Gold Assistant

Chapter 546 Zombies

Chapter 546 Zombies
But Erin.McPherson looked odd.

It seemed that he couldn't even walk steadily, and he staggered and walked crookedly.

But thinking about the clothes on her body, the atmosphere of the scene matches this appearance, and it also fits the theme of the ancient tomb very well.

Someone nearby exclaimed, "As expected of the next top model, she really looks like a zombie."

Qiao Le on the other side frowned, just now Irene.When McPherson came out, she happened to see that the other party tore his clothes.

Her behavior is disrespectful to the designer.

Moreover, what this fashion show wants is only the background of the ancient tomb. The real protagonist is the clothes. Even the models themselves exist only to show the clothes.

Now Erin.What McPherson did, instead, focused everyone's attention on her personally.

In fact, this is not professional.

When Deborah appeared, Erin.McPherson just turned around.

Still defiantly, she shot Deborah a look.

When the two met on the runway, Irene.McPherson raised the corners of his mouth slightly, pretending not to stand still, and staggered towards Deborah.

After receiving Xue Yao's message just now, Deborah has been on high alert and discovered Irene.When McPherson's intention was met, he turned around beautifully, avoided her and continued to move forward.

Everyone who saw this scene exclaimed.

As expected of someone who has been a top model for a long time, the reaction to this temporary rescue is really great.

And Erin.McPherson's good influence just now was immediately discounted because of this incident.

Many people wondered in their hearts that she must have taken drugs.

When returning to the backstage, Anna walked quickly to her side and said sternly:
"This is a runway, not your personal show, I hope you can take it seriously!"

Erin.McPherson raised his head suddenly, his eyes were red, and he stared at Anna vigorously.

After a while, a weird smile appeared.


Carl took the mobile phone, walked up to Anna and said, "Miss Xiaoyao said, seeing Colin appearing in the background, let's be careful."

"Why is he here? Didn't he be transferred?" Anna said angrily.

"I'm not sure. I'm notifying the security staff now and let them investigate."


Xue Yao took Chen Ting's hand, stared at her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Master, I heard that you have gone to a fashion show before, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have gone through two games."

"Then are you going to leave later?"

Although relevant information can be found on the Internet, she still wants to watch the scene.

When Deborah walked over just now, it gave people a different feeling.

On the stage, she is cold and imposing, which makes people feel shocked.

"Want to see?"

Xue Yao nodded with crooked eyebrows, "Well, I want to see every handsome look of you with my own eyes."

Chen Ting smiled dotingly, "Okay, I'll let Akang pay attention."

"Hee hee." Xue Yao immediately hugged his arm and giggled.

This scene was photographed by a fashion reporter.

Originally, they were only here to shoot the fashion show, but after retreating for more than half a year, the actor Chen Ting, who was rumored to have not recovered from his injury, unexpectedly appeared here.

The most important thing is that he has never had any scandals, and he has a stunning beauty by his side, which is big news.

During the day, news came from Huaguo that a celebrity sent a video saying that she was his fiancée.

But just now Chen Ting announced in public that the one beside him is his fiancée.

It is estimated that the famous lady in Huaguo wants to be Chen Ting's wife, she must be crazy.

There have been examples of this before.

A certain popular actress claimed that she was Chen Ting's girlfriend, but it was clarified in less than half a day. The actress quickly fell from the quasi-first line to the eighteenth line.

That lady is probably getting cold too.

Except for Irene just now.McPherson deliberately tried to knock down Deborah, and the show went very well.

Both Anna and Karl breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon came the final stage.

Wearing an improved red cheongsam dress, Deborah walked out slowly.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In addition to the red cheongsam dress, she also wears ancient and elegant jewelry.

Everything has a sense of history.

It seems that this is the antique jewelry that Tang Boxin brought to Anna today.

Thinking of Tang Boxin, Xue Yao faintly felt a warm gaze.

She followed her gaze, and it was Tang Boxin who was looking at her.

At this moment, Chen Ting's hand tightened suddenly.

Xue Yao immediately withdrew her gaze and looked up at Chen Ting.

"what happened?"

"He... has a feeling that he seems to have seen him somewhere before."


Just as he was about to ask in detail, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Xue Yao and the others immediately looked at the catwalk.

It turned out that many people in ragged clothes and zombie makeup suddenly appeared, and ran through the auditorium to the edge of the catwalk.

Xue Yao heard Anna talk about the process of the show.

These zombies are just for decoration.

It's just that Xue Yao looked at the person pretending to be a zombie in the audience, something seemed wrong.

Their movements became slower and slower, their mouths kept hissing, and their clothes were wet with saliva.

This is just a runway performance, and it doesn't need to go to this point.

They looked like they had really lost their minds.

Some of them jumped up, trying to pull Deborah's skirt.

It's just that now, the situation seems to be different from what Anna had imagined.

Is it a real zombie?
However, they don't have the unique resentment of zombies, they still have the breath of human beings, but it's a little cloudy.

Chen Ting also discovered the problem.

"Xiao Yao, the situation of those people seems to be wrong."

"Well! They are too much like zombies, but they have no resentment."

Because she didn't know if this was intentionally designed by Anna, Xue Yao just waited and watched for the time being, and didn't do anything.

She looked at the stage again, trying to protect the skirt, and insisting on Deborah who finished the runway.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, it's really dedicated.

Other viewers said that today's fashion show was too exciting.

Suddenly, Erin.McPherson's eyes were red, and she rushed out from the backstage wearing a half-off skirt, her body movements were very stiff, and she screamed loudly.

"Wow, Eileen is out again, her acting skills are really good."

"Yeah, more like those actors in "The Walking Dead."

"Is she trying to change careers?"

"However, with the clothes on her body like this, isn't she afraid of losing all her clothes?"


When IreneWhen McPherson found Deborah who was struggling to move forward on the runway, he twitched his lips and smiled, but his movements seemed to be rigid.

The more Xue Yao looked at it, the more inappropriate she felt.

At this time, Anna, who received the news, poked her head out from the backstage to look.

The whole person was stunned, with an expression of disbelief and horror on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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