Gold Assistant

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

After all, Wang Jun's sisters are all strong women, and they rarely ask him for help.

And the seemingly weak mother has a father by her side, and it is not his turn to be a hero.

When the little boy heard Xiao An'an's request, he felt that he could help her eat something she didn't like for the rest of her life.

An Mo cut a small piece of cake and put it in his mouth. He didn't expect that the black cake was not the usual soft texture, but rather crunchy and elastic.

In addition to the aroma of rye, there are notes of cream and eggs.

She just tasted a little bit of the crust, which made her feel like she didn't want to stop.

Looking at her expression, Wang Jun knew that he didn't need to solve this crepe.

Sure enough, An Mo cut another piece of pie with fillings and put it in his mouth.

After the cake is eaten, first taste the mellow taste of cream sauce, then mushrooms, cheese, and bacon, which are very delicious when mixed together.

After An Mo tried this bite, he began to eat the cake one bite at a time, completely forgetting that he said he would only take a small bite.

After all the crepes on the plate were eaten, An Mo came back to his senses.

She blushed looking at the clean plate, and when she didn't know what to say, Wang Jun handed her a small glass of cider.

"Try this, it's actually served with crepes."

An Mo ignored the embarrassment of breaking his promise, picked up the glass of sparkling cider, put it under his nose and took a light sniff.

Has a light fresh apple aroma.

"It smells so good, I'm afraid I might get drunk."

She admired in a low voice, but also had a little worry.

"Don't be afraid, this prescription is very low. And it contains relatively rich nutrients. Drinking it in moderation can relax the muscles and activate the collaterals. You just took a long-distance plane, so drinking this is just right.

When I go back and take a shower, I can sleep well. "

"so good?"

An Mo looked at the exquisite wine glass in his hand, and decided to take a small sip first.

It is slightly sweet at the entrance, followed by a slight fruit acid, and the taste is mellow, a bit like the fusion of beer and fruit juice.

"Drink well." She drank the little cider in one go.

The face was soon dyed with a touch of pink, which was very beautiful under the light.

Wang Jun was stunned.

One couldn't hold back, so he moved his head closer and pecked lightly on her lips.

"Hee hee." An Mo did not refuse.

When Wang Jun was backing away, she took the initiative to move forward and pecked him too.

He murmured, "This is only fair."

The guests next to him laughed lightly.

It was only then that An Mo came to his senses and stroked his red cheeks.

"It's all your fault!"

"Hey, yes, blame me."

Although the alcohol content was not high, An Mo seldom drank alcohol with Xue Yao, and he drank a little anxiously just now, so he was a little smoked now.

"Such a delicious thing, I have to let Sister Yao and Lili try it too."

An Mo held Wang Jun's hand, and said coquettishly, "Let's buy another copy for them, ah, and Xiao Nan and the others, and Xiao Bai also want it, but late-night snacking is the culprit of obesity, so just one copy for each room." Bar.

You can buy a little more of this cider. The children and sister Yao can’t drink it, so just buy it. Let’s buy 6 glasses, and ask for a large portion. "

"Why is it 6 cups? Isn't it 4 cups?"

"Zhugugu and I want to drink too." An Mo smiled slyly like a fox.

"You, so you said so much because you want to drink it, right? Let me tell you, this wine is not low in calories."

An Mo squinted and smiled and waved his little hand.

"It's okay, it's okay, with Sister Yao here, we can't gain weight, okay, let's go buy it quickly."

Then the two took the packed crepes and cider and walked to the hotel.

Xue Yao and Liu Li connected to the phone video, and went to their rooms respectively.

Xue Yao looked at Chen Ting's handsome side face on the phone, and chose to nest in the sofa between the sofa and the bed.I haven't washed and changed my clothes yet, so I can't go to bed.

Holding the phone in her hand, she softly recounted what happened on the plane today.

"That Tang Boxin said he was a member of the original owner's clan. I'm afraid there will be troubles. Now the plot of this world has deviated from the direction. I didn't describe this part in the content I read before."

After all, the protagonist of this small world is Mu Xuan, and Xue Yao is just a cannon fodder vegetable inside.

"I'll ask Uncle Chang. That person's information should have been covered up by the Special Task Force. I told Xiaobai before that he couldn't touch the information of the relevant department, so he couldn't find it."

"Oh, I see."

Then Xue Yao asked with concern, how is the effect of today's rehabilitation.

Chen Ting did not do rehabilitation exercises today, should he tell Xiao Yao?

He had a hesitant look on his face.

"I told you not to hide it!" Seeing his appearance, Xue Yao recalled the world when they first met.

Chen Ting smiled bitterly.

Although he has experienced many world missions, without the help of the system, there are some things that he can't let go of.

"Okay, let me say, I also want to ask if you have any relevant information."

When he returned to this world, he only saw what happened in the past, and there was no future content.

Both he and Xiaobai can quickly find out what is stored in the computer, but there is no way to do it in the human mind.

Chen Ting described what happened in detail.

Today Ah Yi received a call from his cousin Chen Li, saying that Mr. Chen misses him very much and asked him to take some time to go back to the old house.

Mr. Chen is the part that Chen Ting can't let go of now, but he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Ignoring the other party and turning off some emotional functions are his usual methods during missions, but now that there are no system restrictions, the other party has come to the door again, so he can't continue to ignore it.

The emotions of the native world are still different from those of the mission world.

When Mr. Chen suddenly announced that he would sever ties with him and kicked him out of the house, he, who was still young and impulsive, decided not to have any contact with him anymore.

But when he returned to this world and recalled his previous relationship, the scene of his grandparents getting along with his grandchildren when he was a child touched his closed heart.

"Mr. Chen may indeed want to see you. After all, you grew up around him, but it seems unlikely that your cousin Chen Li will call, right? Could it be that Chen Li wants to harm you again!"

Xue Yao immediately remembered the assassination in the dark night last time.

Although there was no conclusive evidence that Chen Liqing was the killer, they later judged from various clues that he did it.

Also, the housekeeper and chef who had delivered extra meals to Chen Ting and the others died in a car accident half a year ago.

Although the driver who caused the accident also died in the car accident, his account received a large amount of remittance from unknown sources before the accident, indicating that he may have paid for murder.

It's just that the account number for the remittance was finally checked, and it was found that it belonged to the housekeeper who died in a car accident.

The butler should not buy and kill himself.

Because of this, the clues of the police on this case were cut off.

 Today is also three more~
(End of this chapter)

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