Gold Assistant

Chapter 412 Did you fall in love with him?

Chapter 412 Did you fall in love with him?

Seeing the comments from netizens, Xue Yao felt very sad.

In the past, every time they saw a newly uploaded video, they would say yes, and they wanted to eat it very much. They never mentioned the problem of shooting technology.

she didn't see~
Now it's so picky!

So angry!
She is considering whether to give up re-shooting the previous video.

After the memory came back, Xue Yao no longer worried about gains and losses, and felt that her whole body was much brighter.

Then she went back and looked at the videos she had taken before, but she didn't expect that the more she watched, the more unpleasant she felt.

Looking at Ling Yixin's photo again, she couldn't help covering her eyes, making it difficult for the fans.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison!

Let's find some time and make up for it all.

Then she silently deleted the previous videos, these are black history.

The next day, Liu Li and An Mo were in the living room, learning foreign language situational conversations, while Xue Yao was typing in the room.

At this time, she received a call from Ah Si.

"Young Madam, I have already brought him back."

"Now arrange him to live in 202 next door to us."

"He really doesn't have many things, but fortunately our apartment is well-equipped."

"But..." Ah Si suddenly hesitated.

"But what?"

Ah Si glanced at Jiang Lizhi who was tidying up, quietly walked aside, covered the phone and whispered, "When I went to pick him up just now, I saw a group of vicious people from afar."

"I vaguely heard that they wanted to trouble Jiang Lizhi."

"Young Madam, did Jiang Lizhi cause any trouble?"

Xue Yao heard a hint of excitement from Ah Si's words, not worry.

"It's something, I'll tell you later, I'll go down and have a look later, and then we'll go to the office to find Brother Tao."


Ah Si's disappointed voice came from the other end of the phone.

When Ah Si was on the phone, Jiang Lizhi took a closer look at the place where he was going to live in the future.

Washing machines, refrigerators, network cables, etc., all the electrical appliances needed by homeowners are available, and the room is bright and has a wide view.

Most importantly, no rent!

Seeing this, Jiang Lizhi couldn't help thinking, why is Sister Xue treating him so well?
He thought of the girl Morisa he had a crush on before.

He couldn't help but contact her again last night, wanting to ask how she was doing.

As a bystander, she was dealt with like this by Professor Dai. As a victim, she didn't know what would happen.

It's just that no matter how he contacted, the other party didn't reply.

In the end, it was her friend who said that she had joined the crew introduced by Professor Dai.

Tell Jiang Lizhi not to look for her again.

Give her peace of mind.

This hit him very hard.

After comparing the two, Xue Yao's kindness to him is even more prominent.

Is there any reason for a girl to be so nice to a boy?

Could it be because he saved a different world in his dream the night before yesterday?


After meeting Sister Xue, she has always been very kind to herself.

So he had an unspeakable guess.

Sister Xue couldn't be... Falling in love with him, right?

If so, should he consider it?

But this fantasy was quickly shattered by Ah Si.

"Well, Mr. Jiang..."

"Mr. Chen, you can just ask me to be determined."

Originally, Jiang Lizhi wanted to call him Xiaozhi, but Ah Si seemed younger than him, so he changed his name.

"Haha, then don't call me Mr. Chen, just call me Ah Si."

Ah Da smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"By the way, we live next door. If you need anything, just shout."

Then Ah Si took out his mobile phone and said, "Let's add a WeChat, it will be more convenient."

"Okay." Ah Si's enthusiasm relieved Jiang Lizhi's tension due to the new environment.

After adding WeChat, Ah Si suddenly approached mysteriously and asked, "You know how to cook, right?"

When he was helping to move just now, he found that Jiang Lizhi didn't take many things with him, but he didn't leave any of the utensils in the kitchen, and took them all away together.

Moreover, every tool has traces of use, but it is cleaned very cleanly, and it can be seen that it is well maintained.

He had heard Master Yu say before that a good cook would cherish his kitchen tools very much.

"I know some home cooking, not as good as Sister Xue."

"That's great, how about I partner with you in the future?"

Ah Si grinned and kept talking.

"The ingredients are provided by me. You just need to cook more when cooking, okay? Please!"

Jiang Lizhi didn't think it would be troublesome to cook for one more person, but he suddenly remembered that what Sister Xue said last night was food and lodging.

"Working here doesn't include room and board?"

"I made a mistake. Food and housing are included. But there are too many of us, and everyone's working hours are different, so we finally decided to take money every month and start our own business."

"So that's the case."

Jiang Lizhi thought for a while, if Ah Si provided the ingredients, he would be able to save on food expenses.

"Okay, let's have dinner together from today on."

"Hee hee, I'll bring the ingredients first."

"I'll go over and get it for you."

Ah Si quickly refused, "Later, the young lady will take you to the office, you should change your clothes first and tidy up."

"Young Madam?"

Does anyone still use this name?It must be used by rich people.

"Well, it's the sister Xue you mentioned."

What?Is sister Xue already married? !

Jiang Lizhi couldn't help but feel ashamed of what he thought just now, it was so ridiculous!

At this time Xue Yao came to the second floor.

The door of 202 was directly open, and she walked through it.

I saw Jiang Lizhi stunned in the room.

"Xiao Zhi, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the voice, Jiang Lizhi quickly raised his head and looked towards the door.

A beautiful and delicate person stood there, looking at him with a smile like a flower.

Huh?The voice clearly belonged to Sister Xue, but it was Liu Li.

No, although they look very similar, they are still different from Liu Li.

A thought flooded into his mind, "You... are you sister Xue?"

When he came into contact with Xue Yao in the past, she was always wearing a mask or a baseball cap, so she couldn't see clearly.

Even the video of cooking is only taken from the neck down, never the face.

Suddenly a piece of news about flashed through his mind.

He was busy at that time, so he didn't look at it carefully. He only remembered that the CEO of was photographed, and he looked very similar to Liu Li.

Is it?

Xue Yao smiled and nodded, "Yes, I'm Xue Yao. I didn't show my face much to avoid trouble before."

"On behalf of Brother Ting and everyone in the studio, you are welcome to join."

She reached out to shake Jiang Lizhi's hand.

Jiang Lizhi quickly wiped his hands on his trousers before lifting up to shake hands with her.

"It's my pleasure."

"Young Madam, you are here." Ah Si walked over from 201 with a big bag of things in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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