Gold Assistant

Chapter 413 Project Proposal

Chapter 413 Project Proposal

Hearing this young lady, Jiang Lizhi felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Such an outstanding person belongs to others.

"Xiaozhi, how are you preparing? I'll take you to meet my colleagues now, they are all easy to get along with."

"Okay, I'm ready."

Ah Si said from the side: "Change clothes, moving is dirty, change clothes first."

Xue Yao was a little puzzled, "Si, why did you ask Xiaozhi to change clothes?"

"You guys are going to see Brother Tao later, he has the same obsession with cleanliness as Second Brother."

"Huh?" Xue Yao really didn't pay much attention to this matter.

Suddenly she remembered that the last time she cooked too much fried chicken, when she delivered food to them, she came over wearing an apron, which still had some oil stains on it.

At that time, He Botao's complexion was very bad. She thought it was because the task was too difficult, and later sent food to her several times.

It's just that He Botao's face became more and more ugly.

For this reason, she specifically asked Su Tong what was going on.

While eating, Su Tong smiled and said that the task was indeed a bit heavy, but she smiled secretly again in a blink of an eye.

Xue Yao was a little confused.

Now that Ah Si said it, she understood where the problem was.

Xue Yao sized up Jiang Lizhi, and sure enough, he was a little dirty because of moving.

"Xiaozhi go wash up first and change clothes."

He Botao will be his direct supervisor, first impression is still very important.


Jiang Lizhi took out clean clothes from the suitcase, changed quickly in the bathroom, and washed his face.

Ah Si put the things into the kitchen, and Xue Yao followed to see.

He found that the kitchen had already placed all the tools, but he didn't expect Jiang Lizhi to clean up the kitchen first.

Usually the bedrooms are cleaned up first, right?

"Si, why did you bring so many things here?"

"Li Zhi knows how to cook! I will eat with him in the future."


After Xue Yao heard it, she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure it out.

She didn't notice that Ah Si said "I", not "we", and Ah San was "forgotten" by him again.

After Jiang Lizhi changed his clothes, Xue Yao took him to the fourth floor to find He Botao.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I could see that in the transparent glass wall, everyone in the office was very busy.

Xue Yao finds He Botao who is busy dealing with things.

"Brother Tao, this is Jiang Lizhi, a newcomer here to help."

He Botao raised his head and looked at Jiang Lizhi from the beginning to the end. There was no problem, so he stood up and stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "You are welcome to join."

"Thank you."

"By the way, you were the one who helped Xiaoyao do the post-processing of those videos before?"

Jiang Lizhi froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.


"It just so happens that we have a new plan here, and we just need to use your technology. Let's see, can we start working right away?"

He Botao handed over the proposal to Jiang Lizhi.

Xue Yao also leaned over to take a look.

Since only has acquired movies, after a long time, people who like to watch movies will finish watching them soon.Now other film and television companies have also begun to imitate their websites, although there is no way to compare the fluency.

But the benefits are still considerable.

In this way, the other company is unwilling to provide them with the film.

If it goes on like this for a long time, if there are no new videos, even if the website technology is good, the popularity will soon be lost.

After the public relations team discovered this problem, they immediately notified Shilekang and held a meeting to discuss it.

Later, Su Tong got inspiration from the video posted by Xue Yao, and suggested that many people post the videos they made to share on the scarf.

They wondered if could also become a platform for everyone to publish videos, and then they would pay everyone according to the click-through rate.

In this way, attracting everyone to come and post videos, has changed from a film and television platform with only output to a platform with input and interaction.

The reason why bibs are so popular is that the platform provides a channel to show themselves and interact with strangers.

If the popularity is high, advertisers will continue to place advertisements.

It can be said to be a win-win situation. needs an opportunity to do this.

Su Tong suggested that Xue Yao could be invited to bring over the video teaching everyone how to cook.

But after discussion, everyone felt that this was not enough.

Later, someone suggested that a video program that asks people to do a movie review can be published once a week. This type of program is very popular on TV, and there are many such videos on the scarf.

So there was this plan.

After Xue Yao read the content of the project proposal, she couldn't help secretly praising that the studio is full of talents.

In the previous big world, she saw the business model of those film and television websites, and that's how it was.

"At that time, the video of our trip will also be directly placed in Youying Internet Cafe, and the teaser section will be displayed on the bib."

"This method is good!"

Only in this way, Jiang Lizhi's workload increased.

Xue Yao said worriedly: "Xiao Zhi, can you hold on like this?"

Jiang Lizhi originally thought that after taking this job, he would not be able to do the things he likes for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be different from what he thought now.

"If I'm only in charge of editing and editing, and someone else handles the content of the review, one issue per week is not a problem.

In addition, if Sister Xue's food video is still a master who helped to shoot these two times, then I can still handle it. "

"No problem. At that time, our travel video will also be shot by Sister Xin."

"Sister Xin? Is that videographer a woman?"

"Oh, yes."

Jiang Lizhi didn't expect that the person with such superb skills was actually a woman.

There is also the planning proposal in hand, which is also well-organized, so that people can know what they are talking about at a glance, unlike some company's planning, which is confusing.

It seems that this is a pragmatic studio, and the people here are not simple!
He feels really lucky!

After explaining everything, Xue Yao returned to 602.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiaonan, who had been away for many days, also came back.

"Xiao Nan is back."

"Well, Sister Yao, this is my birthday present to you. I was supposed to come back yesterday, but something happened, so it was a day late. Please don't mind."

"How come, thank you."

An Mo, who was on the side, saw that Xue Yao was smiling when she entered the room just now, and she seemed to be in a good mood, so she asked curiously what she was doing.

Xue Yao explained about Jiang Lizhi.

An Mo and Shi Xiaonan were very angry when they heard about Professor Dai and that girl, and they also sighed for that girl's behavior.

But when Liu Li heard it, his face became a little ugly, and he turned pale for a while.

After hearing about Jiang Lizhi's visit to the studio, An Mo sighed and said, "Xiao Zhi is a good person."

Xue Yao noticed that Liu Li's expression was not right, and the brows were full of sorrow.

She hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with Lili? Is there something uncomfortable?"

 Love you guys, thanks for the support!
(End of this chapter)

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