Gold Assistant

Chapter 536 Publicity Fee

Chapter 536 Publicity Fee

Shi Xiaonan didn't quite understand what they were talking about.

Seeing that Xue Yao didn't move, she didn't move either.

Fortunately, Ah Si is here.

It seems that the male god must be worried and let him follow.

After all, she was wearing a skirt today, so it was not convenient for her to move around.

Karl originally thought that Ah Si had made too much fuss just now, and was a little angry in his heart.

Then he immediately remembered that Anna said that the habits of Chinese and F people are different, and it would be very annoying if unrelated men and women get too close.

He quickly explained: "My contact lens was lost, so I can't see clearly, that's why I got so close, I'm very sorry!
I put it well, but I don't know where it was thrown. "

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder he kept squinting his eyes when he was looking at people just now, it wasn't like this yesterday.

Xue Yao quickly pulled Ah Si back to her side, but did not scold him or ask him to apologize.

She smiled and said, "It's okay, but how do you do Deborah's makeup like this?"

"Didn't Anna tell you? She said she asked you to help."

Xue Yao: "..."

Thinking of just now when Anna said she wanted to help, but was suddenly called away, she smiled helplessly and said, "She was called away before she said anything."

"Oh." Carl smiled, "This time is the busiest, and she is a perfect idea, so I have to ask many things in person.

Let's go to makeup first, time is running out. "

"it is good."

A group of people followed him and walked in.

On the way, Xue Yao pulled Ah Si and asked quietly, "Why did you follow?"

Liu Li and the others also looked at him curiously.

At this time, for some reason, a bad omen suddenly appeared in Xue Yao's heart.

She immediately asked: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Master?"

Hearing the anxiety in her tone, Ah Si quickly explained: "Young master is fine, young lady don't worry."

He said this on his mouth, but he complained in his heart: Not only is he fine, but he is also very energetic.

Ah Si really couldn't figure out why the young master pretended to be injured and made the young lady so worried.

"That's good."

Xue Yao breathed a sigh of relief, but the ominous feeling was still there.

"Ding Hanmo said that he needed help to take pictures of your itinerary today, so I accompanied him here."


Hearing Ah Si's words, Ding Hanmo was speechless again.

How can there be such a person beside the actor Chen Ting? !
Obviously he was the one who wanted to follow!

"That's right, I almost forgot about it." Xue Yao turned to Karl again and asked if they could take a photo.

And said that they only took photos of themselves, not the costumes and models here, and would show them the photos at that time.

After all, the fashion show hasn't started yet, so we can't leak the secrets in advance.

Carl smiled and said no problem.

Then they were taken to a separate dressing room.

He stepped forward and knocked on the door, and heard a pleasant voice from inside.

"Please come in."

That was Deborah's voice.

After Carl pushed the door open, everyone saw Deborah, whose face was all white and only the facial features were exposed.

The familiar scent of medicine in the room is exactly Sekkisaki Jade Paste.

After seeing Xue Yao, Deborah said happily, "Xiao Yao, you are here."

"Well, we met again." Xue Yao smiled at her.

"You look so good in this."

"Thank you."

Seeing that the snow muscle jade balm on her face was almost dry, Xue Yao said, "Go and wash your face, you have already used it once yesterday, so you can't apply it for too long today."

"Ah, I'll wash it off right away." Deborah hurried to the side and washed it with water.

She didn't dare to tell Xue Yao, because after using it during the day, it was really comfortable, and she applied it again after returning home last night.

After Deborah washed her face, Xue Yao immediately stepped forward to examine her face carefully.

It's the eve of the fashion show now, so we can't make trouble.

An allergic event like joy cannot be staged here.

Fortunately, Deborah's face was fine.

Xue Yao said with a stern expression: "In the future, you must use it according to the instructions, and you can't let your own temper, or you will be the one who will be hurt."

"It's not that serious. I specifically asked a friend from Huaguo yesterday. She said this is very useful, and the medicinal materials in it are very mild and won't hurt the skin."

"No matter how you don't hurt the skin, you must use it according to the instructions."


Seeing Xue Yao's serious expression, Deborah had no choice but to be obedient.

An Mo looked at Deborah, a top model, who was trained by Xue Yao like a child, and couldn't help laughing.

Deborah turned to look at her when she heard the laughter.

An Mo immediately apologized.

Because Carl and Deborah both made her feel good, she was a little too relaxed.

Deborah found that the girls following Xue Yao were all outstanding, but for some reason, she always paid attention to Xue Yao the first time.

Whether it's wearing a mask or a costume.

"Wow, you are all so cute and beautiful."

Xue Yao smiled and introduced them.

Deborah shook hands with everyone following Xue Yao's introduction.

She stared closely at everyone's faces and found that everyone's skin was super good except for Du Manlu.

Especially Liu Li's and An Mo's, their skin was the same as Xue Yao's, they were so white that they would glow, like peeled eggs.

So he walked up to them enviously and looked at their faces carefully, and stretched out his hand involuntarily, wanting to caress their faces.

"Cough cough."

Carl stood beside him and coughed lightly, preventing Deborah from moving further.

Although knowing that they are without makeup, Karl himself thought about feeling it.

But that seemed impolite to them who were strangers.

Deborah turned to look at him, her eyes full of confusion.

She just wanted to touch their faces, what's wrong?
Carl said anxiously: "Time is running out, please start putting on makeup as soon as possible."

"Okay." Xue Yao put the makeup case on the table.

Deborah had no choice but to sit down obediently.

Since the dressing room is not big, it will be even smaller when they come in, and there is no extra space.

Ah Si took the initiative to stand at the door and said to help them guard the door.

Ding Hanmo looked around and said, "I'll take a few photos of you here first, and I won't take pictures of the makeup process."

"it is good."

Then Xue Yao turned to Deborah and said, "We will do a promotion when we go back, can we take some photos?"

"No problem." Deborah smiled brightly, "Do you need me to appear?"

This surprised Xue Yao very much.

"is it okay?"

"Of course, I can still take this opportunity to appear in front of my friends in Huaguo. Don't ask me for promotional fees."

"Okay, no charge."

Xue Yao put on a very serious expression, nodded seriously, and then laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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