Gold Assistant

Chapter 521 Where is the beautiful sadomasochism?

Chapter 521 Where is the beautiful sadomasochism?

Cai Shichun immediately searched for Tao Chengxuan's news.

It's a pity that he is very low-key, and there is very little news about him on the Internet.

Later, she remembered that she had a suitor who worked at the airport, so she quickly asked him to check if there was any news about Tao Chengxuan's flight.

The other party replied quickly, saying that no relevant information about Tao Chengxuan was found in the system, which proved that he had never taken any airlines.

Cai Shichun smiled happily.

I didn't expect that what the man said was true.

Seeing Tao Chengxuan's handsome face on the webpage, Cai Shichun bit his lip angrily.

When she first debuted, she met Tao Chengxuan at a reception.

At that time, she was fascinated by this handsome and wealthy man, so she took the initiative to greet him, but he just greeted politely and then turned and left.

After that, she found many opportunities to approach him, but they were all ignored.

I thought he didn't like the people in the circle.

Later, when I heard that he didn't like women, I gradually forgot about it.

But when she heard the news that he and Liu Li were a couple, she was very angry.

There is a feeling of being cheated.

Because she was afraid that Huixing Entertainment would not renew her contract, she followed Li Jinghong's request to accompany many people.

How could Liu Li leave Huixing so gracefully, and live such a good life afterwards! ?Even Dumanlu who was hidden in the snow.

Du Manlu caused Li Jinghong to go to jail, which made her also implicated.

When people in the company saw her, they always pointed and said that she must have been drinking with Li Jinghong for so long.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Without confirming with that person, she sent a message directly on the Internet.

Cai Shichun V: [The paper can't hold the fire anymore, some people always like to fool and deceive the public, now everyone knows who it is. 】

Netizens began to discuss enthusiastically.

But the experienced people didn't take their positions immediately, after all, they had been slapped in the face too many times before.

They always feel that there must be more than that little information about this matter.

The people who followed Cai Shichun began to rise continuously, and they posted comments one after another, which made her explode a lot.

Seeing her smile happily.

As long as someone she doesn't like is unlucky, it can make people feel happy.

Not long after, she answered the phone.

"What? She has a fiance? Then she hooks up with other men. It's too disgusting. I'll post it later!"

"Don't be in such a hurry? Well, I'll wait for your notice."

After Cai Shichun hung up the phone, he stared at the screen in a daze waiting for the notification, and didn't even go to bed for the beauty sleep.

Under the scarf of the entertainment big V, Liu Li's fans didn't mention the man.Instead, he complained that these photos were taken so poorly that he didn't even capture [-]% of Liu Li's beauty.

The more fans say this, the more some people think they're digressing.

On the other side, Xue Yao and the others have arrived at the restaurant for dinner.

It's a pity that it's another Western-style restaurant that serves food slowly.

But because everyone ate while walking along the way, they were not hungry.

While waiting to eat, Xue Yao posted about Zhan Jingni and Qin Hong.

It's just that her mind is all on Liu Li's matter now, so she didn't think much about the content and wrote it very perfunctorily.

After all, even if she doesn't post it, Chen Ting still belongs to her~
No one else can take it away.

And without Chen Ting's consent, it's useless for the Chen and Zhan families to say anything, it's just that it's more troublesome to explain in terms of public opinion.

It may be that Xue Yao was flanked by three and a half loving couples when she came by car, which made her very upset.

Before leaving the park, she specially bought creme brulee for Xiao Bai to eat.

Who knew that he would share half of the food with Xiaoxian alone!
Everyone else is affectionate, and Shishi is not around, and she has to deal with these rotten affairs, her mentality exploded immediately.

She grumpily said to herself: Hmph, it's a big deal, let's make her relationship with Chen Ting public.

The only V of the little gossip: [Today, I was amlied with a truly breathless 'beautiful sadomasochism', which can be called a modern Romeo and Juliet. (photo attached)]

The content roughly says that there are two children from rich and famous families who have known each other since childhood and fell in love.Both of them loved each other deeply, and they also made an oath of eternal love that they would not marry unless the other party.

However, the families of both men and women, for some reason, didn't like them very much, and abruptly broke up the couple.

It's just that they are still working hard in private, taking advantage of rare opportunities to go out from time to time to date.

However, in order to numb the family members, the man often bears the burden of humiliation and goes on dates with the famous ladies arranged by the family.

The woman knew about this, but she still felt uncomfortable seeing or hearing the news from others, so she went abroad with her sister to relax, which led to some incidents abroad.

PS: One surnamed Q, one surnamed Z.

For the rest of the melons, everyone will pick them up by themselves. (Goodbye manual antics.)
In the photos are intimate photos of Qin Hong and Zhan Jingni, as well as photos of Qin Hong dating other women.

Since the news released by this account is all gossip with solid hammer, there are too few updates.

Sometimes it is updated every month, sometimes it is updated every two months. Those who are afraid of missing the gossip have made special reminders of the news.

When the melon eaters heard the information prompt, they all clicked in to see it.

[Doudou: Why did Xiaoba suddenly write a love story? ]
[Bamboo forest at the door: This woman seems familiar, where did you see the pendant on her neck? ]
[Acupoint Salt: There is a man upstairs, why are you staring at him from the neck down.But in Xiaoba's story, I don't see where the beautiful sadomasochism is?It's probably bloody. ]
[The bamboo forest at the door: What nonsense, I am studying jewelry design, so I pay more attention to the jewelry on other people.I know where I've seen it. One of the ladies in the doping drug case wore this pendant.

Huh?Someone picked out that those two were the daughters of the Zhan family, and Xiaoba wrote the surname Z here again, so it can't be...]
[Coke without ice: ah, ah, why does Xiaoba post such content, it’s so boring.I also used single quotation marks, I understand, hug the poor little eight.Zhan family?Zhan Jingni really likes to wear jewelry of this brand. She seems to have an underground lover. ]
[The scumbag is about to explode: I've seen the scene where the man was dating, but he didn't bear the humiliation as Xiaoba said. He rejected all the people who went on a blind date with him, and he still pestered them with a shameless face.

Xiaoba, your melon seems to be unqualified, it's too watery. ]
[Yichacha: Hehe, maybe he has good acting skills?I heard that everyone in the wealthy family has masks, just like the happy Qin Hong crying, it is a model.Huh?Qin, Q can't be him, can he? ]
[Excellent ex, get the hell out of here: Why does such a man want to come here? It's better to persuade the heroine to break up as soon as possible. ]
[YJ Queen He: He is very positive about dating, but the heroine is not a good person either. ]

Seeing that everyone had already started discussing this matter, Xue Yao didn't care about it anymore, and didn't read the content.

 Thank you all for your rewards and votes.

  July is over, these two months have been tormented, and Sayan is also learning to be more mature, although he seems to have learned nothing, but has become more self-willed.But because of everyone's support, Sayan finally has the first book with more than one million words.

  Really thank you so much! !
  Next month, I will challenge the difficulty of double opening, and I expect to release a new book. I hope that I can continue to get everyone's support by then.

  Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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