Gold Assistant

Chapter 535 Help

Chapter 535 Help
"Huh?" Qin Hong couldn't think of anything else to say, and his tone became a little impatient, "Jing Ni, don't get angry at this time, the most important thing now is to solve the public opinion attacks on me by those people on the Internet."

Zhan Jingni leaned her head on the back of the chair, closed her eyes tightly, and smiled self-deprecatingly at the corners of her mouth, she really gave up now.

"Why would anyone know that something happened to me in country F?"

Qin Hong's face was startled, and he murmured, "I...I don't know, but someone published this content later, even with photos.

It is estimated that some tourist saw it and posted it.

Anyway, you have returned to China now, as long as you send out the video, everyone will know that the person in the photo is not you.

How could it be so easy to leave Country F after something like that happened, right? "

At the end, he also asked: "By the way, I haven't asked yet, how could you leave so quickly?"

Zhan Jingni didn't want to say more to him: "Grandpa asked for help, well, I'm going to record the video now."


When Xue Yao and the others arrived at the fashion show, Anna just called.

"Xiao Yao, are you here? Where are you now?"

She found out so quickly, which surprised Xue Yao.

"We're in the parking lot. We'll go there after we put on our makeup." Xue Yao took out her makeup box and prepared to put on makeup for everyone.

"Doing makeup in the car? That's so inconvenient. Come backstage, I'll let Carl free up a dressing table."

"That's not good?"

Anna said straightforwardly: "It's okay, come here quickly, I'll tell the security guard. By the way, I need your help with something."

"what's up?"

Xue Yao frowned slightly and asked in doubt.

It's just that someone else's voice appeared on the phone at this time, asking Anna about the clothes, so she hurriedly said: "You guys come here first."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Xue Yao's reply.

Xue Yao stared blankly at the phone.

Somewhat inexplicable.

Then he turned to Chen Ting and explained what Anna just said.

Although the time they spent together was reduced, Chen Ting still said to her gently: "Go, we'll wait outside, come back after you put on your makeup, and then we'll enter the venue together."

"Master, don't you put on makeup?" Xue Yao stared blankly at his handsome face, thinking a little bit.

"Need not."

But Chen Ting simply refused.

He is still playing a man who has not recovered from his injuries, so he can't have a good face.

Originally Xue Yao wanted to take this opportunity to caress the male god's face, but now she had to give up.

It's just that she forgot, if she wanted to caress or kiss, would Chen Ting refuse?

Because there were too many people in the backstage, Xiaobai and Xiaoxian didn't follow.

Ah San immediately said to Ling Yixin: "Yixin, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaoxian."

Hearing his changed address, Ling Yixin nodded blushingly and said thank you.

Xue Yao took this scene into her eyes, it seems that they are almost done!

When she led a group of girls to the dressing room, Ding Hanmo hurriedly followed.

"Hey, hey, hey, why did you follow?"

Ah Si immediately stopped him, finally found a chance to speak, and began to scold him.

In the car just now, he kept holding back and couldn't speak.

"They only invited the young lady and the others to go over, what are you doing with me?"

"Didn't you see that they followed to make up? You are a big man who follows, aren't you afraid of being told?"

"I've heard that some of the men who appear in it like men."

"You already have Sister Man Lu, so don't try that world."


Hearing Ah Si's words, Ding Hanmo raised the camera in his hand speechlessly, "I'm the photographer, and I'm in charge of taking pictures of their itinerary today."

"Uh...then, then you go." Ah Si touched his nose awkwardly and smiled mischievously.

But after Ding Hanmo took two steps forward, Ah Si grabbed him again.

Ding Hanmo looked back at him in great confusion.

Ah Si stared wide-eyed, with a light shining inside.

"Do you need help?"


These words made Ding Hanmo a little confused.

"I remember when those people followed the young master in the past, there would be assistants on the side to help with lighting, or holding reflectors and the like."

"I have also helped, so I am familiar with it."

Ah Si looked at him with great interest, the expression on his face seemed to say, 'Take me there, I really want to go! 'Same.

Ding Hanmo remembered that Ah San said that although Ah Si was young, he was also one of Chen Ting's bodyguards.

So he turned to look at Chen Ting.

Ah Si also put on a pitiful look.

"Go, watch carefully, don't let anyone bully your young wife."


Ah Si who got the permission immediately pulled Ding Hanmo and shouted happily, "Go, don't dawdle, follow quickly, the young lady is about to go in."


Who did it!

Xue Yao and Liu Li walked backstage.

Saw Carl standing halfway waiting for them.

Xue Yao was a little puzzled.

At this time, as the chief makeup artist, shouldn't he stay in the background and manage the scene?

"Mr. Carl, please come and pick us up."

"Miss Xiaoyao, you are finally here."

Carl squinted at Xue Yao, then smiled warmly.

"Your outfit today is really amazing."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Karl had to admire Anna's vision.

Then he found a few people behind Xue Yao, walked over immediately, and walked around them twice.

He cupped his face in his hands, showing a very surprised expression.

"It's great, you are all so beautiful, you are simply a group of angels descended from the earth."

His exaggerated appearance attracted people nearby to look at him.

Let Xue Yao and the others look at each other.

Especially Shi Xiaonan, blushing, involuntarily looking back in the direction of the parking lot.

Although they are often praised for their beauty, this is the first time they have encountered such a drama as Karl.

Carl said as he led them inside.

"It's just that the makeup on your face is too light. Come on, I'll take you to reapply your makeup. By the way, are you also using ancient cosmetics now? The effect of this nude makeup is too good."

Xue Yao smiled and said, "None of us have any makeup on, just plain makeup."

"What is all plain makeup?"

Karl turned around in disbelief, put his head in front of Xue Yao, and got very close.

"what are you doing?"

A furious voice came from behind everyone.

Ah Si strode forward and grabbed Carl by the collar.

This man actually wanted to molest his young wife.

Don't want to live anymore? !
Looking at Ah Si who was furious, Karl narrowed his eyes again, with a very confused expression.

"I'm just looking at the makeup on Miss Xiaoyao's face."

"Just look at it, is it necessary to get so close?"

Ah Si muttered something before letting go.

In fact, Xue Yao was a little uncomfortable just now when Carl was so close.

But people just watched and didn't do anything, so it's hard for her to say.

(End of this chapter)

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