Gold Assistant

Chapter 520 Hype

Chapter 520 Hype
"Is that so." Xue Yao stroked her chin and thought about it.

It's not easy for her to use her or the company's account to report this matter, so it's best to ask a third party for help.

So she looked at Ding Hanmo, he seems to have a friend who is now an entertainment big V, and often reports on things in the entertainment industry.

Xue Yao has seen the content of his bib, and he and the big V have followed each other and often compliment each other.

"Hanmo, can you contact the friends of your big V? I want to ask him to report."

"Are you talking about Brother A? Yes, what's the news?"

Xue Yao turned to Tingting and said, "Can Tingting send me the photo you just secretly took?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Tingting immediately forwarded the photo to Xue Yao.

"Brother A, please report that Lili is dating Brother Chengxuan in Paris during the vacation."

"Ah, why?"

Except for Qian Junjun and the other three, they all looked at her in surprise.

Since their debut, they have never taken the initiative to hype up romance.

Xue Yao briefly talked about Cai Shichun's scarf and the fan group.

Ding Hanmo thought for a while.

"If you have already posted it in the comment area but it was deleted, the other party may have taken precautions, and it may not be enough for us or Liu Li's fans.

It is necessary to increase the intensity of reporting and muddy the water.You can ask brother A and his friends to post this matter together, as if someone reported to all the big Vs, anyway, dating is also true.

But for the fan group, they are not easy to post. "

"Well, no problem, I'll apply for funding with Brother Kang later. I'll ask someone else to help me take a screenshot of the fan group."

Ding Hanmo was also very happy that Xue Yao was so upbeat.

Brother A is okay to say, but other big Vs usually charge for their help.

Ding Hanmo looked at the photo secretly taken by Tingting and thought for a moment.

Their photos are not very clear.

He asked Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan to sit back on the bench, and he ran to the distance to pick up the camera and took a few pictures.

It's just that the technology is too good and the shooting is too professional, it doesn't look like a candid shot.After trying a few times, I wanted to deliberately miss the shot, but my body's instincts quickly adjusted back.

He raised his head and saw Xue Yao, and immediately waved to her to let her pass.

Xue Yao quickly ran to his side.

"what happened?"

"You take pictures." Ding Hanmo suppressed the discomfort, and put the camera in Xue Yao's hands.

These actions of his made Xue Yao dumbfounded.

Ding Hanmo explained: "I took such a good picture, it's not like a sneak shot."

"Oh." Xue Yao smiled clearly, then stared at him with wide eyes.

What does this mean? Could it be that she took bad pictures, like candid pictures?
"Hurry up, this kind of thing needs to be dealt with quickly so that we can better control public opinion. It's already late in Huaguo." Ding Hanmo knew that what he said was hurtful, so he hurriedly urged Xue Yao to divert her attention.


Xue Yao, who was disliked for her photography skills again, thought in her heart that she must take revenge sometime.

It's time to get down to business.

Xue Yao pointed the camera at the side of the bench, and took several pictures in a row, and even changed a few positions to take pictures, in order to make the pictures better.

When she returned the camera to Ding Hanmo, he didn't even look at it, so he used tools to transfer the photos to his phone.

Then quickly delete the photos in the camera.

"Okay, I'll contact Brother A now."

Xue Yao stared dumbfounded at the swiftness of his deletion of photos.

It hurts!
Too heartbreaking!

She was just wearing a mask, and no one noticed her sad expression.

Ding Hanmo took out his mobile phone to contact Brother A.

On the other side, Liu Li and the others took many photos with the three girls.

Xue Yao walked back frustrated, Qian Junjun and the three said goodbye to her and left.

Although they wanted to participate in the fight with Cai Shichun, they ran out of time and had to go back to pack their things and take the plane back to China.

But they decided to support it on the scarf.

"Shall we continue to eat at the next Michelin star?" Wang Jun shook his phone.

It records the information of many Michelin restaurants and snacks in Paris, which was organized by Zhu Haixuan for him.

"Okay, wait for Hanmo to get in touch with those big Vs before leaving."

After a while, Ding Hanmo came back.

"Brother A said that he just received the news that someone is going to make a big deal out of it."

"Huh? So suddenly?"

The appearance of the Zhan family sisters immediately appeared in Xue Yao's mind.

After calculating the time, their plane should have arrived in City B.

Could it be that they did it?
"Brother A suggested that we send some blurry photos first, and then send clear photos to clarify the situation while the other party is blowing things up. This is better than sending directly."

"But..." Xue Yao looked at Liu Li and An Mo with some confusion.

Suppressing first and then raising, it's different from what she thought of directly posting about their date.

They don't like hype.

In the past, most of them were passive defense and counterattack.

When Ding Hanmo was a paparazzi, he knew about them very well. "Actually, this is a good thing, aren't you guys going to make a movie?

I heard that there are many people who want to suppress "The Female President" because they can't invest enough, so this is a good time to promote it. "

In fact, he also has selfish intentions. If this matter becomes serious, and Du Manlu joins Chen Ting's office, more people will know about it, and it will be good for her.

"Well, that's what you said, then do as Brother A said, and I will notify Brother Tao to cooperate."

When they were looking for a restaurant, there were multiple entertainment big Vs on Hua Guo's scarf, and they all sent the same message.

Yuji Brother A V: [According to reliable sources, the new actress is suspected of having an intimate date with a man in Paris. (photo)】

Entertainment Goldfish Eye V: [Shocked, the actress surnamed L interacted with a man in a Paris park, her actions were intimate and ambiguous. (photo)】


Since the woman was photographed frontally, although it was somewhat blurry, netizens quickly guessed that the person in the photo was Liu Li.

After all, everyone knew that they went to Paris.

But because of the man in the photo, only the side face is really unclear, so they are trying their best to find out who it is.

When Cai Shichun saw the content on the webpage, she thought that the person who told her about it had made a move.

She frowned suspiciously.

Didn't it mean that this matter should be slowly infiltrated on the Internet, and after there is a certain degree of exposure and everyone knows it, the name will be revealed, so that Liu Li and the others can't fight back?
Then she thought about it, that's fine.

When someone posted a photo and a screenshot of her group in the comment area before, she was so scared that she immediately deleted it. Unfortunately, she didn't see the content of the photo clearly, and she didn't even pay attention to the person's screen name.

I asked some familiar fans, and they all said that they deleted it too quickly and didn't have time to read it.

At this time, she inevitably had some doubts, that man could not really be Tao Chengxuan as said in the comments, right?
(End of this chapter)

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