Gold Assistant

Chapter 516 1 Stone 3 Birds

Chapter 516 Three birds with one stone

"The same person, could it be related to Xie Lin? There must be nothing wrong with Shishi. If you really can't find it, it's okay. Let's wake up Xiaobai to help."

When it comes to computers, no one is better than top intelligence.

Then Xue Yao showed a fierce look, "Don't tire yourself out, if you stay up late like last night, I will be very angry!"

"Okay." Chen Ting slightly curled the corners of his mouth.

It feels good to have someone who cares, especially if it comes from a loved one.

"Qin Hong probably wanted to divert the public's attention, that's why he asked the undercover agent in the entertainment circle to release the news."

"Huh? Qin Hong cheated on his girlfriend like this, it's too scumbag." Xue Yao didn't expect such a person to exist.

His girlfriend was waiting for him to rescue him, but he dug a hole for her.

Chen Ting took all of Xue Yao's expressions into his eyes, and felt that he couldn't get enough of them.

"It's not a trick, their goal at the beginning was just like what Xiaoyao thought before, to implicate Liu Li and An Mo in the matter of illegal drugs.

Thinking of stirring up the heat when we go to clarify, and then find a few cases of Gu Yun's allergies, and by the way, cheat the Tao family.

In order to divert everyone's attention from the allergy incident of Huanxin, I heard that an international claim team for the Xianxin incident has been established. "

Xue Yao's eyes widened, "Oh my God, this Qin Hong is using a series of tricks, and he can kill three birds with one stone. Since when did he become so powerful, can someone tell me?"

Chen Ting was taken aback when he heard this.

He didn't think about it from this angle, he thought it was Qin Hong's own ability.

But thinking about it carefully, Qin Hong is not such a high IQ person.

From the occurrence of the allergy incident, Qin Hong made a video apology, to the follow-up hush money paid to Gu Ruoyu, so that the public would divert their attention and forget about it, it didn't seem like he could do it.

Maybe it was really like what Xiaoyao said, someone pointed out.

He was a little negligent in this matter.

He nodded solemnly, and said again: "Yes, but this chain is counted as the first ring, and it was discovered by Xiaoyao and A Tao, and it was broken immediately."

"Hee hee, luck, luck." Xue Yao, who was praised, narrowed her eyes with a smile. "We can't let Qin Hong go on like this, we have to fight back.

Otherwise, they will always trouble us, just like those lingering black fans. "

Chen Ting looked at her dotingly, it's great that Xiaoyao is energetic and energetic.

"Okay, what Xiaoyao wants to do, I will let A Tao and the others fully cooperate."

Xue Yao rested her chin and thought for a while, a hint of naughtiness flashed in her eyes.

This made Chen Ting, who had been watching her, smile slightly again.

Xiaoyao thought of some way to play tricks on people.

"Since the two of them are boyfriend and girlfriend, they definitely don't want to get married. Let's help this couple of fateful couples."

The two of them wanted to go together.

There was a smirk on the corner of Xue Yao's mouth, "Master, do you have a photo of the two of them together?"

"I'll transfer it to you now." After speaking, he used the laptop next to him to send an email to Xue Yao.

He looked at the computer screen and found that there was an unused recording, which should be useful to Xue Yao, so he packed it and sent it to her.

"Yeah!" Xue Yao nodded happily. Apart from going to eat this afternoon, she had nothing to do, so she just used this to pass the time.

At this time Ah Yi hurriedly walked to Chen Ting's side, and smiled at Xue Yao on the phone.

Because the matter was a little urgent, he said: "Master, Young Madam, Master Kang called just now and said that someone reported to him that the insinuation that someone was hyping up a relationship was actually aimed at Miss Li and Master Chengxuan.

Since both of your cell phones are busy, he asked me to pass it on to you.Said to solve it as soon as possible, the female star seems to have some information. "

"Huh?" Xue Yao didn't expect that the matter would be aimed at Liu Li.

After all, there are more than a dozen couples in the form listed by netizens.

There are also several couples in it, people who will be rumored to be in love as long as they make new dramas or movies.

Xue Yao immediately said: "Well, I see. Anyway, Tao Chengxuan is here now, and it will be easy to secretly take a photo of him and Lili together."

At this time, the driver reminded that the park was just ahead.

Xue Yao had no choice but to reluctantly say to Chen Ting: "Master, I'm coming soon, we will talk tomorrow, you must not stay up late tonight."

"Okay." Chen Ting replied helplessly.

What they talked about today was mainly about other people's affairs.

It seems that only video can not relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Ah Si in the corner looked at Chen Ting in surprise the whole time.

It was like getting to know him all over again.

Never heard him speak so much.

In the past, he could use a single word to speak, and he never said a single word.

Thinking of all the differences between him and Xue Yao before.

Ah Si couldn't help sighing, people in love do change.

And when the young lady was about to hang up the phone just now, the young master had a disappointed expression on his face.

It's a pity that it couldn't be photographed.

Otherwise, as a commemoration, I have already thought of the title, "My Young Master's First Taste of Lovesickness".

He nudged Ah Er with his elbow, winked and made a strange expression.

Xiao Xiao whispered: "Master, this is Sichun."

Chen Ting just raised his head and heard Ah Si's words.

In order to exercise his consciousness, he often fills the room with his consciousness, so he is very clear about everything that happens here, everyone's every move.

He asked indifferently without any emotion: "Who do you think misses spring?"

", no, it's about a bakery called Scong." Ah Si responded in a panic.

Chen Ting ignored him, "Ah Yi, is your passport still valid?"

Ah Yi was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Ah Er, he was usually in charge of these matters.

"My eldest brother and I have just expired, and we are already re-applying."

Ah Er said a little bored.

In the past, when Chen Ting was filming, he often flew abroad to shoot scenes. He would pay attention to renewing his passport before it expired.

Now because of Chen Ting's injury, he has no plans to go abroad, and he has encountered a lot of things recently, so he didn't realize the time issue of the passport for a while.

Chen Ting was silent, thinking about whether to ask Uncle Chang for help to deal with it quickly.

A gleam of joy flashed in Ah Si's eyes, and he raised his hand and said, "I...mine is still valid."

When Xue Yao and the others said they were going on a trip, he rushed to renew his passport in a hurry, but it was not as good as God's plan, and the last person to go was Ah San, not him.

It's just that after Ah Si said this, Ah Yi and Ah Er frowned.

"Master, where do you want to go? Is the matter urgent? How many days are you going?" Ah Er gave him a hard look.

Ah Si, who was stared at, squatted in the corner and drew circles as if the fire had been turned off.

Obviously he is the one who is the best at learning foreign languages, but he is also the one who goes abroad with the young master the least.

 Keep working hard for three more~
(End of this chapter)

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