Gold Assistant

Chapter 395 Food Documentary

Chapter 395 Food Documentary
It turns out that Min Shasha is not here, no wonder Xia Tian looks like this.

Xia Tian ignored everyone's gaze, and still put all his attention on the box on the table.

Everyone had nothing to do with her appearance, so they had no choice but to smile.

Xue Yao stated the purpose.

"The main reason is that after the advertisement is shot, it will give people the feeling of positive energy and hope."

Xia Tian held his chin and thought for a while, "I have also paid attention to the matter of Xiao Yueyue, but there are not many contents posted on the scarf, can you tell me the details?"

An Mo quickly told her the story.

"Well, I probably understand."

After Xia Tian finished listening, he turned his head and ran to wash up, then went to the kitchen to take out a bottle of milk, and drank it in big gulps.

After finishing these things, he ran into the bedroom without saying hello, started typing, and ignored them.

Xue Yao and the three immediately looked at each other.

An Mo said in a low voice, "Did Xia Xia do the ceremony before the codeword just now?"

Xue Yao and Liu Li covered their mouths and laughed.

They were afraid of disturbing Xia Tian, ​​so they left quietly.

Until they left, Xia Tian didn't stop his movements, as if they had never appeared before.

It was almost noon, Xue Yao remembered what Dr. Lin said, and was thinking about how to help Xiaoxian with diet therapy.

"Let's go find Sister Xin and Xiaoxian." Xue Yao suggested.

Both Liu Li and An Mo nodded.

Ling Yixin was a little surprised when she opened the door and saw them, she quickly let them in, and looked outside the door.I didn't find anyone else, so I asked carefully: "What's the matter? Are those people bothering you?"

Since last night, her mobile phone has been harassed by calls from inexplicable people, saying they want to visit her.

Finally, she turned off her mobile phone directly.

It didn't turn on the phone until after Xiaoxian checked her body.

I have multiple missed calls on my phone.

When she saw the landlord's phone number, she called back right away.

Only then did I know that there were many media reporters waiting downstairs in the house she rented.

For this reason, she is very grateful that Xue Yao let her live here in the apartment.

Otherwise, Xiaoxian will definitely be affected.

Xue Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry, the security measures here are very good, they can't get in."

Ling Yixin didn't really believe it. When they came back last night and this morning, they didn't see anyone at the reception.

There is not even a security guard. Is such a security job really good?
Seeing her doubts, Xue Yao explained to her carefully.

"We use smart security here. Only people with a card can enter and exit. This card is yours."

Xue Yao took out a new card that Ah Si had dug out and handed it to her.

"Thank you."

"By the way, come to our place for dinner today, and I'll cook something delicious for Xiaoxian."

After Xue Yao finished speaking, she squatted down and said to Ling Yixian who had been quietly hiding at Ling Yixin's feet, "Xiaoxian, go to sister Yao's place to eat delicious food, so that you can grow up quickly."

Before Xiaoxian responded, Ling Yixin refused: " too much trouble for you, I will actually do something."

There was a bit of guilt in her words when she spoke.

She usually orders takeaway, which is convenient and fast.When I have free time, I cook porridge with steamed buns at most, and spend most of the rest of my time studying or looking up missing persons information on the Internet.

She fell in love with Liu Li and An Mo when she was watching "Summer Palace Chronicle" and learning how to shoot, so she paid attention to their scarves.

Last night and this morning, she cooked porridge.

When Liu Li and the others were cleaning up, they brought some fresh ingredients and rice noodles over.Otherwise, she really doesn't know where to buy it.

Originally wanted to order takeaway, but was afraid of exposing the location here.

So she decided to cook porridge, maybe because she hadn't cooked it for a long time, and she was thinking about it, but the porridge was overcooked.

She didn't know it at first, but after cooking, she immediately fed it to Xiaoxian, worrying that she would be hungry.

Xiaoxian is very obedient, she eats whatever is given to her, she doesn't pick at all, and she doesn't see anything unusual.

It wasn't until she started drinking the porridge herself that she realized the burnt smell in the porridge.

She immediately asked Xiaoxian, the porridge is not good, why do you want to finish it?
Xiaoxian said that it was better than before, and that if she didn't eat it, she would have nothing to eat.

Hearing this, Ling Yixin felt very distressed, hugged Xiaoxian and burst into tears.

The reason why my sister is malnourished is because the couple didn't want her to grow up so fast, so they controlled her diet.

Looking at her younger sister's thin body, and thinking that she was always hungry before, Ling Yixin decided to make her younger sister fat.

Just my cooking skills...

No matter, learn first, learn.

Last night, she hugged Xiaoxian, opened Xue Yao's scarf, and the two sisters watched the previous cooking videos together.

But after watching it for a while, she suffered from an occupational disease.

I don't think the lighting here is good, but the camera shakes a bit. If it weren't for the fact that the ingredients and dishes are really good, these videos should not be so popular.

When watching it before, she didn't seem to notice so many problems, but now she actually thinks that if she is allowed to shoot, there will be better results.

Is this because of a change in mood after finding my sister?

Ling Yixin looked down at the child in her arms, and asked softly, "Xiaoxian, what you just watched, is there anything you want to eat?"

Xiaoxian raised her head to look at her, and asked in a low voice, "Can I talk?"

"of course can!"

"That pink one."

"Pink?" Ling Yixin immediately turned back in the scarf.

"This, this." Xiaoxian pointed to the video of the lotus root powder osmanthus cake with her little finger.

Even this? !Ling Yixin has a headache, this seems to be quite difficult.

Just looking at Shang Xiaoxian with hope, Ling Yixin made up her mind to let her sister eat lotus root flour sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"My sister doesn't know how to make it yet, but when I learn it, I will make it for Xiaoxian, okay?"

"En." Although a little disappointed, Xiaoxian nodded obediently.

Seeing my sister's appearance, it seems that making pastries or something is not difficult.

After checking tomorrow, go buy materials!

Xue Yao poked her with her finger, and Ling Yixin, who was lost in memory, said, "Sister Xin, what's wrong?"

Only then did Ling Yixin come to her senses.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now, Xiaoyao, we can't always bother you to cook, it will be inconvenient for you, I don't know, can you teach me how to cook?"

"Of course you can."

"Thank you. In return, I'll help you take those videos of cooking. The previous videos are not to say that the shooting is not good, but if the lighting is good and the focal length of the lens is adjusted, the effect will be better."

After she finished speaking, she sighed and murmured: "Those previous videos are a pity. If they are handled well, they may even be made into a documentary."

After Xue Yao heard her words, a gleam of light flashed across her eyes.

Isn't the food documentary just like "A Bite of China" which is praised by people in another world?

Although it can't reach that height, after it is done, it can be put on to increase a little traffic.

(End of this chapter)

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