Gold Assistant

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

The waiter smiled and helped them put their luggage away, and said before leaving: "If there is anything, just ring the service bell, and we will come right away."

"okay, thank you."

After they left and closed the door, Liu Li, who was always elegant and calm, looked around the room like a little girl.

She smiled and said to Xue Yao: "Sister, this room is really great, just like the princess' room I imagined."

Although Liu Li had stayed in a high-end hotel before, it was the first time she stayed in such a gorgeous and elegant top-level hotel.

"Well, it's really good."

Xue Yao looked at the layout of the room.

There are handwritten welcome letters, fruit, small desserts, etc. on the table.She picked up the welcome letter and looked at it. The handwriting on it was very beautiful, which made people feel happy.

When she found the thick and soft carpet on the ground, she suddenly became interested.She took off her shoes and carefully stepped on the carpet with her bare feet. The touch was so comfortable that she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Liu Li also followed her example, taking off her shoes and stepping on the carpet.

After a day of flying, my feet were already swollen and tired, and now I got a good rest.

"Sister, how about we also buy a carpet and put it in the apartment, so we can sit on the carpet to rest in winter."

"Well, well, when the time comes, ask the waiter where they bought the carpet."

While they were resting, their cell phones rang at the same time.

The two sisters picked up their mobile phones and saw that it was a video call from their lover.

"It's Teacher."

"It's Chengxuan."

I didn't expect them to call at the same time, and the timing was such a coincidence.

Did someone tip off the news?

Who is it?
On the other side, Ah San put away the phone that had just sent the message, and met Xiao Bai's clear eyes.

Under the watchful eyes, Ah San couldn't tell a lie, but there was no need to lie about this matter.

"Uh, I'm sending a message to your brother-in-law and Li's brother-in-law, telling them that we have arrived safely, just to report that we are safe."

"What about Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang?"


Ah San quickly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the two old people.

Fortunately, before he set off, he finished his address book.

After sending the message, he showed Xiaobai his phone, "Xiaobai is still thoughtful, so I will send it."

"I want to sleep in that room."

Xiao Bai didn't look at his mobile phone, but pointed to the room on the far right.

Because that room can see the tower.

"Well, let me help you take the things over."

"Thank you, Brother Ah San."

Ah San reached out and rubbed his hair, "You're welcome."

Xiaobai is so cute.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Alas, there was a time when Ah Si was so cute.

It's just that Ah Si has become more and more weird recently, and he doesn't even come back to eat.

Since going to G City, Xiaobai has been very close to Ah Si. He wants to remind Brother Ting and Xiaoyao to keep Xiaobai away from Ah Si, and not let such a cute and cute Xiaobai be led astray.

Ah Si, who was being weighed, was sleeping, but suddenly woke up for some reason and sneezed.

"Who is missing me?"

He rubbed his nose with sleepy eyes, and muttered, "I'll be the bait tomorrow, so I'll sleep on it later."

After speaking, he turned around and fell asleep again.

Wang Jun took An Mo to a small shop whose exterior walls were being renovated. Although the shop couldn't be seen from the outside, people kept coming and going, which proved that the shop was very popular.

A large number of people means that the food inside will not be unpalatable.

Wang Jun introduced to her in a low voice, "This is an organic rye crepe, and the calories are actually not very high."

"But aren't all crepes sweet? Why are there salty ones?"

"Actually, crepes originated in the Brittany province of country F.

This area has a lot of rose red granite, which will show a faint pink glow in the sun, and the scenery is beautiful.

But also because of the presence of these granites, the local soil has been affected and only a small amount of wheat can be produced.

The people here use local materials, and use the ground wheat flour to make thin crepes with ingredients to satisfy their hunger, and then slowly become a popular delicacy in the world.

Other places mainly learn sweet taste, so you will have this illusion. "

An Mo didn't expect Wang Jun to know so much, and there was a little admiration in his eyes. "Mushroom mushroom, you are amazing!"

"Hey, I actually found it all on the Internet. I'm going to order a crepe right now. You wait here for me."

"Yeah." An Mo sat down in his seat and nodded obediently.

She took out her mobile phone to take pictures of the store, and took a few selfies.

When Wang Jun was queuing up to order food, from time to time, enthusiastic men from country F would walk up to An Mo and strike up a conversation with her in broken Chinese.

An Mo's height is considered small and exquisite here, and she is a Hua country woman with oriental mystery. She is the favorite type of men in country F.

"Beautiful Oriental lady, may I have the honor to invite you to take a night tour of Paris with you?" After speaking, a man put the car keys on the table.

That brand is a high-end sports car starting with F.

The others glanced at him contemptuously.

Then someone said: "Beautiful girl, are you here to travel? I have lived here for more than ten years, and I can take you to see the most beautiful scenery."


After listening to what they said, An Mo just smiled politely, and pointed to Wang Jun's position, "My boyfriend is over there, and he is ordering food. I love him very much, so I cannot accept your invitation."

Wang Jun came back with a plate of dark brown flat cakes.

After seeing him, those people had no choice but to give in regretfully.

Because Wang Jun was well dressed and had a good image, they knew there was no chance at first glance.

Just now, after Wang Jun heard An Mo's words "I love him very much", his whole soul was about to float out of joy.

"I love An An the most." After he put the plate away, he grabbed An Mo's hand and responded affectionately.

An Mo blushed, and said with a proud smile, "Of course you love me the most! Don't worry, is this a crepe made of rye? Why is it flat? I used to eat it rolled up , eat with your hands."

"Actually, there are many shapes of it. Come on, try the taste." Wang Jun smiled and put the knife and fork in An Mo's hand.

"Well, I can only eat a small bite, and the fungus is responsible for eating the rest, so it can't be wasted."

"it is good."

Wang Jun rested his face in his hands and looked at An Mo seriously.

When she was young, An An was the same way. For unknown food, she would try a small bite first.

But she was also worried that Aunt Chang would say it was a waste, so she would tell herself those words in advance every time, and if she felt that it was not to her liking, she would put it on her side.

But if you find it delicious, you will obediently eat it yourself.

Fortunately, he is not a picky eater.

At that time, he still felt that he, who could help An An solve problems, was very powerful, and felt like a hero.

(End of this chapter)

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