Gold Assistant

Chapter 420 Doors and Windows

Chapter 420 Doors and Windows

Taking advantage of this gap, An Mo stepped forward and asked cautiously, "Director, can we post the current look on the scarf?"

Before the director could react, the makeup artist asked curiously.

"Why? This shape is not good-looking, aren't you afraid of falling fans?"

Xue Yao hurried forward to explain what she saw just now.

"I'm worried that Gu Ruoyu's mother doesn't know what she wants to do, and it won't be good if it affects the advertisement. After thinking about it, the only thing I can think of is that the shape is not good-looking, and there may be some topics."

The director and makeup artist were silent.

After a while, the director said: "Actually, there is nothing to keep secret about this look. If you don't mind damaging your image, then post it."

"Thank you Director."

Liu Li and An Mo hurriedly stood together, put their hands next to their faces for comparison, and took a selfie.


After taking a look at the photos, there was nothing wrong with them, so they were ready to send them out together.

At this time, the makeup artist suddenly said, "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Xue Yao and the three of them raised their heads in doubt.

"Aren't you going to fix the picture?"

"No need, we didn't retouch the pictures we posted before, unless we took pictures of others, we would post them."

The make-up artist and the staff present all showed incredible expressions when they heard it.

Are there people who don't retouch pictures these days?

"This is not enough, you can take some photos with everyone. If that woman is really going to do something bad, and you confuse it like this, you may say that you deliberately leaked the information of the advertisement for hype."

A friend of the makeup artist once worked with Gu Ruoyu.

At that time, the friend posted a photo of wearing a costume and eating boxed lunch on the set.

She didn't expect to be blackmailed with rhythm, saying that she exposed the costume without the permission of the crew, deliberately hyping it up.

In fact, that costume was worn in the set photo, and her friend only properly exposed her daily life in the crew according to the requirements of the contract, so that the filmed drama always appeared in everyone's sight.

Her friend was hacked badly that time.

At that time, they thought for a long time, but they didn't find out who was behind it.

It wasn't until later that I saw a draft saying that Gu Ruoyu didn't even allow her mother to go to the set because of the secrecy of the set.

At this time, the makeup artist and her friends guessed that Gu Ruoyu had something to do with the black people.

After Xue Yao and the others were reminded, they quickly said to the staff: "Please everyone, let's take a little time, shall we take a photo?"

"No trouble." The staff at the scene agreed with a smile.

Soon the staff stood with Liu Li and the others waiting to take pictures.

When Xue Yao picked up her mobile phone and was about to take pictures, she was stopped by Ling Yixin.

"Sister Xin, what's the matter?"

"I'll take pictures."

The expression on Ling Yixin's face clearly said 'I don't believe in your fifty-cent skills'.

This made Xue Yao very hurt.

But she still took a step back helplessly and gave up her position to Ling Yixin.

Xiaobai hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her, "Sister, it's okay, God has closed a door for you, and will open a window for you at the same time. Although your photography skills are not good, your cooking is better than Sister Xin's."

Xiaobai's consolation made Xue Yao feel embarrassed.

Many of the beautiful photos of Lili and Momo in the past were taken by her!
After Zhang Dongdong heard this, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

The doors and windows of God are what Xue Yao said when comforting Xiao Bai.

After inviting Teacher Lu to teach them the basic knowledge, everyone discovered that the clever Xiaobai has no idea about Chinese reading and analysis.

Especially in classical Chinese, Xiaobai can recognize the characters in it.

But after writing them together into an article, it is impossible to analyze what emotions those authors want to express.

Knowing this, Xue Yao rubbed Xiaobai's head and said that he is the head of a science student, so his perceptual thinking will be relatively weak.

Then he talked about the doors and windows, and asked Xiaobai not to care about it.

Xiaoxian saw Dongdong smile, although she didn't quite understand, but she also curled the corners of her mouth, looking very cute.

This scene was seen by the director who had just finished filming.

He once again wanted Xiaoxian to shoot this advertisement, and he pulled the makeup artist aside, wanting her to help.

"Why don't you go by yourself? Only when you invite yourself will you show importance."

The director smiled helplessly without making a sound, and the only eyes that could see the emotion narrowed.

But this expression, only the makeup artist can see what it means.

When other staff members passed by and saw the director, they all thought he was angry and disliked everyone for moving too slowly.

They hastened their movements quickly.

The makeup artist noticed the change in the staff and didn't bother to reveal it. She suppressed a smile and asked again: "Why don't you go by yourself?"

"You forgot that last time in the park, a child fell down. I wanted to go up to help him, but when he saw me, he cried out in fright. Everyone thought I was a human trafficker and was chased and beaten by them, right? "

"Puchi, I remembered, it's not your beard."

Thinking of this past event, the make-up artist bent over laughingly hugging her stomach.

"Don't laugh, I heard people from the Children's Protection Association say that the little girl was kidnapped by traffickers, so asking her to shoot this advertisement may make her feel uncomfortable..."

The makeup artist quickly interrupted him, "Then you still let other children take pictures? What a terrible thing is the shadow of childhood."

"Hey, isn't there no one to choose? I just received a call that the little actor who was booked before didn't recover so quickly.

You also know that our commercial is in a hurry, otherwise I wouldn't ask her to help, do you really think my heart is made of iron? "

"It's made of iron." The makeup artist made a grimace, and then she said, "I'll help you to ask, there is no guarantee of success."

The director immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, my wife."


While the two were discussing, Xue Yao and the others had already uploaded all the photos they had just taken to the bib and released them.

Liu Li V/An Mo V: [Hee hee, after looking at the photos just now, are you all impatient now, want to know what our advertisement looks like this time?Don't worry, clang clang clang!Everyone take a look. (Nine Palaces)]

In addition to their selfies at the beginning, there are also photos with the staff in the photos.

Some even made weird expressions and movements.

[Coke without ice: Oh my god, this... what kind of shape is this, but I, Moli, are still beautiful. ]
[Bamboo forest at the door: A person with a good foundation is pleasing to the eye no matter how ugly he is. ]
[Pricking salt: The skin color on the hand is too different from the face, it will be worn out. I originally wanted to give 100 points to the young lady's makeup skills, but now I can only give 80 points. ]

After Xue Yao reposted the scarves of the two, she began to read everyone's comments, and notified He Botao to pay attention to the public opinion on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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