Gold Assistant

Chapter 461

Chapter 461
Shi Xiaonan, who had been paying attention to Roy, couldn't help asking, "Aren't you a music student? Why did you join the company? I heard that your sister has always been in charge of your company?"

After she finished asking, her face turned red.

Why does she care so much about other people's housework?

Sure enough, after listening to her words, everyone used various methods to hide the smiles on their faces.

"I... I saw it in a magazine."

"Well, we understand." Everyone nodded tacitly.

"Really." Shi Xiaonan stomped his feet on the spot with a rare girlish attitude.

"Well, we know." Everyone nodded together again.

Roy didn't quite understand what everyone was laughing at.

He knew every word they said, but he couldn't understand the meaning just by adding expressions.

I can only feel that the Chinese language is too broad and profound.

I remembered that the language teacher I hired before said that Chinese Mandarin should be understood according to the time and place of speaking.

For example, in the winter in the north, it is said 'as much as you can wear', and in the summer in the south as 'as much as you can wear', the exact same words and arrangement, but two completely different meanings.

At that time, in order to figure out the difference, it took him two whole days to figure it out.

What Xue Yao and the others said now may also have some special meaning.

Only when he asked, they just kept laughing, without any explanation at all.

"You will understand in the future." Xue Yao raised the corners of her lips viciously, and looked back and forth between Shi Xiaonan and Roy.

Her eyes were too hot, and Shi Xiaonan's face turned red again after being watched.

Others laughed too.

Roy rubbed his golden hair and looked at them in confusion.

Fortunately, at this time they came to the parking lot.

After the group got into the car, Shi Xiaonan was arranged to sit next to Roy.

Because there were a lot of people, she was so close to Roy that she could even feel the heat of his skin under his clothes.

At this time, she felt that her whole body exploded, and she felt restless.

Shi Xiaonan couldn't figure out why he seemed to be a different person every time he met this person.

Instead of being as shy as when I met strangers before, and wanting to hide behind others, I can still speak fluently.

Well, although they are not very nice, they feel like provocative words.

Along the way, everyone looked at Roy and Shi Xiaonan with playful eyes.

The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, and the height is just right, which is the best height difference popular nowadays.

How to see how pleasing to the eye.

Simply put, it fits perfectly!
Shi Xiaonan felt a little uncomfortable being seen by everyone, in order to break the awkward atmosphere, she brought up the topic just now.

"How did you get into the company? Didn't you say in the previous interview that you want to focus on music, and your sister is enough for the family business?"

Roy didn't expect Shi Xiaonan to know so much.

He turned his head away in surprise, his lips accidentally brushed Shi Xiaonan's face.

"What are you doing?!"

Shi Xiaonan quickly stroked the touched place with his hands, and looked at everyone anxiously.

Xue Yao and the others immediately lowered their heads, as if they were looking at the messages on the phone seriously, and the scene became very quiet.

But the smiles on the corners of everyone's mouths revealed their look of waiting to see a good show.

It's really unqualified to watch and eat melons.

Roy didn't notice everyone's expressions, but tried his best to apologize to Shi Xiaonan.

The teacher who taught him Chinese said that the girls in Hua country are more reserved, which is different from the girls in F country.

Many ways of greeting in country F are impolite and frivolous to them.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's ok."

Shi Xiaonan knew that everyone was looking at her, so she couldn't say anything, after all, she also knew that Roy didn't mean it.

Seeing that Shi Xiaonan was really not angry, Roy breathed a sigh of relief.

He used not-so-fluent Mandarin Chinese, with some F dialect mixed in, to describe what had happened recently.

Liu Li helped translate his meaning from time to time.

"Since the Qin family started to intervene in the cosmetics business, they no longer provide us with raw materials.

Let's be very passive.

And the joyful Cherry Blossom Water has also opened up the top market in Country F. The Miracle Series they are currently launching has also impacted the market here because it is advertised that it has added the magical L substance.

Our family's company is also in crisis. I see my sister working hard every day, and working overtime from time to time.

Although I can't help much when I join the company, I can help with some trivial things so that my sister will not work so hard. "

Unexpectedly, joy also affected here.

Xue Yao thought about what Tao Chengya said before, and confirmed their previous guess.

After obtaining the ore of substance L, Tao Chengya did a detailed study.

It was found that there was no such substance in the miracle series that had been tested before.

In other words, the Miracle series is likely to be doing false propaganda and deceiving the public.

But this has not yet been confirmed to the public.

After all, each company's cosmetic formula is confidential.

Moreover, Gu Yun's research on L-substance is still in the preliminary stage, so it is not appropriate to announce the matter for the time being.

"Well, if only we had Substance L, or something related to it."

Roy sighed softly.

Xue Yao and Liu Li glanced at each other quickly.

Since the current top market has been occupied by Huanxin, even if Gu Yun launches skin care products containing L substance, it may be difficult to shake Huanxin's position.

After all, people have the habit of first impressions. If it is the same thing, many people will choose the company that launched it first.

The company of the Pearson family has been operating in country F for many years and is also a major international brand.

If Gu Yun joins hands with them, it may be able to break the deadlock of Huanxi's dominance of the market.

Xue Yao said with a smirk: "In the past few days, some people in Huaguo have joined forces to defend their rights. Because they used the Miracle series and caused allergies, they want to claim compensation from Huanxi. You can also do something in this direction."

"Well, when I first saw this, I told my sister, and she will arrange for someone to do it."

Xue Yao recalled what Roy had just said about the raw materials.

Take out Mo Ziyan's business card from the bag.

"This is the raw material supplier of City G. The raw materials they provide are much better than those of the Qin family. You can think about it."

Liu Li also smiled and said, "This is my father's company, and Gu Yun is also cooperating with us now, you can really think about it."

Roy accepted the business card in great surprise. Recently, my sister was also troubled by this matter, but she didn't expect it to be solved so easily.

"Thank you so much! It's almost time to arrive at the hotel. Take a good rest tonight to avoid jet lag. I'll take you to play tomorrow."

Originally, he planned to accompany them for a walk, but now the company's affairs are important, and he felt that he should tell his sister the good news as soon as possible.

Finally, he made an appointment with everyone to meet tomorrow, then took a taxi and left.

 Today is also three more.

(End of this chapter)

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