Gold Assistant

Chapter 529 The Future Boss Wife

Chapter 529 The Future Boss Wife

"This is the clothes Anna prepared for us. This one belongs to Xiao Nan, this one belongs to Sister Xin, and this one belongs to you Man Lu. Go to your room to change and check the size, is it right?"

The three of Shi Xiaonan took the clothes and walked to the fitting room.

Xue Yao took the clothes and went to try them on for Liu Li and An Mo who were taking care of their skin.

Her own will wait for everyone to fix it before trying again.

I haven't worn a skirt for a long time.

She is a little cowardly.

I'm afraid it will be weird to wear it out...

After Du Manlu tried on the clothes in the fitting room, she turned twice in front of the mirror.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt completely different.

Although she also wore Chigu clothes before, she bought them at a discount to show off.

It was the first time she wore the season's haute couture.

The whole person feels like walking on clouds.

Thinking of the contract that the young man named Ah Si sent over in the morning, she laughed happily from the bottom of her heart.

Compared with Huixing Entertainment's contract, it was as if it was specially created for her. There were no strict restrictions, and it gave her a lot of personal freedom.

If Chen Ting's people hadn't brought it over personally, she would have thought it was a liar's contract.

Thinking of Chen Ting, she recalled what she saw last night.

The intimate interaction between Xue Yao and Chen Ting made people know that the two of them were lovers.

At that time, everyone's expressions were all familiar. It is estimated that the two of them have been together for a long time.

No wonder Xue Yao is only an assistant, but she can decide the affairs of the studio, so she is the future proprietress.

She has met a nobleman!

In the future, she will work hard and repay the kindness of the studio.

Shi Xiaonan and Ling Yixin looked at her from the side, and smiled slightly after looking at each other.

After Du Manlu saw what happened between Xue Yao and Chen Ting last night, Ling Yixin was still worried for a while.

Although after two days of getting along, she could feel that Du Manlu and Ding Hanmo were good people, but she couldn't help worrying that they would reveal this matter.

After all, she had heard about Chen Ting, and the price was quite high.

After one night and the observation just now, Ling Yixin's tense heart finally relaxed.

Everyone changed their clothes and came out, and when they saw other people, they all praised each other.

The staff were all dumbfounded.

The girls present all wore their clothes beautifully, fully displaying the characteristics of the clothes.

He admired Anna even more in his heart.

What a sight.

When he looked at Xue Yao who was helping everyone organize their clothes, he frowned in confusion.

"May I ask why Miss Xue doesn't try on clothes?"

"I'll change it before I leave. The clothes fit well. Don't worry."

Xue Yao put off wearing it as late as she thought she could.

"But..." The staff hesitated for a moment, but in order to hurry to the show, he quickly said what Anna had told him.

"Ha... Anna asked for it..." Xue Yao smiled distressedly.

Then she thought of a way.

"Well, I'll take a photo for Anna after I change it. I think you're busy too, so you can go back first, don't worry."


"You'll tell Anna."

"Okay then." If others don't want to, he can't force it. Before he left, he took a picture of Liu Li and the others and planned to send it to Anna.

Even without makeup and hairstyle, she is already beautiful.

Because Xue Yao and the others were busy with styling, they ordered room service to eat lunch in the room.

Chen Ting and the others are the same

After finishing his lunch, he received a call from Ah Yi, and learned that Mr. Chen had gone to Saint Laurent to look for him.

He stared out of the window in a daze, and the bits and pieces between him and the old man when he was a child immediately flooded into his mind.

Originally, after many years of experience, he has become more indifferent to family affection, but after returning to this body, after reading the memories from childhood to adulthood, he has some emotional fluctuations again.

Ah Yi was still talking on the other end of the phone: "Ah Er found that the old man's mental state is not very good, so he suggested that he have a physical examination at Saint Laurent, and the report will be available tomorrow."

"Not in a good state of mind? What's going on?"

"Dean Guan judged that they might have eaten something for the old man, and I have already let the old man take away the talisman given by the young lady.

But he insisted on going back to the Chen family's old house, and he was unwilling to stay in Saint Laurent. "

Chen Ting frowned deeply.

Did Chen Li not only attack him, but also attack the old man?
Chen Ting couldn't help thinking of the situation when he traveled through various worlds to do missions.

In the face of interests, it is not uncommon for many people to abandon their wives and children or murder their relatives.

He said in a deep voice: "I will transfer the monitoring of the Chen family's old house to Ah Er's computer. You guys should pay attention and see what's going on."

Ah Yi hesitated and asked, "Do we really not need our personal protection? Anyway, we have nothing to do in the hospital right now."

"Chen Li knows the two of you, so following him suddenly like this will attract his attention, and he wants to facilitate the matter between me and Zhan Jingni recently, so he probably won't do anything to the old man in the short term.

I will ask Uncle Chang for help. "

Because Ah Yi turned on the speakerphone, Ah Yi and Ah Er laughed after Chen Ting finished speaking.

This surprised Chen Ting, "What's wrong?"

"Master Chen said the same thing."

Chen Ting: "..."

After he hung up the phone, Ah Si, who was eavesdropping, couldn't help asking: "Master, what happened back then? Why did the old man suddenly kick you out of the house?"

When this happened, he was still young, being sent to various training by his brothers, and he happened to be away from home.

So Ah Si was not very clear about the situation at that time.

Later, because Chen Ting's whole person changed, he didn't dare to ask when he was still young.

"So far, no specific reason has been investigated. It is only after Chen Li talked with the old man that the old man changed."

Ah Si frowned and said: "I've read the novels written by sister Xia, and the struggles among the rich and powerful are mostly caused by things like property and inheritance rights.

But according to the order of succession of the family, whether it is ranking or status, Chen Li, as the eldest son and grandson, is higher than the young master. "

This was also what Chen Ting couldn't figure out.

"Unless Mr. Chen made a will to let the young master inherit."

"No, when Uncle Chen died, he said more than once that he would not change Chen Li's inheritance rights. This was made in a will."

"Ah, could it be that Chen Li suddenly found out that he is not Uncle Chen's son, that's why he's going to pick things up, hahaha."

Ah Si didn't like Mr. Chen's eldest son at all.

Even if the other party is dead.

He also has no good words.

Every time Uncle Chen saw him, he would smile wretchedly.

If Ah Yi or Ah Er Ge hadn't always been by his side, he might have been murdered by Uncle Chen and become a victim of some kind.

After all, Ah Si was still a young boy at that time.

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  Xiao Wei is an advanced intelligence that has assisted many hosts to successfully ascend to the top.

  I took the practice intelligence to do training, but when I entered the small world, something happened! !
  Xiao Wei: Lord Mastermind, I have become a host...

  Mastermind: ... (disconnected)
  Intern Xiaoba: Ex...Senior, please continue the task and become a top student and queen!
  Intern Xiaoba: Task 1 is released, there is a long leg ahead, please hug it in time.

  I thought it was the thigh of a black family, but I didn't expect it to be the third generation of a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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