Gold Assistant

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Tao Chengxuan held Liu Li's left hand, but found that her hand was a little cold.

"Why is it so cold?" He frowned deeply.

Seeing that the clothes on Liu Li seemed a little thin, he immediately put his scarf around her neck.

Liu Li looked at him with watery eyes.

Then Tao Chengxuan grabbed both of Liu Li's hands, and wrapped her small hands with his big hands to keep her warm.

"I'm not cold, but I ate a creme brulee just now, so it was a bit cold. Brother Jun bought a portion for you and Grandma Tao, you go and eat it, it tastes very good."

But Tao Chengxuan didn't let go, and asked, "Why are you wearing so little?"

It's late autumn now, and the weather here will be even colder.

"Hee hee, it's actually okay." Liu Li leaned over and whispered in his ear, "We have a secret weapon prepared by my sister."

Thinking of Xue Yao's magical props, Tao Chengxuan didn't say anything more.

Mrs. Tao was very pleased to see how the two got along.

It seems that the day when she holds a great-grandson is not far away.

Xiaobai and Xiaoxian trotted over holding two creme brulees, holding hands.

"Grandma Tao, Ah and brother eat pudding."

"Good, good, good."

Mrs. Tao took the pudding with a smile, thinking that Xiaobai was taught very well by Xue Yao and the others, and her great-grandson would be as good as him.

Then I couldn't keep my eyes open from laughing.

Ah He didn't expect to have a share, so he quickly took the pudding with a smile.

Sure enough, they were treated differently with Xue Yao.

He wants to quit.

The Tao family mainly produces cosmetics, and no one can give him the cosmetic samples that the eldest lady gave him.

He also has to watch her and Master Zhan show their affection every day, he feels very sad as a single.

On the other side, Xue Yao, who was driving to the park by car, was videoing with Chen Ting.

The two talked about what happened. When Tao Chengxuan proposed to Liu Li, Chen Ting raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, Tao Chengxuan took the lead again.

I met my parents before too.

Although Mo Ziyan is not Xue Yao's father, his nominal stepfather is also the parent.

Looks like the wedding is about to get underway.

Xue Yao didn't notice his distraction, and said happily there: "Lili is happy now, but luckily she has lived up to the original owner's entrustment, as long as she reaches the peak of her career, the stone in my heart will fall. "

Thinking of the scene when she met the original owner, Xue Yao suddenly asked: "Master, do you know why there was an explosion there?"

She spoke so endlessly, mainly because she was afraid of being heard by others.

But Shishi must be able to understand what she means.

"I'm not too sure, I might ask Xiaobai about this."


Chen Ting thought of what he had done today, so he told her as if giving a report.

He used some methods to find out, and let the undercover agent in the entertainment industry announce that the person suspected of being a celebrity carrying prohibited drugs was Qin Hong.

"Qin Hong?! Why did he do this? And how did he know the news here? Who notified him?"

Is it someone who is happy here?
"Zhan Jingni told him."


This made Xue Yao even more puzzled.

Fortunately, Chen Ting didn't make her wait too long.

"Qin Hong and Zhan Jingni are actually boyfriend and girlfriend. After Zhan Jingni had an accident in country F, she thought that the Zhan family had no staff there, so she contacted Qin Hong. After all, Huanxin's products are selling well here, so she probably has some connections."

After Chen Ting learned that Chen Li wanted him to marry Zhan Jingni, he immediately went to check Zhan Jingni's information.

Because he promised Xue Yao to handle this matter well.

Without getting any response from him, the Zhan family began to release news about the two marriages, just like the Qin family wanted to force the Tao family to marry.

But Zhan Jingni is different from her cousin Zhan Jingyun who loves to show off. She is relatively low-key, so there are not many news.

In desperation, Chen Ting had no choice but to hack into the Zhan family's network to see if he could get any useful information. He could also check to see if the Zhan family was related to the disappearance case 15 years ago.

It's just that it's a long time ago, and there is no information related to the disappearance case.

Fortunately, Zhan Jingni has the habit of writing a diary on the computer.

He quickly found out about Zhan Jingni and Qin Hong, and at the same time discovered a plan of the Zhan family against him.

It turns out that the powerful netizens have picked out the famous ladies who went to country F, and the Zhan sisters are the most suspected.

There is a lot of discussion about them online.

But they were already on the plane back to China, and the Zhan family wanted to use the current heat to make a splash.

Firstly, it was clarified that they were not involved in the case because they had already returned to China and were not locked up.

Second, they planned to take advantage of the attention of netizens to release the news of the marriage between the Chen and Zhan families.

Chen Ting would not let them succeed.

As long as the news that Zhan Jingni and Qin Hong are together is released, the marriage will become a joke.

It's just that Zhan Jingni didn't keep any photos here, which is a bit unbelievable.

At that time, Chen Ting only thought for a few seconds before hacking into Qin Hong's computer and mobile phone.

Only then did he discover the information about Qin Hong and Zhan Jingni, as well as the chat records with the undercover agent in the entertainment industry.

"They are so hateful!" Xue Yao puffed up her face like a balloon.

Chen Ting smiled regretfully.

Xiao Yao looks so cute, it's a pity he's not around.

Then he thought that Tao Chengxuan and Wang Jun had both gone to Paris. Under such a comparison, whether Xiaoyao would feel dissatisfied with him.

And there are admirers around her.

Although he knew that Xiaoyao would not pay attention to that person.

"But why did Qin Hong ask an undercover agent in the entertainment circle to post that news? And don't they two have a grudge against each other?"

The previous allergy incident was reported by an undercover agent in the entertainment industry, saying that Gu Ruoyu had accepted Huanxin's hush money, which pushed Qin Hong and the others to the forefront.

"The undercover agent in the entertainment industry is actually a blackmailer."

Xue Yao looked at the phone with a puzzled face, "Huh?"

"He originally wanted to use the allergy incident to accumulate popularity, and blackmail Qin Hong to give him a hush money, otherwise he would expose the inside story of the transaction between Huanxi and Gu Ruoyu.

They should have reached some kind of agreement, so there is no follow-up content.It's a pity that this undercover agent in the entertainment industry is very cautious, and he couldn't find any information about him. Someone should have helped him eliminate the traces. "

"Can't you even find Shishi?" This surprised Xue Yao.

Chen Ting is a top master in the world of hackers.

For Xue Yao's blind trust, Chen Ting smiled and poked on the screen of the phone, which happened to be Xue Yao's forehead.

That movement was extremely proficient, as if it had been done countless times.

"I haven't found a key point that can be used, so it will take a little time.

However, the other party's method is somewhat familiar, and it seems to be the same person who left the back door in the mental hospital last time. "

(End of this chapter)

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