Gold Assistant

Chapter 534

Chapter 534
Some time ago, Chen Li contacted Zhan's family, saying that he wanted Chen Ting to marry their family and would do a good job of Mr. Chen's work. This was also a way to reconcile their grandparents and grandchildren.

At the same time, Chen Li also said that the super alloy company that suddenly appeared half a year ago was founded by Chen Ting.

This is exactly the company that the Zhan family has always wanted to cooperate with, but has not received a response.

Thinking of the benefits involved, the entire Zhan family quickly agreed to the marriage, and they were very active in trying to facilitate it.

Marriage is beneficial no matter whether it is public or private.

No one considered Chen Ting's opinion, as if he would definitely agree.

They all forgot that Chen Ting had a girlfriend.

Or that they simply don't care.

Mr. Zhan said to Zhan Jingni: "The matter between you and Qin Hong should be clarified as soon as possible, so as not to affect your marriage with Chen Ting. You also saw his face during the blind date. Such a person is not worth what you have paid for him .

Although Chen Ting has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, his reputation has always been very good.

Who is the best attribution, I believe you will understand. "

"Grandpa, I know."

Zhan Jingni lowered her head a little downcast.

Looking at his tired-looking granddaughter, Mr. Zhan felt a little distressed.

"I was imprisoned for so long before, and I took such a long flight, go and take a rest. I will let your father follow up on the matter of clarification, and try to think of a way that will hurt you the least."

"Thank you grandpa."

Zhan Jingni returned to her room, and after washing up, she looked out the window in a daze.

Thinking of the man she loved for so long, who was called a scumbag by netizens.

"It's time to stop the loss and leave."

But after thinking about it, her tears flowed down again. After all these years, she was still very reluctant to let go.

In fact, whether it is ancient or modern, the marriage of women from many big families is not so free.

I thought I had found the right person.

There is no need to take the road of marriage.

Unexpectedly, the result is now like this.

On the outside, she's going to be a lady of the Jen family, so be strong, but in her own room she's just someone hurt by love.

Looking at the photos of her and Qin Hong on the phone, no matter what, she couldn't figure out how these photos got into the hands of Wei Xiaobagua.

At this moment, Qin Hong's call came in.

Zhan Jingni stared blankly at the phone, and waited for him to call the second pass before answering with trembling fingers.

The original decision was messed up.

"Jing Ni, it's me."

Zhan Jingni didn't make a sound, but just listened silently.

It was the voice that once made her fall in love with it.

On the other side of the phone, Qin Hong, who didn't get a response, immediately looked at the phone again to make sure the call was correct.

So he asked again, "Is it Jing Ni?"

Zhan Jingni regained her composure, and pretended to be indifferent and said, "What's the matter?"

Qin Hong didn't hear the strangeness in her tone, and began to talk about himself incessantly.

"Jing Ni, you must help me with this matter, otherwise my image will be ruined."

These words he said made the confused Zhan Jingni wake up in an instant.

Such a terrible thing happened to her before, and he didn't even ask.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted her to help?

"Leaving aside the issue of image, let me ask you, what happened to those photos? Didn't you say that you would put them away properly so that no one else could see them?"

The photos Zhan Jingni saved on the computer before were accidentally seen by her cousin Zhan Jingyun, and it didn't take long for the whole family to know.

Under the pressure of Mr. Zhan, she had no choice but to delete all the photos.

Mr. Zhan also went to the company's computer department to delete her photos stored in the network disk.

After Qin Hong found out about this, he said that he still had a backup copy of the photos, and he could look at them at any time in the future.

Just talk to him.

"I don't know, maybe a hacker hacked into my computer."

Qin Hong explained indiscriminately, and continued impatiently: "Jing Ni, you must help me this time, otherwise my reputation will be ruined, and people in your family will look down on me even more.

If so, we don't know when we can really be together!

I love you so much and I can't lose you. "

In the past, Zhan Jingni would have been fascinated by his saying "I love you very much".

Qin Hong rarely said these sweet words.

He thinks that if you talk too much sweet talk, people will get tired of hearing it.

But Zhan Jingni, who has seen the reality clearly, now realizes that she was really stupid before.

From Qin Hong's call just now until now, all he talked about was how he was, how he was.

She was brought into the police station in Country F, but he didn't even say a word of condolence.

What's more, there is also the article about the scarf posted by an undercover agent in the entertainment industry.

It made her very sad.

After being silent for a long time, just when Qin Hong thought that something happened to Zhan Jingni, she asked in a hoarse voice, "How do you want me to help?"

Qin Hong raised the corners of his mouth proudly.


He quickly said: "When you use your own account to post a message, you say that we just broke up fakely, the purpose is to paralyze your family.

Because they don't allow the two of us to be together and want to tear us apart.

Then I pretended to go on a blind date to let them believe it was true, and they would be negligent in guarding against it. "

"What if you neglect to take precautions?" Zhan Jingni's heart grew colder the more he heard it.

"Then they will stop monitoring you, and we can go out on a date."

What Qin Hong said was all about accusing the Zhan family inside and out.

If Zhan Jingni really followed his words, Mr. Zhan would probably be pissed off.

And her own reputation would be ruined.

A woman who deceives even her family in order to date a man has limited good people.

Although Mr. Zhan deleted the photos she saved, he did not carry out the so-called surveillance. Her body is actually free.

It's just that she didn't want to make her family feel more disgusted, so she minimized the number of dates.

"Hmm... Only words may not be convincing enough, you should post a video. I posted an apology video last time, and the effect was very good."

"Okay." Zhan Jingni also thought it would be a good way to let everyone see the live-action video.

"Then send it quickly, and remember Aite and I, I will let the people in the company go to bring the heat up."

Zhan Jingni thought for a while and asked, "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Qin Hong was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Jing Ni, I love you, after this matter is resolved, I will immediately invite grandpa and grandma to your house."

This is a bit vague.

What exactly to do, but did not say.

At this time, she was still playing tricks, but Zhan Jingni didn't care anymore.

Regarding the video, she actually had other plans.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

There are some things that she still wants to ask clearly, although she already has the answer in her heart.

 There are still three updates today~ Thank you for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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