Gold Assistant

Chapter 504 I'm Here

Chapter 504 I'm Here

As said in a certain movie, "The juice of each piece of meat is sealed inside by fibers, like rivers converging, and the meridians of the meat are interrupted by internal forces, and the entrance is very loose..."

The fat and lean meat creates a multi-layered taste.

Both Liu Li and An Mo couldn't care less about talking.

After the two looked at each other, they both smiled and picked up another piece of char siu and put it on the white rice, dipped it in a little char siew juice, and then put the meat and rice into their mouths in one bite.

The two smiled and squinted their eyes.

It tastes even better with rice.

Du Manlu stared at the two of them with wide eyes.

As an actress, I have to work hard to keep my figure, but the two of them eat so much, aren't they afraid of getting fat?
However, she found that the few people here are all in good shape. Is there any secret recipe for losing weight?

Looking at the fewer and fewer char siu in front of her, she struggled for a long time, and finally couldn't hold it back, stretched out her chopsticks, and imitated Liu Li and the others to serve the meal.

After eating, he also smiled and squinted his eyes.

Everyone laughed happily when they saw her like this.

When eating together, I am most afraid of being with someone who doesn't eat this or that.

Even if the other party says not to care, they will not enjoy eating.

This meal made everyone very happy.

Zhu Haixuan was also very happy to collect suggestions for improvement of the dishes.

"Excuse me, can I help you try the dishes again tomorrow?" When he said this, his eyes kept drifting to Xue Yao.

Except for Wang Jun, everyone noticed his appearance and finally realized that something was wrong.

When they ate just now, they felt a little strange.


Xue Yao looked at everyone and said, "Come and eat, and make more videos. I'm going to see Anna tomorrow to test the makeup of the day after tomorrow's catwalk, so I won't come."

Hearing this, Zhu Haixuan bowed his head in disappointment.

Everyone is sure.

This Zhu Haixuan is interested in Xue Yao.

But Xue Yao didn't seem to notice anything.

Ah San said first: "We are going back to China soon, but we haven't eaten many Michelin restaurants, and it's hard to tell everyone when we go back. Why don't we find a few to try tomorrow."

"That's right, that's right." An Mo clapped his hands and smiled happily, "Look for those who don't need to make an appointment, and take photos of a few more stores, and treat it as a food tour.

We also make a food guide for you. "

Then she squinted her foxy eyes, and said to Zhu Haixuan: "Boss Zhu, I'm sorry, I can't help you try the dishes. In fact, the foundation of your restaurant is still there. As long as you don't make any messy improvements, the dishes will not be bad."

Zhu Haixuan did not give up, and tried to work harder.

"What about the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? I grew up here and I'm not very familiar with traditional recipes."

After hearing what he said, Xue Yao rolled her eyes, and said a little cunningly: "Traditional recipes? You can go over the wall to check in Huaguo, and I will recommend a website '' for you.

There are many food lovers in it, and they upload videos of their own cooking, and there is also a TV series "Summer Palace Chronicle", where you can see many classic ancient recipes. "

Everyone laughed softly when they heard Xue Yao's hard work in publicizing.

"Okay, I'll go and see later."

Liu Li supported Mrs. Tao, "Grandma Tao, are you free tomorrow? How about we go find delicious food together?"

"What happened today has troubled some old friends, so tomorrow I will catch up with them." Mrs. Tao shook her head regretfully.

Thinking of the message she saw just now, she patted Liu Li's hand and smiled kindly.

"It's getting late, everyone go back and rest."


After saying goodbye to Zhu Haixuan, everyone went to the hotel.

Zhu Haixuan has been standing at the door of the store, looking at them reluctantly.

I didn't ask for a call again.

Ah San looked back at him.

After thinking about it, he still sent a message to Chen Ting.

A suitor appeared beside Xue Yao.

Seeing his movements, Xiaobai tilted his head in doubt.

Then he remembered what Ah Si said, and stepped forward to hold Xue Yao's hand.

"Sister, I miss my brother-in-law."

Xue Yao smiled and stroked his soft hair, "We'll go back in a few days, and we'll see him then."


Zhu Haixuan looked at Xue Yao in disbelief.

She...she's married? !

Then the whole person leaned against the wall dejectedly, looking at the person who left without love.

It wasn't until his first love hadn't started, even before confessing, it just ended quietly like this.

Ah San and the others looked shocked.

With Xiaobai's move, the peach blossom was cut off without even a trace of blood.

Could it be Chen Ting taught it?
I didn't expect the film king to be such a black-bellied person.

When the group returned to the hotel, they saw a tall and gentle man standing in front of the counter.

He was looking at the position of the door.

The staff sneaked glances at him from time to time.

Seeing the people walking in from the door, the man smiled gently.

Then he walked forward quickly, and first said to Mrs. Tao: "Grandma."

Madam Tao looked at the dusty Tao Chengxuan and smiled lovingly.


"Yes, I just arrived." Then he looked at Liu Li intently, and said softly, "Li Li, I'm here."

Liu Li's cheeks were flushed, and there was a trace of joy in her eyes, as she nodded her head gently.


"The old man is tired, let's go back to rest first, you can talk slowly." After speaking, without waiting for everyone's response, he walked to the elevator.

Everyone reacted, and each found an excuse to leave.

"I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's makeup trial."

"I'm going to practice."

"I want to help Xiaoxian take a bath."

"I want to see the investment report sent by my brother-in-law."

After hearing Xiaobai's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment.

His little serious appearance really seems to have such a thing.

In an instant, everyone ran away, leaving only Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan standing in the hall.

"Let's go for a walk?" Tao Chengxuan suggested.

"No, you should be tired after sitting on the plane for so long, go and rest first."

Liu Li did not agree.

"Okay, listen to you, then Lili will pack my luggage with me?"

This means that I want to go to the room with him.

Liu Li blushed and nodded.

After the two returned to the room, Liu Li realized that his luggage had already been packed, but his clothes were a little messy.

She stepped forward and helped him tidy up.

"Has Chengxuan arrived early?"

"It will be here by the time you go to dinner."

Tao Chengxuan looked at her slender body busy, and felt warm in his heart.

In the past when he was on a business trip, he would stay alone in the hotel alone, but now there was another person beside him, and that person was still on his mind, so he couldn't help feeling a little impulsive.

He walked forward slowly.

Liu Li didn't notice, and was sorting the clothes by color.

"Have you had dinner, then? If not, we can go get a crepe." But thinking of the time, she added, "Or call customer service."

Without hearing Tao Chengxuan's answer, Liu Li turned around suspiciously, only to see him standing behind her silently.

(End of this chapter)

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