Gold Assistant

Chapter 469 Missing?

Chapter 469 Missing?

In any case, this matter is now attracting the attention of many people.

Xue Yao asked An Mo to turn back the scarf to check on the situation of Huanxi.

Huanxin's official neck deleted Gu Ruoyu's previous statement, and there was no further action after that.

Is this pretending to be dead to let the incident slowly fade away, and deal with it coldly?

It took a lot of effort to seize the opportunity, but we can't let this matter pass by like this.

Xue Yao also got up from the bath, picked up her mobile phone, and edited quickly.

Only V of the little gossip: [I recently received an anecdote from an international friend, and I would like to share it with you. [Multi-map]】

After seeing it, netizens picked up their phones one after another and said to the people around them, "Come and see, Huanxi has new gossip."

"Where is it? Let me see."

"I didn't expect that Huanxi's allergies happened in foreign countries. Those sailors helping to clean the ground, aren't they just an isolated phenomenon? It's a slap in the face, hahaha."

"That's right, look at how they wash it now? Every time I see the Miracle series on the counter in the mall, I feel itchy. It was because of it last time that my business failed."


I didn't expect that it was already early in the morning in Huaguo, and there were still so many night owls up.

Xue Yao and the others looked at the bib and the amount of retweets on various social software, and all laughed wickedly.

Once on a WeChat official account, I saw a paragraph of amazing words.

[In this world, in theory, light travels the fastest, but in reality, gossip travels the fastest.

Because it’s just flying towards one place, but gossip is a virus that can reproduce and spread in various social software and friend groups. ]
Those night cat rights defenders in China have jumped over the wall to contact foreign friends on Facebook who want to defend their rights.

Xue Yao and the others soaked for a while, then got up to dry their hair and went to bed.

In Huaguo the next day, those who woke up discovered that in the early hours of the night, there was a new development in the cosmetic allergy incident of Huanxin.

It's just that there was a lot of commotion on the scarf, but Gu Ruoyu, who took the lead in defending rights at the beginning, was completely silent.

Her account is quiet, and she does not repost foreign Facebook messages.

After many people forwarded Aite or private messaged her, there was no response.

Even when the people who defended her rights with her called Gu's mother, they only heard a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

In order to unite, someone went to Gu Ruoyu's house before and discussed the countermeasures face to face.

But now people who know the address knock on the door of their house to find someone, but no one answers.I asked the community security, but I don't know the situation of their home.

This makes people very puzzled.

what happened?

"She's not missing, is she?"

"Missing? Did Huanxin find someone to do it? It's unlikely..."

"Why is it impossible? Huanxi hasn't responded positively until now, and has not done anything except for the cyber trolls. Don't you think it's strange?

That is a multinational enterprise! "

"It's really problematic for you to say that. How about we go to the police?"

"Have they been missing for 24 hours?"

Then someone started counting the time, since they met with Gu Ruoyu to discuss matters, it has been 30 hours since they had not heard from them.

The people from the rights protection team discussed it and decided to call the police.

After getting the news, the police also attached great importance to it, and immediately sent special personnel to check it.

People from the human rights protection team also posted the news on the Internet, seeking help from netizens.

The matter of Gu Ruoyu's suspected disappearance immediately surpassed the matter of foreigners who were both happy and allergic.However, the heat of allergy incidents did not drop because of this, on the contrary, they cooperated with each other and increased rapidly.

The staff of the happy public relations department are dealing with all kinds of complaints about the website and the scarf.

"Didn't you say that you have bought Gu Ruoyu with money so that she will not appear again? Now what's going on with the news of her disappearance?!"

"Hurry up and contact Hua Xing, and ask what kind of demon moth has appeared again."

It's really unexpected that Gu Ruoyu suddenly became silent. It turned out that he had collected money secretly.

Wang Weina's informant at Huaxing received the news as soon as she got to work, and sent it to her.

The turmoil in China did not affect Xue Yao and the others at all.

Because the bedding of the hotel is very advanced and comfortable.They fell asleep almost as soon as they touched the pillow.

Xue Yao and the others woke up from their slumber when white belly appeared in the sky, and they lazily lay down on the bed before getting up to wash.

After a night's rest, all three are in good spirits.

While thinking about what to have for breakfast, Roy sent a message to ask if they were up.

After getting an affirmative answer, he set off to the hotel to find them.

Xue Yao picked up her mobile phone to check the scarf issued last night, wondering how it worked.

"Huh?" She whispered in surprise.

Liu Li and An Mo, who were putting on sunscreen, hurried over.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Look, Gu Ruoyu disappeared. Netizens speculated that Huanxin did something. It said that someone had already reported the case."

While patting their skin lightly to let the sunscreen be absorbed quickly, the two looked at Xue Yao's phone with confused expressions.

"Impossible, Huanxi is such a big company, how could it take risks for such a thing, and the netizens' brains are too big?"

Liu Li was in disbelief when he saw everyone's comments under Officer Huanxi's neck.

"That's right, no matter how stupid the people of the Qin family are, they won't commit crimes when everyone is paying attention."

After An Mo finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and thought about it.

"There must be something wrong here."

Xue Yao also felt that it was impossible for Huanxi to do so.

Generally, in such cases, as a big company, they would not contact the parties directly, and would put pressure on Gu Ruoyu through the brokerage company, Huaxing.

She remembered that when she was filming the commercial before, Wang Weina said that the informant was in Huaxing.

So I picked up my phone and called.

"Sister Na, I'm Xiaoyao."

"Well, just woke up, I saw the news, is Gu Ruoyu missing?"

"What? It turned out to be like this, hahaha, Huanxin is really unlucky this time."

Liu Li and An Mo pricked up their ears to listen to the conversation between Xue Yao and Wang Weina.

When he heard the key point, the impatient An Mo put his ear on Xue Yao's phone, but unfortunately he didn't hear anything.

Xue Yao was taken aback by her appearance, then glared at her, and turned on the hands-free phone.

Wang Weina just asked: "Junzai also arrived in Paris yesterday, he just sent us a simple message, and didn't even make a phone call. Have you seen him?"

"Uh, we've already met Brother Jun."

"That's fine. By the way, there will be many fashion shows in Paris recently. If you have a chance to go in and see them, can you take some photos for me?

The staff of our magazine, for some unknown reason, was stopped by the customs, and they were still going through the formalities, so they might not be able to make it through. "

(End of this chapter)

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