Gold Assistant

Chapter 470 What is the connection

Chapter 470 What is the connection

"Fashion conference? Well, if we have the opportunity to attend, we will take more photos and send them to you."

"Thanks in advance."

Wang Weina breathed a sigh of relief, this time it happened too suddenly, disrupting everything they had planned.

Because of Wang Jin's incident before, "Pursuit" made a big splash.

Many colleagues found them distasteful, and used various methods to suppress them.

The fact that they couldn't enter the country this time might be their tricks.

The thought of opening the skylight for the next issue of the magazine gave her a headache.

After finishing the call, An Mo grabbed Xue Yao's arm.

He looked at her curiously.

Liu Li next to him also had the same expression.

Because when she turned on the speakerphone, the topic had already been finished, so the two still didn't know what happened to Gu Ruoyu.

"According to Hua Xing's informant, Gu Ruoyu has already paid Huanxi for her silence, so she has been silent."

Liu Li immediately understood the key point.

An Mo was still a little puzzled.

"The allergies are such a big deal, it's impossible for Huanxi not to pay compensation. Since they have to pay, why should they give it to Gu Ruoyu alone first?"

Thinking of An Mo marrying into the Wang family, although she doesn't need to manage the company, she still needs to understand some business matters, so Liu Li analyzed it carefully for her.

"Huanxi wants to solve the biggest thorn first, without the celebrity Gu Ruoyu taking the lead, over time, the number of people who pay attention to this matter will gradually decrease.

As soon as other news comes out after a while, this matter will be suppressed.

It will be much easier for Huanxin to contact rights defenders again. "

An Mo's eyes were dizzy when he heard it.

"The twists and turns in these businesses are too complicated."

Xue Yao rubbed her hair, smiled and said: "No, it's actually similar to the scandals in the entertainment industry. They just didn't respond at the beginning, but secretly contacted and stabilized the other party, so as not to let the matter worsen, and deal with it coldly for a while. Then, issue a statement with no content.”

"Sister Yao said so. I seem to understand a little bit."

Thinking that after marrying into the Wang family, she might have to face someone who would turn her mind ten times before she said a word, she immediately nervously held the hands of Liu Li and Xue Yao.

"From now on, Lili and Sister Yao will watch over me and don't let me fall into the pit dug by the business elite."

Xue Yao patted her hand lightly, and said comfortingly, "Actually, you don't have to worry too much. There is Sister Yi in the Wang family. If you encounter something in the future, don't make a decision right away. Just discuss it with Sister Yi first."

In the book, Wang Weiyi is a legendary business queen.

Suddenly Xue Yao remembered that the wedding of Wang Weiyi and Jian Letai was approaching, and Su Zhengxin, who had been trying to stop them, might use this opportunity to disadvantage them.

Su Zhengxin and Chu Yu (Xie Lin), these two people are in the same group.

Chu Yu went to find Professor Dai. Is there any connection between these things?

An Mo, who let go of his hand on the other side, suddenly clenched his fist again, looking determined.

"I'm going to tell Mushroom, we'll take the dividends in the future, anyway, we don't know much about business, so I'll let Sister Yi take full control of those business matters.

Professional matters should be left to professional people. "

Then someone knocked on the door.

An Mo opened the door and saw that it was Wang Jun and Xiaobai standing outside the door, and they came over with a dining cart.

Like gentlemen, one big and one small saluted the three of them in a dignified manner.

"Beautiful ladies, this is the room breakfast prepared by the hotel, please take it easy."

After speaking, he opened the lid of the dining car, and the alluring smell rushed into the noses of the three of them.

The breakfast on the dining car is very rich and varied.

Drinks include milk, coffee, juice.

There is also a basket of pastry bread with the aroma of flour and rich milk.

On the other side is a dainty little silver shelf filled with morsels such as chocolate cake rolls, grass jam muffins, caramel fruit tarts and more.

There was also yoghurt and some fruit cereal.

They are all sweet, making this somewhat cold morning sweet and warm.

Seeing An Mo's bright eyes, Xue Yao and Liu Li smiled knowingly.

This must have been chosen by Wang Jun for An Mo.

Sitting next to An Mo, Wang Jun listened to her instructions and put what he wanted on the plate in front of her.

Xue Yao and the others refused to eat dog food early in the morning, and decided to ignore the two of them and choose what they wanted to eat on their own.

After helping Xiaobai with the cake roll and filling the milk, Xue Yao chose a cup of coffee for herself, and then put a puff pastry bread on her plate.

The puff pastry bread was still steaming, apparently just out of the oven, and the golden-yellow crust looked very crispy.

With her washed hands, she gently picked up the bread and bit it down. There was a "click" sound in her ears, and the outer skin was as crisp as she thought.

But the part under the skin is fine and soft white bread.

The crispy outer skin and the fragrant soft inner are perfectly matched, and the light wheat fragrance and the mellow milky fragrance fill the whole mouth when you take a bite.

Such a wonderful taste, really makes people feel happy.

The sun broke through the early morning mist, and through the floor-to-ceiling windows beside the living room, it quietly sprinkled light on everyone.

Keep everyone's heart and body warm.

Xue Yao picked up the coffee exuding a unique aroma and took a slow sniff.

It's really fragrant.

This is a cup of mocha. She added sugar and creamer to the cup with a small spoon and stirred it carefully, making the taste more intense.

I took a sip, and the taste of coffee rushed into my mouth quickly, with a strong aroma and a little aftertaste of dark chocolate.

With Wang Jun as the main force, this rich breakfast was all eaten, and there was nothing left.

An Mo and Liu Li put the photos taken before eating and the photos after eating together in the scarf.

Personally support the disc operation.

After eating, everyone rested for a while, and Roy came to the hotel to find them.

A group of people packed up and prepared to go out and take a car to play.

Today Liu Li wore an off-white woolen dress, paired with a pair of black high-heeled ankle boots, and a black cashmere coat over it.

On the other hand, An Mo wore an ankle-length extra-long white coat, which was layered with a white shirt, a black turtleneck sweater, and tight black trousers.

Let her look 1 meters tall, flamboyant and majestic.

Min Shasha helped Liu Li and the others match their outfits before they set off.

Wang Jun kept staring at An Mo without blinking.

He looked at his clothes, as if they were too simple, he should ask the second sister to help guide him when he has time.

Otherwise, it's not good enough for An An!
If they don't tidy up to look better, they will be just like Xiaoyao and the others, just staff.

Xue Yao, dressed in casual clothes and wearing a mask, was puzzled by Wang Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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