Gold Assistant

Chapter 376 The little girl has grown up

Chapter 376 The little girl has grown up
The award presenters on the stage opened the list of winners, and said to the camera: "The 23rd Golden Hundred Flowers Awards, Best Director, Xiao Da "Gun God", congratulations to Director Xiao!"

After hearing this name, everyone was very disappointed, and looked at Zhan Minghui with some concern.

But Zhan Minghui himself was very indifferent, smiling gently all the time, and there was no disappointment on his face because he didn't get the award.

Instead, he comforted everyone, "The best director award is given to the best director. I have just started making my first film. It is normal not to win the award."

Everyone who was still highly enthusiastic about winning the award calmed down instantly.

Yeah, they've only made their first film, so it's good to be in the finals.

For such a difficult thing as winning an award, just let it go.

The next few awards had nothing to do with them. Everyone began to eat ginger candy out of boredom, and applauded calmly.

It didn't take long for the award for best actor related to them.

It's just that this award is based on Wu Hao's popular science. Everyone knew that they had no chance with their crew, so everyone was very calm.

When the camera captured them, the picture was very harmonious without any bad performance.

Let people who saw this scene have a good impression of them.

It didn't take long for the Best Supporting Actress to be awarded. When the award presenter announced that the winner was An Mo, the camera captured Liu Li and An Mo hugging each other tightly, and they laughed happily.

The audience and those in front of the TV can feel the sincere friendship between the two.

An Mo walked onto the stage with a calm expression, and took over the statuette from the award presenter.

She stood in front of the microphone with a smile, and said her acceptance speech, "Thank you to the judges of the Golden Hundred Flowers Award for your recognition, for giving me this award, and thanks to director Zhan Minghui and screenwriter Xia Tian, ​​for allowing me to try to play a different role than before .

This year can be said to be my lucky year. I met my best friend, joined a new company, and most importantly, I got my parents back. "

She choked up when she said this, and the award presenter immediately stepped forward to give her a hug.She calmed down quickly, thanked the other party and continued to speak.

"Thank you to the audience friends who have supported me for so many years. Here I also want to thank many seniors who have always protected me and taken care of me. I won't report names one by one, otherwise you will think that I am showing off. It is not good."

When the people in the audience heard it, they all laughed loudly.

Then An Mo went on to say: "Finally, I would like to thank those who have been supporting me all the time, sister Ling, thank you! I will continue to work hard in the future to bring you better roles, thank you!"

Huo Ling, who heard this speech in the background, had tears of excitement in his eyes.

The timid little girl has grown up.

Shi Lekang stood behind her and whispered in her ear: "She has found her family now, and someone who loves her has appeared. You can put down the burden and think about yourself."

Huo Ling, who was still immersed in emotion, gave him a supercilious look.

"Hey." Huo Ling didn't refute this time, Shi Lekang accepted it as soon as he saw it, but kept smiling.

Huo Ling blushed, and glared at him again, "Stop laughing."

"Roger that!"

On the other side, Wang Jun, who was working and secretly paying attention to the awards ceremony, jumped up from his seat after seeing the news that An Mo had won the award, and happily danced a short magical dance.

The partners who worked overtime together covered their eyes with their hands. The dance was a bit horrible.

"Cough, cough." The leader coughed twice. "Ah Jun, what's the matter?"

Wang Jun, who had already calmed down, blushed immediately when he thought of his behavior just now.

He blushed and explained embarrassingly: "I... An An won the Best Supporting Actress when she was nominated for the first time."

Leaders and other partners are full of puzzlement.


"Uh, it's Momo."

The leader immediately reacted, patted his leg and said, "I remembered, the Chang family's child is named An An, and she finally won the award, which is very good."

"However, Ah Jun, although he won the award, your work still needs to be completed."


Wang Jun immediately returned to his seat, typing on the keyboard quickly, trying to find out the criminal's trajectory.

An An won the award, the crew should celebrate it, he didn't want to miss such an important moment.

With a goal, his work efficiency increased rapidly, and he discovered something that he hadn't noticed before.

Looking at the results on the screen, Wang Jun shouted excitedly: "Leader!"

The leader immediately walked to him, "What's wrong?"

"The person who disrupted the airport surveillance and left the back door on the ticketing network is probably the same person."

"How to say?"

"Every hacker has his own unique habits in programming. You can see that this is the same as here... so it can be determined that they are all done by the same person."

"Very well, this should be a habitual offender. Based on the characteristics Ah Jun found out, we will check the unsolved cases over the years."

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes."

Seeing everyone working so actively, Wang Jun, who wanted to ask for leave, opened his mouth, but was embarrassed to say it.

Seeing his hesitation, the leader immediately waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, we can just leave the rest of the work to us."

A partner also said: "Yes, you can go, but can you help me get a signed photo of Wu Hao?"

"For my sister-in-law?"

"Isn't it? I've been working overtime recently, and I don't have time to accompany her. She just watched old movies on, and just saw Wu Hao's special episode on the website, and now she likes him."

Wang Jun immediately patted his heart and said, "Okay, no problem, the task must be completed."

Seeing that he was so forthright, the other partners followed suit.

"I want a signed photo of Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao."

"I want Liu Li's signature."

"An'an, your home..."

Wang Jun, who heard "Your home is safe", happily agreed to all the requests.

Afterwards, he immediately contacted Shilekang and told him to send the crew to Longteng to celebrate, and proudly said that he would cover all the expenses.

After answering the call, Shi Lekang slightly curled the corners of his mouth, and then sent the information to the crew's WeChat group.

Everyone who was still struggling at the scene, after seeing this message, secretly sent a two-finger victory sign.

After many awards that had nothing to do with the crew, everyone finally waited for the best newcomer award.

An Mo grabbed Liu Li's hand nervously, saying that he wanted to share his luck of winning the award with her.

Liu Li's heart was warm.

She had read it online before, and this year's newcomers are all capable, and a few of them are from professional classes, so the chance of her winning the award is not high.

But she still had little expectations.

The shortlist began to be played on the stage.

When Xue Yao saw Liu Li's name appearing on the big screen, she was also a little excited.

Liu Li's journey to stardom has reached another level.

 Sincerely thank you for your support, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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