Gold Assistant

Chapter 377 Give them titles

Chapter 377 Give them titles

Every time I took a big step before, I would unlock a large space, but recently, no matter whether it is the success of the TV series or the movie, I have not been able to unlock the next one.

This made Xue Yao a little confused, and really didn't understand the law of unblocking.

A clip of the finalists appeared on the screen, and when the award presenter opened the envelope to announce the winner, there was only that one person left on the screen.

It's a pity that that person is Gu Xuemin from "Delusion", not Liu Li.

When the camera of the live broadcast turned to Liu Li, although she was a little disappointed, she still smiled and clapped her hands.

Tao Chengxuan, who had just finished his work, saw this scene and received a message from Wang Jun that the crew would hold a celebration banquet in Longteng.

He packed up immediately and drove to Longteng to meet everyone.

Xue Yao and An Mo sat in the car, comforting Liu Li.

"Gu Xuemin has been making movies for two years, and she is the daughter of director Gu Deqi. This "Psychosis" was specially created for his daughter, so we are not wronged."

Liu Li smiled brightly, looked at the two of them steadily, and said slowly: "I know, I'm already very happy to be shortlisted, I'm not as fragile as you think."

Xue Yao and An Mo looked at her carefully, then glanced at each other, and stopped talking.

An Mo rushed over to hug her, and said with a smile, "It's okay, when we come back from our trip, we'll film Aunt Lin's "The Female President". "

"Well, I will definitely work hard." Liu Li nodded vigorously.

In order to change the subject, Xue Yao talked about what she had thought of before.

"I think the reason why Wenzi and Haozi don't have so many scandals is that they announced their relationship early.

So when media reporters report, in addition to the content of the TV series, it is how they distribute dog food. "

What Xue Yao said made Liu Li and An Mo's eyes widen.

"Often being entangled in gossip, although it will increase the exposure, but at the same time, it will also give people the feeling, why is this person again, so many things are always being hyped or not."

An Mo nodded, "Well, Aunt Lin reminded me before that we are still on the rise, too many scandals are not good. Even if we clarify quickly, these can easily become black spots."

"Sister, what do you mean... Do you want us to announce our relationship?" Liu Li touched the black pearl on his neck.

Originally, after the awards ceremony, they changed out of their dresses, and their jewelry should also be put away.

But she received a message from Tao Chengxuan, saying that she wanted to see how she looked wearing this necklace.

Seeing Liu Li's appearance, Xue Yao probably knew what she was thinking, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Brother Chengxuan and Brother Jun have done so many things, you should think about it and give them titles."

"Pfft." An Mo almost spit out all the water in his mouth.

Liu Li quickly wiped her face and clothes with a tissue.

"Sister Yao, what you said like that makes Lili and I feel like betrayals." An Mo blushed shyly and stomped her feet.

Liu Li also looked back at her a little bit dumbfounded.

"Hee hee, in fact, announcing it earlier will have a lot of benefits. Not only can it help you stop some rotten peach blossoms, but their identities can also bluff some people.

Moreover, the idol has a stable relationship partner, and fans will not make trouble because of standing on CP.

Wasn't there a popular niche who was wrongly CPed before?The girl who was wrongly stood up was really scolded unbearably at the beginning, and now the real girlfriend is also scolded all the time. "

Liu Li and An Mo also thought about it seriously, and it was true.

Some directors like to use actors and actresses to make hype because of the love of the film, and they only promote once after filming a film. If there are too many such things, it is not good for them.

At this time, they can confidently pull their boyfriends out to block the gun.

"Tell Brother Kang and Sister Ling about this in advance."

"Well, this must be discussed with them. After all, after the announcement, you may lose fans, and the rhythm of public opinion on the Internet must be well controlled."

When the three of them were discussing how to announce it would be better, Ah San had already driven the car to Longteng.

In order to avoid being followed by reporters, they left separately from the crew.

The celebration banquet this time is still in the form of a buffet.

After Liu Li got out of the car, she suddenly remembered something.

She held Xue Yao's hand worriedly, "Sister, you can't eat things made of wine this time."

Xue Yao thought of the last time Shi Li came to make trouble, she was afraid of wasting a drunk shrimp that flew over, her face immediately turned crimson.

She smiled shyly, "It was an accident last time."

An Mo smiled fox-eyedly, and hid behind Liu Li early jokingly said: "Actually, it doesn't matter. If sister Yao is drunk, just like last time, let Brother Ting carry her back."


"Hehehe." An Mo happily pulled Liu Li away.

Ah San watched silently, wondering if he should notify Brother Ting to come over?

Under the leadership of the staff, a group of people came to the place arranged by Wang Jun.

Because they were going separately, Ah San deliberately went around a few times, so they were the last to arrive.

Wang Jun stood straight at the door and waited, looking around from time to time.

When he saw An Mo, he immediately rushed up with bright eyes, grabbed her hand, didn't speak, just kept giggling.

Xue Yao covered her face, is this person's EQ high or low?

Seeing his stupidity, An Mo felt amused in his heart, but his face was deliberately stern and indifferent.

"Why are you holding your hands so tightly, silly."

Wang Jun grinned happily and said, "An'an, congratulations."

"Yeah." An Mo's eyes immediately filled with a smile, and he nodded vigorously.

Although she heard many people say congratulations after she won the award, for some reason, what Wang Jun said made her feel the happiest.

Xue Yao and Liu Li covered their mouths and snickered as they walked quickly inside, leaving room for them.

Just a familiar voice stopped them.


They turned their heads and saw that it was Tao Chengxuan who had arrived.

He looked a little embarrassed, his meticulous hair became messy, the tie around his neck was loose, and the sleeves of his suit were rolled up. He didn't have the usual shrewd and capable appearance at all.

It looked like he came here in a hurry.

Seeing him, Liu Li remembered what Zhan Minghui said, and her delicate face turned slightly red, very charming.

Tao Chengxuan was dumbfounded.

Seeing that both of them were still in a daze, Xue Yao chuckled lightly, and pushed Liu Li in front of Tao Chengxuan, "I'll leave Lili to you, take good care of her."

"Sister, don't worry." Tao Chengxuan held Liu Li's hand and said solemnly.

Xue Yao looked at the two people who were leaving, and thought to herself that the sentence "Sister" yelled very nicely.

Tao Chengxuan took Liu Li to a corner and sat down, looking at her carefully, his eyes were full of tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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