Gold Assistant

Chapter 533 Why Let Her Go

Chapter 533 Why Let Her Go
The previous allergy incident has not been resolved. Taking advantage of the presence of all the melon eaters, rights defenders began to express their joyful attitude towards this incident in the comment area.

"Huh? Didn't you say that the victim got a lot of compensation? Why are there still people defending their rights?"

"The only one who got the compensation was Gu Ruoyu. It is estimated that she paid the most attention because she kept her mouth shut. The others only had money back."

"No way, Huanxi actually distinguishes the compensation in this way. I haven't seen any news about this before, and thought this matter has been resolved."

"How can it be, it's just that the comments they posted have been deleted, and it's here, and the comment on rights protection just now disappeared again."

"This joy doesn't take consumers too seriously, does it?"

"Who told us to be 'low-end' consumers? If we are consumers of Cherry Blossom Water, Huanxin won't take care of it."


Huanxin's public relations department felt very sad. Netizens finally diverted their attention from the allergy incident. Why are they back now?

Young Master Qin has become an "Internet celebrity".

The head of the public relations department received a call from Qin Hong again, and he asked everyone to concentrate on dealing with the 'beautiful sadomasochism' and help him get rid of the title of scumbag.

Qin Hong was also very depressed, and finally took advantage of Liu Li's affairs to divert the public's attention.

It never occurred to me that after only one day, this attention came back.

This time the fire also burned himself.

It can't be destroyed yet.

"But this kind of thing is not something we can wash away."

The other party has so many real hammers and witnesses, no matter how they clean up, they will not be in vain.


When the Minister of Public Relations said this, he paused and hesitated.

"Unless something, say it quickly! Don't dawdle."

"Just ask Miss Zhan to come forward and say that you are not a scumbag."

Not long ago, a photo master has released the restored photos, and the identities of Qin Hong and Zhan Jingni have been exposed.

The two are lovers, and there is no way to wash it off.

After all, the action in the photo is too intimate.

But if the two have broken up, the identity of the scumbag is not easy to wash.

Because there are many intimate photos, the time of blind date with Qin Hong overlaps.

Many of them were photographed not long ago.

So the best solution is for Zhan Jingni to help explain, saying that Qin Hong is trying to pretend for their sake, so that it is possible to save some.

Qin Hong was silent for a while, his face changed several times, before he said: "Okay, I'll go and tell her, you remember to guide the public opinion later."


On the other side, Zhan Jingni looked at the messages on her phone, feeling bitter in her heart.

Someone sent her an anonymous message, saying that the "Ladies Carrying Illegal Drugs" scarf that was sent out before the undercover agent in the entertainment industry was the information and instruction provided by Qin Hong.

In order to divert public attention from allergies.

This took a toll on her physically and mentally.

Originally, I contacted Qin Hong to ask him for help, but I didn't expect that not only did he not help, but he would also do such a detrimental thing.

In order to let the matter of 'carrying prohibited drugs', get out of the sight of netizens as soon as possible.

The Zhan family asked someone to stir up the matter about Liu Li, and wanted to suppress the matter of the medicine as soon as possible.

But I never expected that one wave of unrest would arise again.

Someone announced that Qin Hong and her were lovers. This was an obstacle for them who wanted to marry Chen Ting.

When Zhan Jingyun saw Xue Yao's scarf and netizens' comments, she sneered.

"Cousin, I didn't expect Qin Hong to be such a scumbag. Many people sympathize with you."

When she was being bullied at the F National Police Station, Zhan Jingni didn't step forward to help her, but stood aside coldly. She remembered all these things.

He was just thinking about his marriage with Chen Ting, and needed Zhan Jingni's help to recommend her after she quit.

So she kept her hatred to the bottom of her heart.

But after they came back, the members of Zhan's family told them that someone had posted about Qin Hong and Zhan Jingni's love affair.

At that time, Mr. Zhan scolded Zhan Jingni severely, saying that she was blind before, so she fell in love with a scum like Qin Hong.

Zhan Jingni, who used to always defend Qin Hong and argue for him, was surprisingly silent this time.

When they proposed again that for the sake of the marriage between Chen and Zhan's family, the relationship should be suppressed as soon as possible, Zhan Jingni didn't object, and asked what cooperation she needed.

Zhan Jingyun began to feel restless.

Does Zhan Jingni really want to give up Qin Hong?Do you want to marry Chen Ting?

If so, wouldn't it be a waste of her efforts to go to Paris with her to comfort Zhan Jingni and Qin Hong to get back together?
It's just that the elders in the family are all there, so there is no room for her to speak.

Seeing that the matter was settled in this way, Zhan Jingyun could only make sarcastic remarks and sarcasm verbally after she had no plans to change people.

Zhan Jingni knew her cousin's mentality, and felt that all the troubles she encountered in Paris this time were all because of her.

So, uncharacteristically, he also stabbed back.

"Xiaoyun, I know you like Chen Ting very much, but he will be your cousin-in-law in the future. If you want to sign a poster or something, I will help in the future."

"You...don't you love Qin Hong very much? Why did you change so quickly? My male god will not like a half-hearted person like you!"

Although she knew in her heart that this matter could not be changed, Zhan Jingyun was still very upset when Zhan Jingni said it to her face.

"Jingyun, Chen Ting will be your cousin-in-law from now on, put away your petty thoughts!" Mr. Zhan said seriously.

"Grandpa! I..."

When Zhan Jingyun wanted to say something more, her mother grabbed her and took her away.

But her voice still came from outside the door.

"Obviously I liked Chen Ting first, so why should I let her get married?"

"The relationship between her and Qin Hong is now known to everyone."

"How could Chen Ting marry such a person?"

"I'm different. I only like Chen Ting from the beginning to the end, and everyone knows that I have liked him for 15 years."


When Mr. Zhan heard this, he frowned deeply.

As Zhan Jingyun said, many people already know about Zhan Jingni and Qin Hong.

Some old friends called him and asked him if the two of them were getting closer.

Even Chen Li called to ask, and said that Mr. Chen hates people who have entangled relationships between men and women.

Mr. Zhan and Mr. Chen have been friends for many years and know his character very well.

Why old man Chen chased Chen Ting away back then, he more or less guessed that it was related to Chen Ting's mother.

Although everyone didn't understand, how could it be so serious to break away from the relationship.

But for ten years, there has been no resolution or easing.

It wasn't until Chen Ting's accident that Mr. Chen's attitude began to loosen.

(End of this chapter)

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