was no such scheming person as she imagined.

The red carpet and award ceremony of the Golden Hundred Flowers Awards were broadcast live by CTV.

Fans of Liu Li and An Mo brushed their scarves on the computer while watching TV.

[Momo's look today is really handsome!I'm going from a sister fan to a girlfriend fan. ]
[Cough, cough, calm down upstairs, I am a stranger, female, female, female, repeat the important words three times. ]
[Mo Li is indeed the best match. In "True Love and Falsehood", I feel that the two of them are full of CP, and Wu Haochu is too in the way. ]
[As a fan, I have to say something to the girl upstairs, I think so too. ]
[Why don't we go to the studio and ask under the scarf, and let Momo and Lili pair up in future filming, and don't want the leading actor. ]
[This idea is good!let's go. ]

Wang Jun, who couldn't come to the scene to support due to work reasons, saw the content of the scarf posted by netizens, and his head was full of black lines.

Although he also hopes that An Mo will not have intimate scenes with male actors in filming in the future.But now that netizens paired An Mo and Liu Li together, he actually felt that the threat was even greater!
He immediately sent a message to his fellow sufferer Tao Chengxuan, "Chengxuan, let's work hard together, so we can embrace the beauty sooner."

Tao Chengxuan, who was in a meeting, was a little confused when he saw the news.

After the meeting was over, he saw the netizens' remarks and Mo Li's photos, and his heart was filled with a sense of crisis that he felt was ridiculous.

He immediately sent a message to Zhan Minghui, asking him about the situation at the scene.

After Zhan Minghui received the message, he turned to look at Liu Li and An Mo beside him.

The two of them were talking quietly together as if no one else was around.

He immediately remembered that Xiaoya misunderstood him and Tao Chengxuan.Too much intimacy between the same sex can also be misunderstood.

He planned to help his friend, and asked with a smile: "Lili, is this necklace you are wearing sent by Chengxuan?"

Liu Li touched the necklace on her neck, her face flushed slightly, "Well, how did Brother Minghui know?"

"It's Chengxuan's mother's collection, and she said it will be given to her future daughter-in-law."

Hearing this, Liu Li's face turned even redder.

This scene was seen by others, but because of the distance, they did not hear the content, but they have already begun to imagine the relationship between the two.

There are many families composed of directors and actors in the circle.

The assistants at the side mentioned Zhan Minghui intentionally or unknowingly.

"Xiao Xue, Director Zhan is very handsome, unlike other directors in the circle."

"Yes, yes, yes, he gives the impression that he is like the son of a family."

"Being his girlfriend must be very happy. I heard that many actresses are with the director when they are filming."

After the man finished speaking, he took a special look at Zhan Minghui's position.

Xue Yao smiled and said nothing.

I was thinking just now, there is no scheming person, but I didn't expect to come now.

At this time, An Mo also came over to talk to Zhan Minghui.

"Brother Minghui, what is Xiaoya up to lately? We haven't seen her for a long time."

Zhan Minghui sighed, "Huanxin has invited some senior researchers back from somewhere, and is preparing to launch top-notch cosmetics. I heard that Substance L will be added to those cosmetics, and many people are already asking about it.

Xiaoya is very worried, so she has been researching new products, but she still cares about you very much.

She has prepared gifts to congratulate you on your nominations, and I'll bring them to you when she leaves. "

Liu Li frowned, "Didn't they say that there is very little L substance to the outside world, and even the purchase of Cherry Blossom Water is restricted, so how can there be any excess added to cosmetics?"

"So far, I have only heard so much news."

Now that the three of them are talking together, Xue Yao thinks they can stop some people's mouths.

Who knew they would think in another direction.

They whispered behind Xue Yao.

"No way, two daughters competing for one husband?"

"It seems that there have been rumors in the "Summer Palace Chronicle" before."

"Speaking of which, Director Zhan's two films have them."

"Aren't they in a good relationship, will they be the same as E Huang Nv Ying?"

"If that's the case, that's big news."

But Xue Yao with good hearing can hear everything clearly.

She felt that it could not be allowed to develop like this.

"Director Zhan is indeed a disciple of an aristocratic family, and he also has a very beautiful girlfriend, who is CEO Gu Yun's younger sister, Tao Chengya.

You see, this is a photo of the two of them. If you have really paid attention to "Summer Palace Chronicle", you should know that they announced the news on the day of the opening ceremony. "

After speaking, Xue Yao turned on her mobile phone and showed them the scarves of Zhan Minghui and Tao Chengya.

The people behind smiled awkwardly, shrank back, and did not continue talking.

Xue Yao wondered, why do these people like to catch Liu Li so much and talk about An Mo's scandal?
Recently, Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao have also become popular because of "Youjian Inn", and I haven't seen them have so many things.

She seemed to get the point.

She immediately opened the scarves of Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao.

The two didn't send anything deliberately, but they always gave dog food to people inadvertently.

Their fans shouted every day that it was too sweet, too nasty, don't eat dog food.

But as long as they haven't issued a scarf for a few days, they will bark again, saying that they are hungry and want dog food.

Xue Yao patted her forehead.

The big reason for this is that they announced from the beginning that they are all owners, so they blocked the relationship scandal.

Maybe Liu Li and An Mo can learn from it. Anyway, Tao Chengxuan met his parents and Wang Jun proposed marriage. She could feel that both of them were sincere.

I'll discuss it with them later.

It didn't take long for the red carpet to go, and the awards ceremony was about to begin.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the guest of the opening performance would be Zhang Ling.

She didn't tell everyone anything before.

Zhang Ling sang the ending song "Love Yourself" of "True Love and Falsehood", and the clips of their movie were also shown on the screen.

This made everyone in the crew feel their faces were glowing.

Then the master of ceremonies stood up, praised the song, and announced the official start of the awards ceremony.

The best director award was awarded first, and the shortlisted films were reviewed on the big screen.

Everyone was a little nervous, because Zhan Minghui was also shortlisted for this award.

(End of this chapter)

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