Gold Assistant

Chapter 419 Are You Afraid Of Offending Us?

Chapter 419 Are You Afraid Of Offending Us?
Mother Gu packed her things in a panic, pulled her daughter up and ran outside.

But Gu Ruoyu was unwilling.

She shook off Gu's mother's hand, stood where she was, and said angrily, "Mom, I still have to audition!"

"It's good to be like rain, this advertisement won't produce any good results." After speaking, she pointed to Liu Li and An Mo who were watching the excitement at the door.

"Look at them, they are all so disheveled, completely inconsistent with your previous image. Fans may lose fans when they see it."

Gu Ruoyu thought for a while, cast a disdainful glance at Xue Yao and the others, and stared at Xiaoxian before leaving with Gu's mother.

Xiaoxian's face was full of innocence and confusion.

Ling Yixin hurriedly comforted her, fearing that she would be more lively after so much effort, leaving a psychological shadow on her.

At this time, no one noticed that Xue Yao had pasted a bad luck talisman on Gu's mother when she left.

Xue Yao is an adult and cannot argue with little girls.

But it doesn't mean that she will let go of Gu's mother who is also an adult. When children have not established their own worldview, many behaviors are imitating their parents.

It was the first time for An Mo to be despised by a little girl like this, and he didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"Isn't Gu Ruoyu afraid of offending us? We have good resources and contacts, so we can send word to block her."

Liu Li smiled and nodded her forehead, and said, "Can you?"

An Mo pouted and said, "I really don't know, but how does she know?"

"Before so many people hacked us, and others didn't see what we did, that's why they weren't afraid of us, right?"

An Mo hurriedly said, "Who said that! Those people..."

Xue Yao dragged An Mo, who was still talking, to the shooting scene.

"Let's go to the director first."

"Oh, let's go then."

Just now Xue Yao happened to see the screen on Gu's mother's phone, and that interface was the bib editing area she was very familiar with.

It can be seen that if Gu Ruoyu hadn't yelled, Mother Gu would have sent something out at that time.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, they should do what Liu Li said, and take the lead.

Get the styling out.

On the way, An Mo continued talking about the topic just now.

"Who said that the people who hacked us have nothing? Let me calculate it for you."

She counted on her fingers.

"Let's talk about the distance first, that Hou Zhenzhen is still locked up in the drug rehabilitation center, and after she finishes her drug addiction, she will continue to be locked up in the prison for 7 or 8 years.

Then there are the Zhang family and his wife. Except for Huanxin's investment, not many people want to contact their company.

Then came Duan Zhenyong. If the case hadn't been reviewed, he would have been sentenced to death a long time ago.

And Yu Yitong, because of the death of that important figure in country M, she has now been handed over to the police officers of country M.

In addition, those sailors knocked down several studios, and the website was also shut down last time... Starlight is gone. "

An Mo counted out all the people who had hacked them in the past six months like counting Jiazhen.

When she was about to arrive at the shooting site, she said again: "Also, also, the few media outlets that recently reported that we were trapped have also collapsed."

Xue Yao really didn't calculate it carefully, they had conflicts with so many people during this period of time.

Fortunately, all resolved one by one.

This reminded her of Song Kai, the manager who persecuted Liu Li when she first came to this world.

Since he disappeared from the dead Shi Cheng, there has been no news of him.

Jian Le'an once went to the prison to find Shi Li, and wanted to ask her about Song Kai, but the information she provided was useless.

It stands to reason that Shi Cheng died at Song Kai's hands. She loves her brother so much, so she probably wouldn't try to protect Song Kai.

"Have you changed your clothes?"

After the director saw the looks of An Mo and Liu Li, the restlessness caused by Gu Ruoyu's mother and daughter was swept away.

"Yes, director, do you think our look is okay?"

"Yes, yes." The director nodded in satisfaction.

An Mo asked again: "Then shall we start now?"

Because An Mo has been in the film crew since she was a child, she usually comes forward to talk about this kind of negotiation, as long as Shi Lekang or Huo Ling are not around.

This has become a tacit understanding between them.

In fact, this is also because they are not popular enough.

If they are popular enough, the staff will come to ask them if they have any needs. This is the reality in the circle.

Although An Mo won the Best Supporting Actress, with her qualifications in the entertainment industry, she should have won it long ago.

It's just that I was delayed by Starlight before.

Therefore, the Best Supporting Actress set off a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet, and soon disappeared.

In addition, they have no new works after the award ceremony, so some people think that they have no market.

This may be one of the reasons why the mother and daughter of the Gu family are not afraid of them.

The director glanced in the direction of the dressing room.

"Wait a little longer, and start after Gu Ruoyu's audition."

"Uh...she seems to have left just now." An Mo said in a low voice.

"Gone?! Why didn't they even say hello?"

The director frowned in dissatisfaction.

At this time, the stylist and makeup artist came together.

The director asked, "What's the matter with Gu Ruoyu? Didn't she say she was going to audition with makeup?"

The young and beautiful makeup artist immediately ran to the director, hugged his arm, and smiled coquettishly.

Then she gloated and said, "Honey, that Gu Ruoyu's face is going to rot."

Xue Yao and the others were all surprised.

These two are husband and wife?

The bearded director and the pretty make-up artist stood together, creating a feeling of Beauty and the Beast.

The age difference between them seems to be a bit too much, the director conservatively estimated that it is 50, right?Makeup artists look up to 25.

I don't know if their expressions were too surprised, so the makeup artist turned to look at them with a smile.

"Why do you have such expressions? The director is my husband. Is this surprising? There are many couples like us in the industry."

Xue Yao and the others quickly waved their hands and said, "" But their eyes were still involuntary, moving back and forth between the director and the makeup artist.

The make-up artist seemed to have thought of the crux of the problem, she immediately grabbed the director's beard, and growled: "It's all you, with such a big beard, everyone thought I found an uncle, who was only 30 years old , just make it so old-fashioned!"

what? !

The director is only 30 years old?

That's too amazing, I became the director of China Television's public service advertisements when I was only [-], isn't it younger?

This can be said to be a special case in CTV, which values ​​qualifications very much.

No wonder he has such a big beard.

After all, it will look more mature and domineering.

The director smiled awkwardly, "Ahem, this is the only way to scare people. Since Gu Ruoyu is gone, let's shoot the adult part first."

He turned his head and informed the field manager to start preparations.

"Just wait a little longer."

 Dragon Boat Festival Ankang!It's also the third watch.

(End of this chapter)

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