Gold Assistant

Chapter 530 Young Master!you lose

Chapter 530 Young Master!you lose
Chen Ting actually thought about what Ah Si said, but when he came back, he went through everything in his memory.

An incident happened when I was a child, which proved that Chen Li was Uncle Chen's biological son.

"Probably not. I remember that when I was young, Chen Li had some kind of disease and had to undergo surgery. At that time, it was my uncle who gave him blood transfusion."

After hearing what Chen Ting said, Ah Si's eyes lit up, and he immediately put on a sophisticated look and said, "Master, the same blood type doesn't necessarily mean they are biological.

In ancient times, the blood-dropped confession was actually inaccurate and had no scientific basis. "

Chen Ting looked at Ah Si without any change in expression.

He was so smug that he almost burst into laughter.

So he ruthlessly attacked and said: "Because the disappearance case just happened at that time, the uncle took a DNA test by the way."

"'s really boring."

When Ah Si heard this, he froze again and hid in the corner.

At this time, someone rang the doorbell, and Ah Si regained his energy. After knocking on the door, he found that it was a hotel staff member who walked in pushing a clothes hanger.

Ah Si said doubtfully, "We didn't call for this service."

The staff put on a professional smile, "Mr. Tao asked us to prepare it. He said that every gentleman has prepared it."

Unexpectedly, Tao Chengxuan prepared it.

"Master! You lost." Ah Si immediately turned her head and teased with a smile.

"Actually, it would be nice to have Ah San here."

Chen Ting smiled.

The alarm bells in Ah Si's heart rang loudly.

He immediately caught the clothes handed over by the staff.

"Master, Brother Ah San doesn't know French, it's very inconvenient."

"And I heard that he is pursuing Xiaoxian's sister."

"Currently, I am seriously studying with Ding Hanmo on how to pursue girls who are older than me."

"After so many years, this is the first time he has taken the initiative to chase his girlfriend."

"We can't take his time."

"If you prevent others from falling in love, you will be kicked by a horse. There are carriages on the street here."

"Otherwise, if sister Xiaonan finds out, she will be unhappy."

"If she is upset, she will report to Mr. Shi, and he will be unhappy too."

"Grandpa Shi is waiting to give birth to his great-grandson. We can't let the old man fail to realize even this small wish."


Ah Si said many reasons in one breath, wanting Chen Ting not to drive him back.

Listening to his series of words, Chen Ting felt a headache.

The staff next to him showed a surprised expression.

He had learned Chinese, that's why he was sent here.

But Ah Si's speaking speed was too fast, he could only understand a few words, and he couldn't help feeling that Chinese Mandarin is really difficult to learn.

Ah Si seemed to see the anger on Chen Ting's forehead, which was constantly rushing, looking impatient.

This is very rare for Chen Ting, who has superb acting skills and is good at hiding emotions.

Ah Si quickly sullen, pretending to be pitiful.

"Master, you promised Brother A and Brother A to take good care of me."

Chen Ting looked up at him with raised eyebrows.

Obviously Ah Yi and Ah Er ordered Ah Si to take good care of him.

"You walked quickly with the young lady yesterday, and you didn't see how happy young master Xiaobai was when he saw me."

It's okay not to mention this, but Chen Ting gets angry when he mentions it.

Xiaobai, who was originally innocent, was spoiled by Ah Si.

"Young Madam is actually very happy to see me."

"And I'm very useful. I can watch the door for you so that others won't disturb you."

Then he showed Chen Ting a "you understand" expression.

Chen Ting didn't want to hear him talk nonsense anymore, so he waved his hand to tell him to shut up.

"Change clothes."

"Yes!" Ah Si immediately checked the clothes with the staff and sent him out.

Thinking secretly in his heart, Xiaobai is really powerful.

Last night Xiaobai heard that Ah Si had been silenced by the real person for a long time, and felt very sympathetic.

He quietly pulled Ah Si into the corner to talk.

"Brother Ah Si, if brother-in-law says to drive you away again, before he asks to be silenced, he must give a lot of reasons to make him faint.

Then when he reacts, he pretends to be pitiful and begs for mercy, so he won't pursue it. "

Ah Si looked at Xiao Bai with some doubts, the young master is such a cruel and ruthless person, is such a trick useful?

"Does it really work?"

"En!" Xiaobai nodded affirmatively.

Because in the first world when Xue Yao met Chen Ting, he was often stunned by the fourth junior brother and Xue Yao.

"Okay, I'll try, thank you Xiaobai."

Everyone else was gloating and smiling, only Xiaobai really cared about him.


Unexpectedly, this method is really effective.

When he turned around to help Chen Ting change clothes, Chen Ting had already taken a suit from the shelf and walked to the fitting room.

Ah Si murmured in a low voice, "It's clear that you can walk without hindrance, but you still need to sit in a wheelchair. Is this pretending to be pitiful for the young lady?"

Chen Ting, whose consciousness filled the entire room, heard Ah Si's words clearly, and smiled helplessly.

Ah Si seemed to be spoiled by them.

Fortunately, nature is not bad.

When the two of them changed their clothes, Chen Ting sat in the wheelchair again under Ah Si's gaze.

Ah Si curled her lips, pushed the wheelchair, and went to the top floor together.

Because the venue for the fashion show is a little far away, they have to start early.

When Chen Ting and the others arrived at Xue Yao's room, it was An Mo who opened the door after changing his clothes.

She and Liu Li were wearing the same series of skirts with different patterns.

They are all hand-stitched with large-sized flowers on the skirt, combined with the printed pattern of the skirt itself, to echo the clothing in color.

Create a beautiful effect of illusion and reality.

Due to the weather, Anna also matched them with large fringed scarves.

The material of the scarf is very soft, and it fits snugly on the two of them, so that they can keep warm without losing their charm.

The tassels on the scarves are just right on both sides of the body, giving them a free and natural feeling while walking.

On the other side, Shi Xiaonan and the others are wearing swaying skirts with light silk and gold threads. The slightly upward waistline and large skirts make people feel a touch of romantic love.

They are also wearing scarves, but in different colors. It can be seen that they are together, but each has its own characteristics.

Ah Si immediately praised: "The sisters are so beautiful."

An Mo smiled and said, "Thank you, Ah Si is also very handsome today! Elder sister Yao is changing clothes, please come in and wait."

The 5 of them were about to wear off their mouths before letting Xue Yao change their clothes.

Never thought that Xue Yao would be afraid of wearing skirts...

"it is good."

Chen Ting responded in a deep voice.

Xue Yao suppressed the awkwardness in her heart when she heard Chen Ting's voice, speeded up and changed her clothes.

However, she was really not used to wearing the long skirt that Anna sent over.

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(End of this chapter)

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