Gold Assistant

Chapter 421 Discussing a matter

Chapter 421 Discussing a matter
It's just that when Xue Yao saw the fact that skin color can be worn, she immediately reacted.

That's right, not only the hands, but also the skin color on the neck is different, so it will be very interesting to shoot.

She quickly ran to the director and told him about it, and apologized to him, "Director, I'm sorry, I didn't notice this problem just now, I will help them touch up their makeup right now, and it will be fine in 10 minutes."

"Uh, we didn't notice this either, it's okay, you can make it up."


Xue Yao took Liu Li and An Mo back to the dressing room, and added the same color as the face to the neck and hands that would be exposed.

Because it's not the face, it doesn't need too detailed makeup, and it's done quickly.

Back at the scene, Liu Li and An Mo went to the director, asked him to check the makeup, and discussed the content to be filmed later.

They chose Xia Tian's script and only made minor adjustments. The script was sent back a few days ago, so Liu Li and the others are still very familiar with the content.

Xue Yao hurriedly asked Ling Yixin to take another photo and posted it with her own account.

My goddess is awesome V: [Aite needle salt, thank you for your reminder, I have already added makeup on other positions.In order to thank you for your reminder, we decided to send you a sauced duck as a thank you gift. Please send me your address in a private message. (photo)】

The sauced duck is made from the meat of the previous little fat duck.

Because even if Xue Yao worked hard to make different duck dishes, there was still a lot of meat left in that little fat duck.

Although the freshness preservation function of the space is very good, she always feels that it is not good to store it for a long time.

So at Chen Ting's suggestion, it was made into a sauced duck, so that it could be sold to the Special Forces.

[Coke without ice: Aite needle salt, I am so envious of you.I saw it just now, but why didn't I bring it up!Otherwise, the sauced duck would be mine, after all, the sofa I commented on is mine. ]
[Yichacha: Ait needle salt, envy +1. ]
[Bamboo forest at the door: Aite needle salt, jealousy has caused my gene to mutate. ]

[Acupoint Salt: You are all right!Don't hit me all, my phone keeps ringing. ]
[Coke without ice: Hehe, you have delicious sauced duck, why don't we be envious and jealous?I just want Aite you, Aite Zha Salt. ]
[Fanfan: I just want Aite to inject salt. ]
[Acupuncture Salt: Everyone, please be merciful, my cell phone has run out of battery. ]
Seeing this situation, Xue Yao held back a smile and hurriedly sent out a new scarf, saying that she would let everyone forward this scarf, and she would draw a lottery from it to give everyone a sauced duck, so that everyone would miss the needle salt.

Only then did the fans change the content of Aite's needle salt to draw me, begging to win the sauce duck and forward it.

When Liu Li and An Mo were about to start filming.

The makeup artist walked over with a smile on her face.

"Hello, I haven't introduced myself yet."

She reached out her hand to Xue Yao and Ling Yixin, and said, "My name is Zhu Shan, the director is my husband, and his name is Gu Hengliang."

Xue Yao and Ling Yixin also shook hands with her with a smile and introduced themselves.

An Mo said before that the director looked fierce, but he made her feel good, and the makeup artist felt even better.

It is estimated that the director deducted points for his appearance.

Seeing that Zhu Shan was looking at Xiaoxian next to her, Xue Yao called Xiaobai and the others over and said her name.

Zhu Shan knelt down and shook hands with Xiao Xian and the others, which made Xiao Bai laugh and call out sister Shan.

Xue Yao and Ling Yixin looked at each other and smiled.

They all felt that Zhu Shan was a person worth knowing.

"Actually, I came here to discuss something with you." Zhu Shan didn't hide anything, but said her purpose generously.

"Please say."

Zhu Shan glanced at Xiao Xian again.

Xue Yao, who has been looking at her, probably guessed what happened.

It was exactly as she expected.

Zhu Shan stared at Ling Yixin with sincerity in her eyes.

"We want to ask Xiaoxian to help with this advertisement."

This request made Ling Yixin stunned for a moment, and it took her a while to react, and she directly refused. "Xiaoxian may not be suitable, she has no experience in this field."

"Actually, she just needs to perform in her true colors."

Ling Yixin still shook her head, with tears in her eyes, she said with a choked voice: "You may not know that Xiaoxian was kidnapped before, and she only came back to me during this time.

I am afraid that if she is allowed to re-experience the abduction during filming, it may have an impact on her psychology. "

Thinking of Xiaoxian's past suffering, tears flowed down Ling Yixin's eyes slowly.

Xiao Xian, who was watching the filming, found her sister crying and ran over quickly.

She pulled Ling Yixin's trousers with her small hands, raised her little head, and said softly, "Sister, don't cry, I will be obedient."

Xue Yao gently hugged Xiaoxian, smiled and said to her: "Your sister is just a little touched, she shed tears, it's not Xiaoxian's fault."

Xiaoxian looked at Ling Yixin and Zhu Shan in disbelief.

Zhu Shan hurriedly handed over the tissue.

After Ling Yixin took the tissue, she said thank you softly.

After wiping her face, she immediately said to Xiaoxian: "Yes, my sister was moved to tears, not sad, Xiaoxian don't need to worry."

"Why are you moved?"

Xiaoxian looked at them with big curious eyes.

"Huh?" Ling Yixin didn't know what to say, so she immediately asked Xue Yao for help.

Xue Yao pointed to Liu Li and An Mo who were filming.

"Look, Sister Li and Sister Mo are filming this advertisement to help many children like Xiaoxian who were taken away by bad guys and left their parents."

Xiaoxian nodded like a chicken pecking rice, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well, I know, Brother Dongdong told me this story.

In the end, Sister Mo used great skills to help Sister Li find her family, just like I found my sister! "

What she said was very fluent and logical.

Everyone was stunned.

Ling Yixin kept cheering in her heart, her sister is so smart!
Zhu Shan hurriedly pulled Ling Yixin aside and said: "Actually, shooting this commercial should not make her recall the pain, but it will make her come out."

"Oh, how do you say it?" These words aroused Ling Yixin's curiosity.

Although she has been treated by Dr. Saint Laurent Lin, Xiaoxian now looks no different from an ordinary child.

But sometimes she is sensible and makes people sad.

Just like just now, she was obviously the one who shed tears, but Xiaoxian took the responsibility on herself.

Zhu Shan smiled and said: "You also heard what she said just now, she found her sister! This proves that she has gradually come out.

Whether you like it or not, this incident will remain in her memory, which cannot be erased.

In the advertisement, she can experience being abducted in a short period of time, and then see rescued with her own eyes, which is equivalent to a simple spiritual treatment. "

After hearing this, Ling Yixin remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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