Gold Assistant

Chapter 394 Advertising Script

Chapter 394 Advertising Script
Doctor Lin smiled at Xue Yao.

"Xiaobai and Dongdong always said that they just ate the food you cooked, that's why their bodies recovered so quickly."

"Hee hee, you have won the prize."

When Xiaoxian finished checking and Xue Yao was about to leave, she saw Xiaobai, Zhang Dongdong, and Ah Si sitting on wicker chairs in the hall with small bags on their backs.

"Are you going back together?" Xue Yao was a little surprised.

Because the two of them bet on horses privately before, Ah Si was chased and killed. The male god said that he would punish him for a period of time.

But how many days have passed now?
Xiaobai pulled her, grinned and said, "Brother-in-law agreed."

"Yes, young lady, the young master agreed."

Zhang Dongdong also nodded, proving that what they said was true.

Xue Yao nodded, "Okay, then let's go back together."

Ling Yixin was stunned again when she heard Xiaobai's words about brother-in-law and Ah Si's young wife.

I didn't expect Xue Yao to get married at such a young age.

She secretly glanced at Xue Yao who was smiling happily, and she was a little curious about who the other party was.

On the way back, Xue Yao looked at her mobile phone and found that the case of the Lian family had already been resolved.

This is really efficient.

Children's Protection Association V: [Please pay attention to the methods of those criminals to avoid another tragedy. 】

The content described the behavior of the Lian couple. They used the abducted child to infiltrate the circle of children in the community, and let the parents relax their vigilance.

Through observation, choose the most suitable child to start with.

After getting the child, he cared about the victim's family as a friend and learned about the progress of the police investigation.

After finishing an order, not long after, they will move on the grounds that the location is not safe.

So they did so many cases and no one found out.

Xiao Yueyue was not the first child they used. The older ones were sold by them, and those who could not be resold were thrown to some organizations to beg for begging.

Seeing such content, Ling Yixin was filled with fear.

Because it is also described in the article that the children who were used before were all taken away when they were about 7 years old.

After all, 6 or 7 years old is the age to go to elementary school. If children are not allowed to go to school, it will attract the attention of others.

And Xiao Xian escaped this catastrophe because of malnutrition, so she looked relatively young.

After the scarf was released, many parents who lost their children left messages under the scarf, and posted photos of their children in the year they lost.

I just hope to get Xiaoxian's luck.

Looking at their speech, Ling Yixin's eyes were red.

"Oh, I wish I could help them."

Xue Yao didn't know what to say, so she hugged her hard.

Some suffering, people who have not experienced it, it is difficult to feel the kind of heart-pounding pain.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Li was reading a stack of printed scripts.

"Sister, this is the script for a public service advertisement."

Xue Yao took it and looked at it, and found that the script was exactly about the abduction of the child.

The general content is about parents who lost their children, looking for their children through various methods, and all kinds of bitterness encountered in it.In the end, the child was found, but this process is in the advertisement, but there are many elements of luck.

After reading it, Xue Yao frowned.

After the child was abducted, some parents did not collect information in a timely manner, which made it difficult to carry out follow-up work.

Take Xiaoxian as an example. If Ling Yixin hadn't taken her sister's hair back then, and provided her own blood to the police station for DNA filing, she wouldn't have been found so quickly this time.

Chen Kele said that it took a long time for the previous system to match national data.

But now that the system has been updated, the time has been greatly shortened.

Liu Li pointed to the script and said, "Although this commercial script is very touching, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell."

"Yeah, even though we found the child in the end, I still feel uncomfortable." An Mo also nodded aside.

Xue Yao pointed out the shortcomings of this script, "Because luck is too important in the process of finding the child, so people who read it will think that if they are unlucky, they will not be able to get it back. "

The two immediately responded: "Yes, yes, that's the feeling."

Then Liu Li frowned, a little worried.

They shoot public service advertisements in the hope of helping those in need. If it brings disappointment to people, it is better not to shoot this advertisement.

"So what to do? If the ad feels like that, will it hurt the hearts of the parents who have lost their children? Is it a blow?"

"Well, the original intention of this advertisement should be to let more people care about missing children and their families."

An Mo rolled his eyes smartly, "Can we suggest that they change the script, it's really not good to shoot like this."

Xue Yao thought for a while, picked up her phone and said, "Let's ask Brother Kang to ask."

It didn't take long for Shi Lekang to call back.

It turned out that the advertisement I wanted to shoot before was not this one.

It's just that Xiaoxian's matter has received so much attention, so the other party wondered if he could cooperate with this enthusiasm and let everyone pay attention to the matter of missing and caring for children.

The other party also thanked Xue Yao and the others for discovering the problem of the script. This is the first version that I came up with temporarily, so it is indeed not perfect.

"How about we think of a script? Isn't Sister Yao writing a novel? You can try to write it."

"No, the novel is not the same as the script, but..."

Xue Yao suddenly thought of someone.

The two turned into curious babies and asked, "But what?"

"We can ask Xia Xia to write."

"That's right! Why did you forget her? Let's go, let's go find her. Her old book has been finished, and she hasn't opened a new book. I don't know what I'm busy with."

Xue Yao immediately took out a box of newly made lotus flower smoked tea, and went to find Xia Tian together.

It took a while for the summer to open.

Everyone saw that her hair was disheveled and she looked like she hadn't woken up.

Xue Yao frowned, and said with some seriousness: "Xia Xia, you won't stay up late again, will you?"

"No... I didn't stay up late, I just didn't pay attention to the time, so I slept a little bit late, just a little bit." Xia Tian shrank his neck and drew a small distance with his hands.


Seeing that the distance she gestured with her hand became smaller and smaller because of their gaze, the three of them were a little speechless.

"Where's Sasha? Why didn't she supervise you?"

Min Shasha is an executor who goes to bed early and gets up early to keep her body healthy. If there is no special reason, she will definitely let Xia Tian rest early.

Especially since she has no novels or scripts to write right now.

"Sasha went to study, let's not talk about this spoiling topic, what do you guys want to do with me? What is this delicious?"

 Is the exam starting today?I wish you all the best! !
(End of this chapter)

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