Gold Assistant

Chapter 519 You are the assistant lady!

Chapter 519 You are the assistant lady!
"It's okay, come with me."

Xue Yao took out a mask, put it on, and took off her sunglasses and hat.

He found that the three of them were all there in a daze like a piece of wood, staring blankly at her.

She rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Let's go."


The three quickly followed behind her.

But they couldn't help talking.

Tingting said in a small voice: "Do you think this assistant sister, after wearing a mask, becomes very familiar?"

"Yes, yes, I think so too." Xiaoqi echoed repeatedly.

Qian Junjun didn't speak, she looked at the sweet grass orange cake in her hand and thought.

This assistant sister, could it be the one she thought of?

Xiao Bai, who was seriously accompanying Mrs. Tao to feed the pigeons in the square, when he saw Xue Yao, put Xiaoxian's hand in Mrs. Tao's place, and rushed over.

"Sister, you are back."

"Well, go ahead and play." Xue Yao stroked his soft hair.

"Brother Jun bought delicious creme brulee, but he didn't buy yours."

Xue Yao raised her eyebrows, is Xiaobai complaining?

"I ate it when I came here just now."

After Xiaobai heard it, he lowered his head in disappointment. "Oh, I'm going to accompany Grandma Tao."

After speaking, he ran away quickly.

"What's wrong with this kid?" Xue Yao was a little puzzled.

The three people in the back laughed when they heard what the two said.

Tingting covered her mouth and said with a smile: "It's probably because the pudding is so delicious, so he wants his sister to taste one, and asks her to buy another one for him by the way."

Xue Yao froze for a moment, "Ah..."

"My younger brother often does this too, but he's so smart that it can't make people angry." Xiaoqi also laughed.

"So that's the case, why didn't he just say it directly."

If she said it directly, she would definitely buy it.

"Seeing us here, he must be shy."

"Well, it's possible." Xue Yao nodded lightly.When Xiao Bai met strangers outside, he really didn't say much.

She continued to lead the three of them towards Liu Li.

Qian Junjun glanced at Mrs. Tao who was feeding the pigeons with Xiaobai in the square.

Just now the little boy said to accompany Grandma Tao?

Could it be President Tao's grandma?
They actually came out to play together, which proves that Liu Li and Tao's elders have a very good relationship.

Unlike what was reported in the entertainment news, when an actress married into a wealthy family, her in-laws looked down upon her.

If so, that would be great.

Xue Yao led the three of them to Liu Li's side.

When Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan saw her, they immediately stood up.

"Sister, you are back."

Seeing this scene and hearing Liu Li's address, Tingting immediately resolved her doubts, and she blurted out: "Ah, you are Miss Assistant!"

Qian Junjun hastily pulled her clothes.

Tingting immediately covered her mouth with her hands, and looked at Xue Yao and the others apologetically.

After being recognized, Xue Yao looked at them with a smile on her face and said, "Yes, there were too many people over there just now, so I didn't say anything, please forgive me."

In fact, she changed her clothes on purpose just now, because some positions in her mind require keen observation skills.

"No, nothing!" The three girls were a little dizzy.

Liu Li smiled and looked at Xue Yao the whole time. Although she didn't know what was going on, she didn't ask.

Tao Chengxuan stood quietly behind Liu Li in front of the handsome backdrop.

"This is Qian Junjun, Tingting and Xiaoqi. When I went to eat just now, they were clarifying something for you, and I just overheard them."

"Clarification?" Liu Li was a little confused, but still politely smiled at the three of them: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what we should do, we all like you, Lili!" Tingting looked at Liu Li nervously.

Qian Junjun and Xiaoqi were equally nervous.

It was the first time for them to have such close contact with their idols, and they could only watch from a distance in the past.

Taking advantage of their friendly exchange there, Tao Chengxuan asked Xue Yao in a low voice, "Is it about Cai Shichun?"

"Do you know something? Why did she suddenly target Lili?"

Cai Shichun is an artist of Huixing Entertainment, logically speaking, he should have no hatred with them.

Tao Chengxuan knew about this, but Xue Yao was not surprised, because he said before that he wanted everyone to know that he and Liu Li were really together, not hype.

But before he could speak, he heard a pleasant voice.

"Sister Yao, you are back, huh? Who are these three?"

An Mo dragged Wang Jun over.

His eyes were full of doubts, and he looked curiously at the three people standing beside him.

Xue Yao introduced them again.

"Ah, you are Mr. Wallet. I always think about what kind of person with such a cute online name is like. I didn't expect that real people are also cute."

Qian Junjun, who has short hair, looks neat and cute.

After hearing An Mo's praise, she immediately blushed even though she was calm.

"Thank you."

An Mo also smiled at Tingting and Xiaoqi, not neglecting them.

When she saw Tingting's dimples, she opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Your dimples look so good."

I really want to poke the dimple with my hand, but it's too rude to poke it!
"Thank you, Momo, we have liked you since we were young."

"Hee hee, thank you, are you also here to travel?"

"We are here to participate in a short-term exchange student activity. We want to take a good look at this romantic city before we leave. We can't waste the air ticket money."

An Mo opened his mouth in surprise, "Wow, exchange students, you are all top students!"

Since he didn't go to school much since he was a child, An Mo admired people who studied well.

Afterwards, they happily chatted with them, and Liu Li would say a word or two from time to time.

Seeing the way An Mo chatted enthusiastically with them, Xue Yao knew that these three girls must make her feel good.

"You guys are from the Department of Media? Then when will you graduate, do you want to come to our studio? I heard Xiao Tong said that the work is very busy, but it is difficult to recruit people.

You can rest assured that salary is definitely not a problem, Sister Yao will often make delicious food and share it with everyone. "

Unexpectedly, An Mo and Xue Yao thought of going together.

"Sister Yao, right?" An Mo turned to look at Xue Yao as soon as she finished speaking.

"Well, they are only juniors and haven't graduated yet, but I have invited them to work part-time in the studio when they are free."

"Hey, elder sister Yao always strikes so fast."

Du Manlu and Ding Hanmo also came back and greeted everyone.

Xue Yao remembered about Cai Shichun and turned to ask Du Manlu.

"Man Lu, do you know what kind of person Cai Shichun is?"

"Cai Shichun?" Du Manlu frowned slightly, "Although she and I are both artists under Li Jinghong's subordinates, she made her debut earlier than me, so we haven't had much contact with each other. What's the matter?"

But after she finished speaking, she immediately stopped and glanced at Qian Junjun and the three of them indiscriminately. There were outsiders around, so she shouldn't be so casual.

 Continue to the third watch~~
(End of this chapter)

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