Gold Assistant

Chapter 514 A Plan Against Him

Chapter 514 A Plan Against Him

At this time, An Mo also agreed with Liu Li's statement.

Now that it has attracted the attention of the public, it is better to stand up and let everyone know that it is someone from their studio, so as to prevent some people from using this matter to make any bad news.

After everyone agreed, the two children were photographed.

The picture is really lively and lively.

At this time, Wang Jun came back with a big bag of desserts, wanting to make An Mo happy with delicious ones.

Before he took out the dessert, An Mo saw Xue Yao's message, and immediately jumped up happily.

"I forgot about purchasing on behalf of others. We still purchase for Coke ourselves."

She smiled at Wang Jun, and quickly ran to Liu Li's side.

The white pigeons that were eating on the ground flew up one after another.

The whole scene becomes very romantic.

Ding Hanmo immediately took pictures of this scene. Originally, all he took were Du Manlu's shots, but then he remembered that he was already in the studio, so he immediately added a few more shots for Liu Li and An Mo.

"Does Momo feel better?" Liu Li looked at An Mo gently.

Originally, An Mo was unhappy, so she wanted to comfort her.

But when she saw Wang Jun, she backed away immediately.At this time, it is better to let your boyfriend comfort you.

"Well, elder sister Yao said that next week, I can ask Roy to help me purchase."

"Purchasing agent?" Liu Li was taken aback for a moment, then smiled self-deprecatingly, "Why did we forget this?"

An Mo laughed happily, "That's right, hahaha."

The white pigeon, which had already calmed down and started eating, was once again startled by An Mo's laughter.

Ding Hanmo hastily took many additional shots for them.

Ling Yixin also used a video camera to capture these two scenes.

In this way, there are more materials that can be edited.

Since they had to wait for Xue Yao to come over, everyone sat in the park.

And tasting the creme brulee bought by Wang Jun.

Everyone took small spoons and dug them into their mouths one by one.

The delicate and smooth taste, combined with the unique sweetness of caramel, is a fascinating taste.

There is a deep sense of happiness in every bite.

Since Ling Yixin was filming and couldn't eat, Ah San carried out what she said before and fed her with a spoon.

Xiaoxian happily said to Xiaobai: "My brother-in-law is feeding my sister, can I be a little aunt soon?"

Xiaobai said to her with a serious face: "It's just feeding, there won't be a baby."

"But on TV, after the woman is fed, the next scene is congratulations."

"That's fake." After the rehabilitation prize incident last time, Xiaobai was stuffed with a lot of knowledge about boys and girls giving birth, and now it's time to popularize science with Xiaoxian.


Xiaoxian lowered her head in disappointment.


The cute dialogue between the two children made the adults who had been watching the show feel ashamed for a while.

They also watched the TV series that Xiaoxian mentioned. It was a plot where a mistress gave a man food with added ingredients, and then the two had sex, and finally the mistress used her children to force the man to divorce.

I didn't expect children to interpret it like this. It seems that they can't be allowed to read it, or someone needs to explain it by the side.

The fans who had been watching saw them eating so happily, they also rushed to the small shop by the park to buy and eat.

They also gave out scarves, saying that they ate the same dessert as Li Mo today, very happy
"Hey, mushrooms, why are there three more? If it's for Sister Yao, it's not even counting."

After An Mo finished eating, he glanced at the dessert bag.

This is an environmental protection bag. She wanted to put it away just now and use it next time, but found that there was still something in it.

"Ah, it's for Grandma Tao, Chengxuan, and Ah He."

"Are they coming over?" Liu Li looked at Wang Jun in surprise.

Tao Chengxuan accompanied Mrs. Tao to visit friends today, so he didn't act with them.

"Well, when I went to buy desserts just now, I received a message from Chengxuan asking where we were, so I bought the portion for them as well."

Liu Li looked at Wang Jun quietly, why did Chengxuan send him a message?
Wang Jun, who was seen uncomfortable, quickly said: "We have a group, he asked about Yuhuayuan before, and asked about the location by the way.

I guess he wanted to surprise you, but now the surprise is gone. "

When An Mo heard the keyword "group", she immediately stared at Wang Jun, "What group?"

"Uh..." I didn't expect that the group, which had only been established for a few days, would be exposed like this. "We built it for the convenience of communication."


Uh... The more I explain, the more things are exposed.

Now even Liu Li was curious.

Wang Jun had no choice but to go all out.

"Well, Ah Ting, Ah Kang, Cheng Xuan, and Ming Hui." In order to increase his credibility, he turned on his phone and showed them the list in the group.

But An Mo and Liu Li went to see the group's name first.

Brother chat group.

Well, the group name is normal, just like their own little sister chat group.

Looking at the list again, it was indeed the few people he mentioned just now.

An Mo didn't pursue it further, nor did he ask to see the content of their chat. He picked up the feed and continued to feed the pigeons.

As long as it's not a messy group.

Tao Chengxuan supported Mrs. Tao, followed by Ah He, and came to the park.

When he saw Liu Li sitting on the chair, his eyes were full of affection.

She was smiling, watching An Mo play with two children.

That gentle and calm appearance, which has been peaceful for years, healed his tired heart.

Mrs. Tao smiled knowingly when she saw her grandson's appearance.

Then she patted his hand lightly and said, "Go and accompany Lili, I'm going to feed the pigeons."


Tao Chengxuan immediately turned his head, motioning for Ah He to step forward to protect Mrs. Tao.

Liu Li suddenly felt a hot gaze, she raised her head subconsciously, and found that Tao Chengxuan was standing aside with a gentle smile.

Today is the first time the two have seen each other since they proposed last night.

Thinking of what happened last night, Liu Li's neck turned red.

When Tao Chengxuan walked and sat down, he heard exclamations from around.

He frowned and looked over, and saw a group of people who looked like tourists from Huaguo, taking crazy pictures of them with their mobile phones.

"Do you want to stop them?" Liu Li asked in a low voice.

She and An Mo are artists, this kind of thing is inevitable, and they are used to it.

But Tao Chengxuan is different.

"It's okay, as long as they take pictures, we don't need to ask the navy for help."

He was insinuated before that his relationship with Liu Li was a fake, a hype, and he felt uncomfortable.

But the company's public relations department said that it should be ignored, because the other party had put up a big list, and the two of them were not the most concerned by everyone.

If you issue a clarification statement at this time, you will be called a hype instead.

Tao Chengxuan originally wanted to ask the navy to bring the rhythm, but now it seems that he doesn't need it.

Just show some love.

Fans who are taking pictures will naturally help spread the word.

(End of this chapter)

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