Gold Assistant

Chapter 462

Chapter 462

The car stopped in front of a palace-style hotel. Its appearance was not very eye-catching, but it was a top hotel with a long history and cultural charm.

Due to the large number of people and boys, Xue Yao and the others booked three suites.

When Tao Chengxuan came to Country F before, he also stayed in this hotel, and was very satisfied with the service here, so when they had a headache choosing a hotel online, he directly booked them here.

He also said that they would like this hotel, and then said that the room fee would be charged to his account. Unexpectedly, he, who has always been gentle and peaceful, would also be domineering for a while.

After everyone got off the car, the service staff at the door greeted them directly with smiles, helped them take out the luggage from the trunk, and took them to the counter to go through the formalities.

"Wow, it looks nothing from the outside, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful inside."

The hotel lobby and concierge counters are very beautiful, a bit like a hidden hive, standing at the window, you can also see the place Vendome with twinkling lights.

It retains the French architecture and decoration style of the 18th century, with heavy velvet curtains behind the paired queen's seats.

The floor is covered with luxurious carpets and white marble. Looking along the copper chandeliers, you can also see the works of some famous painters.

I don't know if it's genuine?

The service staff in the hotel introduced the situation in every part of the lobby to them in fluent Chinese.

It makes people feel very kind.

Just as they were admiring this extremely elegant hotel lobby, a familiar voice came over.

"You guys are going too fast, I almost can't catch up."

Everyone immediately turned around and looked over.

Wang Jun was standing at the door with a smile on his face.

An Mo looked at him overjoyed. She didn't expect him to appear here, but when she thought of his previous performance, she felt a little emotional again.

"How will you be here?"

His tone was a little cold.

Wang Jun quickly took out a bouquet of flowers from behind, put it in An Mo's hand, and looked at her affectionately.

"I arrived a little earlier than you, and I wanted to pick you up, but I didn't expect you to come to the hotel directly.

I haven't been with you much recently, I've just been working overtime, saving up all my holidays, and spending a long vacation with you. "

An Mo glanced at him coquettishly.

"It's you."

Then erase the unhappy things that were written down before.

Her delicate appearance made Wang Jun feel as if his heart had been shocked by electricity, and he really wanted to hold her in his arms, but there were too many people here.

When assigning rooms, Wang Jun learned that there were still rooms in the suite where Ah San and Xiao Bai lived, so Wang Jun immediately vacated his room and lived with them.

Xue Yao pushed An Mo to Wang Jun's side, covered her mouth and smiled.

"Brother Jun, when we got on the plane, Momo was disappointed to see that you didn't come to see you off. Now you can spend a good time with her.

Momo, we will help you organize your luggage. "

An Mo looked at her in a daze, "Sister Yao!"

"We're not going to be light bulbs, they'll disappear right away~"

Xue Yao waved to the two of them, led a group of people talking and laughing, and followed the waiter to the room.

"It's all your fault, everyone is laughing at me."

An Mo beat Wang Jun's heart with his small hand.

Wang Jun quickly grabbed her little hand and kissed her on the lips.

"Well, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, stop pounding, be careful of hand pain."

Only then did An Mo realize that Wang Jun's heart was much stronger than before, no longer soft and flimsy, and seemed to have some muscles, bulging.

She growled a little angrily: "Did you go to exercise? You don't want to die!!

Didn't the doctor say that you have blood congestion in your brain and can't do strenuous exercise?By the way, you also took a plane! "

Although Wang Jun liked seeing An Mo nervous about him, he couldn't bear to make her worry too much.

He quickly hugged An Mo tightly, and explained in a low voice in her ear: "Using the improved magic talisman given by Xiaoyao, the congestion in my brain has been cleared away, and I only confirmed it after two inspections at Saint Laurent.

I still want to be close to you and love each other until I grow old, how can I be willing to die, I will not leave you alone. "

The waiters on the side all smiled and lowered their heads to do their work. They have seen too many tired couples like this.

Listening to his love words, An Mo blushed again, and said in a low voice, "Forget you, don't keep these things from me in the future."

"I promise, I will tell you in the future, and make a decision after discussing with you."

"Hmph, hum, I'll just listen first."

Seeing that she was no longer angry, Wang Jun smiled and said, "Is An An hungry? I found a small shop nearby. The food in it is delicious. Do you want to try it?"

An Mo rubbed his stomach, and said hesitantly, "But I've already had dinner on the plane, and supper is the culprit of gaining weight."

"You are so thin, you don't need to control it."

Wang Jun frowned and held her little fleshy hand, and looked at her slender waist, feeling a little distressed.

"But it will be a little fatter in the camera than in reality."

"I know you like the job of an actor very much, and I won't let you give up, but you have to take good care of your body, just treat it for me, okay?"

"Well, don't worry, Mushroom, we are in good health with Sister Yao here."

"That's right, Xiaoyao is really reassuring. Even Ah Ting's serious injury is because of her that healed up so quickly. But the crepes in that store are very special, with a salty taste. I used to Try one, you will like the taste and texture.”

When An Mo heard this, he immediately showed a painful expression.

"I...or we'll just buy one, I'll just take a small bite and eat the rest of the mushrooms."

Just like when he was a child, Wang Jun immediately patted his heart and said, "No problem, then let's go now."


After solving the problem of the century, An Mo happily took Wang Jun's hand and walked out.

Xue Yao and the others followed the waiter to the room.

The waiter smiled and introduced to them which rooms in this hotel used to be long-term private rooms for celebrities, how long they have been, and so on.

Along the way, everyone felt that this was not a hotel, but a magnificent museum.

Whether it is the history of celebrity long private rooms, or the corridors, they are all very delicate and elegant.

There are various famous paintings hanging on the wall, Ling Yixin asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid of being stolen if you hang it outside like this?"

The waiter smiled and explained to her, "These are imitations, and the real ones are in the museum. If you have time, you can go and see them."

The rooms Tao Chengxuan booked for them were all on the top floor, so as to ensure their privacy and not be disturbed.

The waiter gently opened the door.

The entire room is composed of gold, caramel, blue and signature orange pink, which is elegant and sophisticated.

(End of this chapter)

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