Gold Assistant

Chapter 505 Found a Strawberry

Chapter 505 Found a Strawberry

Liu Li was startled, covered her heart, and looked up at Tao Chengxuan.

"what happened?"

Tao Chengxuan still didn't speak, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Lifting Liu Li's chin with his hand, he lowered his head and kissed it gently.


When Xue Yao and the others returned to the room, An Mo and Wang Jun were talking in the hallway with some inseparability.

Recently, there are stuffed dog food everywhere, Xue Yao felt a little overwhelmed, so she said quickly: "You guys talk, I'll go wash up first."

Before An Mo could respond, she ran back to the room.

Packing up her pajamas, she was about to go to the bathroom when her phone rang suddenly.

"It's so late, who is it?"

She picked up her phone and saw that it was Chen Ting's video request.

"Master, it's so late, why don't you go to bed?!" Thinking of the time in Huaguo, Xue Yao became a little angry.

In the past, Chen Ting often couldn't sleep because of the pain from his injury, so he stayed up late to work, which became a habit.

Seeing the angry Xiaoyao, he smiled apologetically and apologized to her quickly.

"Sorry, I was busy with something just now, so I forgot the time."

"No matter what you do now, you must focus on your body and have a good rest!" Xue Yao turned on the housekeeper mode. "My recovery talisman is for you to recuperate your body, not for you to stay up late."

"I know I was wrong, and I won't do it next time."

Chen Ting understood that at this time, it was useless to explain anything, so he could only apologize.

Seeing him like this, Xue Yao lost half of her anger.

"Master, what's the matter so late?"

"Ah San told us just now that you went to Yuhuayuan for dinner again today?"

"Well, I'm going to try the dishes."

Now that she couldn't go to wash up, Xue Yao nestled on the sofa with her pajamas in her arms, and watched Chen Ting on the opposite side of the video with her mobile phone.

"The boss of Yuhuayuan, Zhu Haixuan, seems to want to pursue my Xiaoyao."

"Huh? I didn't pay attention. I don't even remember what he looks like."

Xue Yao thought about the supernatural power, so she didn't continue the topic just now.

"Let's leave him alone." Xue Yao looked at the phone and said seriously: "I think Momo's abilities may have been upgraded."

Chen Ting looked at her intently,


She nodded vigorously, recalling An Mo's past events, as well as the grievances with Zhan Jingni, and told him one by one.

"After the dog hurt people, all the dogs in the community were locked up?"

"Uh, yes." Xue Yao didn't expect Chen Ting to care about this detail.

Chen Ting frowned and said, "I talked to Uncle Chang about the degeneration of abilities, and he decided to re-investigate the disappearance case 15 years ago."

Before, because of his daughter, everyone was afraid that he would think about others, so they handed over the case to other departments to investigate, but after so many years, there was no result at all.

Now that An Mo has returned to them, and there are so many supernatural beings, Chang Yuande decided to investigate.

After all, they live in a super-class community, and that group of people can appear and leave without a sound, and can accurately find the target to take away.

There must be someone or a clue in there that has been missed.

It's just that the time is long, many materials are incomplete, and people's memory will be biased, so it is very difficult to check.

Xue Yao's eyes widened in surprise, "Master, do you think the appearance of that wolfhound was premeditated?"

Chen Ting nodded.

"Maybe the dogs were released on purpose, and people can find ways to transfer them away, but most of the dogs in the community are trained and retired military dogs, and they are very vigilant.

So they let the wolfdogs out and caused a little trouble, which caused the community to lock up all the dogs for safety. "

"That's Zhan's dog. Does it have something to do with them?"

"Whether their family is involved or not, I will tell Uncle Chang."

"Well, well, we must not let those bad guys escape this time."

Xue Yao looked at the time, and pretended to be fierce again, "Okay, Shi Shi, go to bed quickly."

"Okay, I'm going to rest, and Xiaoyao also rests earlier."


Before hanging up the phone, Chen Ting faced the camera, his ears were a little red, and he made a kissing motion unskillfully.

"I love you."

Shishi like this is so cute!
Xue Yao excitedly held her mobile phone and shouted: "I love you too!"

An Mo and Liu Li came back together, just in time to hear Xue Yao's declaration of love, and watched quietly from the side without making a sound.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xue Yao immediately turned around and found the two of them.

She immediately turned off her mobile phone and said nonchalantly, "You are back."

"Well, I'm back. I just heard Sister Yao confessing to Brother Ting." An Mo pulled Liu Li to the sofa.

Xue Yao lowered her head, "Maybe you give me dog food, and don't let me show you my affection?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, elder sister Yao, it's too wrong for you to say that. You and brother Ting have a lot to show off. Just on your birthday, I was so moved that I almost cried."

"Okay, wash up quickly, you'll be busy tomorrow." Xue Yao glanced at her angrily.

This topic must be stopped, otherwise it will be endless examples.

An Mo accepted it as soon as it was good, and did not continue to tease.


Only then did they realize that Liu Li hadn't made any noise since he came in, which was a bit unusual.

The two turned their heads to look at Liu Li together, and sized her up.

"Lili, why don't you speak?"

Suddenly Xue Yao found a strawberry on Liu Li's fair and slender neck!
She immediately stepped forward and scratched her neck to look.

Liu Li was startled by her action, and quickly stroked the mark with her hands while blushing.

That shy look is also amazing.

An Mo smiled foxishly, circled around her twice, and jokingly said, "Lili, President Tao is very enthusiastic."


Liu Li stomped her feet and gave her a coquettish look.

"Hee hee." An Mo immediately let out a chuckle, and quickly hid behind Xue Yao.

Xue Yao lightly poked her forehead, "Naughty."

Seeing Liu Li's hesitant expression, he quickly said, "What's wrong?"

Liu Li took out a small box from his pocket.

The shape of the box is very familiar.

It is exactly the same as the box containing the diamond ring in the advertisement that says "Diamonds are forever, one stays forever".

"Lili, this is..."

Liu Li didn't say anything, and opened the box directly.

Inside is a brilliant floral halo of pavé-set diamonds surrounding a ring accented with a pink center diamond.

The pink diamonds shone brilliantly under the light.

Xue Yao secretly said: Tao Chengxuan is very quick to strike.

An Mo excitedly said a nonsense.

"From President Tao?"

Sister Xue Yao gave her a supercilious look.

"Hee hee." An Mo also knew that he had said the wrong thing, and then asked again: "Is he proposing to Lili?"

Liu Li nodded slightly.

Xue Yao also asked curiously: "You agree?"

 The river crab master is very powerful and cannot drive a car.

(End of this chapter)

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