Gold Assistant

Chapter 537

Chapter 537
Everyone laughed.

In fact, Xue Yao is very aware of the promotion fee, and it was Deborah's intentional joke.

According to the normal process, they should pay Deborah, a top model.

Ding Hanmo, who got the consent, immediately picked up the camera and quickly took a few snapshots.

After checking it, Karl was amazed and said that his photography skills are really good.

With such a good photographer, in the end Deborah and even Carl were very cooperative and took a group photo with everyone.

But Deborah made a small request, before sending it out, help her P.

Without makeup, her skin was much worse than that of Liu Li and the others.

"no problem!"

Ding Hanmo checked the photos in the camera again, and said with satisfaction: "I'm also waiting outside."


After speaking, everyone started to get busy.

Xue Yao said to Liu Li and the others: "You guys do the foundation first, and I'll help you put on makeup after I finish putting on Deborah."


Everyone has gotten used to it, when she is busy, she handles the makeup first.

Although their own transformation may not be as good as Xue Yao's, but it is not bad.

After Carl heard her words, he felt a little guilty.

Originally, these girls could have more beautiful makeup, but now they were delayed because of his mistake.

Xue Yao wants to help Deborah with the makeup of the main show, and her friends may be too late.

So he said, "Well, do you need me to help you with your makeup?"

He looked at the others in the room.

"You don't wear glasses, can't you see clearly?"

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

"It's hard for me to put on a base makeup." Carl said confidently.

Everyone thought about it, and yes, others are chiefs. Although they can't see clearly, it's not a problem to put on a base makeup because of the long-term hand feel.

Liu Li smiled gracefully and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you then."

"No trouble."

Carl picked up the barrier cream prepared in the dressing room, and when he was about to apply it on Liu Li's face, Liu Li immediately called him to stop.

Put your hands in front of you, "Please wait a moment."

"what happened?"

The crowd stopped again and looked at the two of them together.

Carl's hand just stopped in mid-air, a little embarrassed.

"This sunscreen doesn't smell right."

Almost all the cosmetics that Liu Li uses now are provided by Gu Yun.

The isolation cream in Carl's hand was improved by Tao Chengya according to the traditional Chinese medicine concept of Xueji Yurong Ointment.

It contains moisturizing, whitening, anti-oxidation and other functions, which can naturally modify the skin, and the texture is light and thin, allowing the skin to breathe more freely.

It's their favorite.

So familiar with its taste.

The one in Carl's hand has a pungent smell. If she hadn't used it frequently, she might not have noticed it.

"It doesn't smell right?" An Mo immediately picked up the sunscreen on the table, put it under his nose and smelled it.

After a while, she also frowned.

"It doesn't taste right."

Xue Yao, who was helping Deborah make up, noticed the situation here, and immediately turned her head and said.

"Bring it here, let me smell it."

An Mo quickly handed it over.

Xue Yao concentrated on smelling the barrier cream, that different smell.

Soon she was frowning.

Because of that smell she knows.

Encountered in a small ancient world once upon a time.

It's the smell of a herb called Mischievous Flower, I don't know if it has the same name in this world.

Just adding a little bit of this herb to other medicinal materials will cause different changes.

That's why it was named Mischievous Flower.

Now it is added to this segregation cream, even if it is only a little bit, it will make the whole segregation cream deteriorate.

Xue Yao gently wiped a little on the back of her hand.

"Sister, how can you try like this!" Liu Li rushed over immediately, grabbed her hand and looked at it.

"Don't worry, this troublemaker doesn't have much weight, so the impact won't be too great. I guess the other party doesn't want to make a big deal out of it."

Soon, red dots appeared on the back of her crystal white hands, but not many.

"This... how could this happen!"

Carl looked at the back of her hand, very surprised.

Xue Yao solemnly said to Karl:
"Mr. Carl, I suggest that you quickly get someone to check whether this substance has been added to the cosmetics used by other people. The smell of the trick flower is the same, no matter where it is added, it will not change."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Carl immediately ran out with the sunscreen.

When Carl ran away in a hurry, Ah Si immediately probed to see the people in the dressing room, and found that they were all fine, so he asked:
"Young lady, what happened?"

"There is a problem with the cosmetics." Then Xue Yao said to Ah Si: "You go and follow Karl, I'm worried that others will harm him."

She thought of what Carl said before, about the loss of contact lenses, and felt that there should be a connection.

"Okay, I'll go right away, sister Xiaonan, I will trouble you here."

"Well, don't worry."

Shi Xiaonan went to the door and stood there.

Xue Yao looked at the other cosmetics on the table.

Feeling that the other party might be tampering with more than one thing, he opened all the cosmetics and smelled them one by one.

Unexpectedly, the problem was found again.

There is also the smell of trick or treat flowers in the liquid foundation.

She immediately sent a message to Carl and asked him to focus on checking these two items.

Shi Xiaonan asked suspiciously: "Sister Yao, why do the saboteurs only add ingredients to the base cream and liquid foundation?"

"Yes, why not add it to all cosmetics?"

An Mo was also curious.

Xue Yao smiled and said: "Separation cream and liquid foundation are necessary, and they are used on the whole face. If you want to cause red spots, these two have the best effect.

As for why you don't add it to all the cosmetics, it may be that the other party doesn't have enough time. Although there are people coming and going here, you also found that the security is actually doing well. "

"According to my sister, it's very likely that someone inside did it?" Liu Li analyzed according to Xue Yao's words.

"Well, and this person should have enmity with us or Gu Yun."

"Who would that be? When we came, we didn't seem to feel anything."

Because of the presence of outsiders, An Mo could only express it tactfully, and found nothing malicious after entering.

"Let's see what Carl can investigate."

When Xue Yao came in, she found that surveillance cameras were installed from the parking lot to the outside of the backstage, but there was none inside the backstage.

After all, during the fashion show, each model has to change several sets of clothes. Sometimes in order to catch up with the progress, the models often change directly in the background, so there cannot be monitoring inside.

Xue Yao didn't know why, but vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with Colin.

After all, among the people she met yesterday, he was the most unfriendly.

"Let's put on makeup first."


When they were busy in the dressing room, Carl notified Anna, and then went to check around with Ah Si.

 Two updates have been restored, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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