Gold Assistant

Chapter 532 Private Jets

Chapter 532 Private Jets
Cai Shichun checked the time, the last call was made an hour ago, so he called back immediately.

"Hi, hello, I'm Cai Shichun."

After receiving the call, the staff of the legal department immediately asked angrily and loudly, "Why did you call back so late?!"

Cai Shichun hastily moved the phone away, the other party's voice was so loud that she felt like she was going deaf.

Then she replied tremblingly: "I'm sorry, because I have severe insomnia, so I didn't rest well, and I just woke up."

Perhaps her apology was more sincere, so the staff's attitude eased.

"You don't have a job now, so you should adjust your schedule and go to see you when you are sick."

"Yes, yes, I will pay attention. I wonder if you are calling... Do you want to discuss the renewal of the contract?"

"What contract renewal, what I want to say is, don't wear those messy scarves when you have nothing to do in the future, it's illegal, do you know that!"

Hearing the other party's words, the nerves in Cai Shichun's mind suddenly broke.

Cai Shichun asked tremblingly, "What... what is illegal?"

The information she sent on the scarf before was very careful, and it should not involve illegal activities.

Even the scarf that was deleted used President Tao instead of his full name.

"Customer information at the airport is kept confidential, but you publicly announced that you got information from others, isn't that illegal?!"

"That...that's also the person who went to investigate broke the law. I'll announce it at most, and I didn't type the full name.

I'm not in that industry, so how do I know their rules? It's because that person wants to be courteous, and it has nothing to do with me. "

Cai Shichun quickly threw the pot away.

The staff of the legal department trembled with anger when they heard her unrepentant words.

"This is the result of our dealings with the relevant departments. Otherwise, why do you think you can sleep till the sun!" The words of the staff seemed to be squeezed out of teeth.

"Then... is it all right?" Cai Shichun immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"You handed over the bib account and password, and now the PR team will take over."

Cai Shichun was worried that something might happen, so he had to hand it over.

Then he asked again, "Am I really alright?"

As soon as the staff received the materials, they hung up the phone immediately without saying anything.

Only the beeping sound echoed on the phone.

The staff immediately log in to the bib with the account number and password, and change the password immediately.

What happened to Huaxing Gu Ruoyu last time became a public relations crisis case for various public relations teams.

Originally, Huixing Company had asked the managers to collect the accounts of the artists under their names, but because Li Jinghong was arrested, no one managed his artists.

While deleting the scarf that Cai Shichun had issued earlier, the staff snorted a few words, "What the hell!"

The person next to him asked, "What's the matter? Have you contacted that Cai Shichun?"

"We got in touch, and she said that the matter had nothing to do with her, it was the people at the airport who were courteous."

"If she doesn't ask, how will others know that she wants to look up this information. Well, if you like this kind of woman, that person is really unlucky."

"is not that right?"

Except for Cai Shichun, other entertainment big Vs had Tao Chengxuan's full name on their posts, and their accounts were all banned for three months.

The Network Authority has spoken out on the matter.

[Recently, some airport staff took advantage of their positions to sell customers' personal information to others, which has been handed over to relevant departments for processing. 】

Seeing such endless information, smart netizens immediately thought of Tao Chengxuan's aviation information before.

The melon eaters who have never chosen to stand in line were happy for their steadfastness, and immediately called their friends to happily pick up fat house water and potato chips, ready to wait and see the follow-up.

They estimated that Chen Ting's studio's counterattack had begun.

But everyone was guessing whether Gu Yun had intervened in this matter, and that's why the relevant departments were so quick.

In the past, the information of artists or celebrities was leaked by the airport staff, but there was no such big incident.In other words, the airport staff are taking the blame, but it is actually the news released by those people themselves.

Brother A, who has been paying attention to the direction of public opinion, saw that the matter had developed to this point, and felt that it was not too late. He immediately notified his friends and sent out the frontal photos of Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan together.

Sure enough, as soon as the photo was posted, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The only gossip-only post of 'Beautiful Sadomasochism', because everyone is guessing who the hero and heroine are, and scolding the hero as a scumbag together, so there are more people paying attention.

It was not easy to climb to the hot search.

In less than an hour, he was overwhelmed by the frontal photos of Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan.

[Coke without ice: Wow, my glass is so beautiful, President Tao is so handsome, the two of them together look like a painting. ]
[The bamboo forest at the door: The time in this photo is only a few minutes away, even the folds of the clothes are the same, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is the same person as the previous photo. ]
[A needle salt: My li was with my boyfriend from the beginning to the end, the person who scolded me for stepping on two boats before, does his face hurt? ]
[Entertainment circle undercover: Tao Chengxuan obviously didn't go out by plane, how could he be abroad, these photos can't be P's. ]
[Coke without ice: Upstairs, don’t you know that there is another means of transportation in this world called a private jet? ]
[Jindan Shaobing: Yes, it was introduced in the magazine before that the Tao family is one of the families that own private jets. ]
[The scumbag is about to explode: Hahaha, I burst into tears from laughing, isn't that undercover in the entertainment industry who claims to know everything?How come you don't even know about this exposure. ]

Because of these new photos, Liu Li's situation was reversed in an instant.

The process went smoothly without any hiccups.

Many media people who had refrained from posting before began to forward the news one after another, and the content changed to Liu Li and her boyfriend Tao Chengxuan dating in Paris.

He Botao and the others immediately took action and must let everyone know about it.

People who eat melons feel that the melons this time are too heavy, and it is over before the taste is tasted.

They still feel a little unfinished.

Soon they remembered that there was another melon that they hadn't finished eating, so they made an appointment to watch 'Beautiful Sadomasochism' together.

Because Xue Yao revealed a lot of information, plus the evidence of netizens in the comments, everyone quickly locked in the hero and heroine as Qin Hong and Zhan Jingni.

But the two have not come out to make any response so far.

Since both of them are not artists, netizens did not find out their personal accounts, so they went to the official scarves of Huanxin and Zhan's Enterprises to ask for explanation and confirmation.

 Salt's new book "Rebirth to Learn the Dominant Queen", please bookmark, click, and vote~~ ~\(≧3≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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