Gold Assistant

Chapter 547 Problems

Chapter 547 Problems

Seeing Anna's appearance, Xue Yao was sure that something had happened.

After looking at each other with Chen Ting, she pretended to take out some throwing sticks from her long suit, and distributed them to everyone along with plastic cable ties.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, why did she carry these things.

Did he already know that something would happen?
"Everyone, be careful, these zombies really have problems." Then he turned to Shi Xiaonan and said, "Xiao Nan, take care of everyone."


"Sister (Sister Yao) pay attention to safety." Liu Li and An Mo knew that things had changed, so they waited quietly.

The two of them are not strong enough, so staying quietly by the side is the greatest help to everyone.

"rest assured."

Deborah, who was on stage, was grabbed by a zombie and was almost pulled off the stage, and the audience began to feel something was wrong.

This performance is too real.

Xue Yao quickly took out the powerful talisman, pasted it on herself with the speed talisman, and rushed to the runway, and with a strong push on the side of the stage, she jumped onto the stage.

She supported Deborah, and kicked away the 'zombie' that was holding Deborah's foot.

Gently waving the swinging stick, he opened up some of the hands that were stretched out.

Because she used a powerful talisman, even with a light wave, those 'zombies' were all broken.

But they seemed to have no pain, their hands were swollen and deformed, and they kept reaching out to grab the catwalk.

On the other side, Liu Li and An Mo held Xiaobai and Xiaoxian tightly, while Ling Yixin and the others stood around them.

Ah Si and Shi Xiaonan stood on both sides holding sticks, looking at the people around them vigilantly.

Chen Ting led Ah San to knock down the 'zombies' under the catwalk.

Ding Hammo and Roy tied their hands and feet with plastic cable ties. They couldn't fight, but it was okay to do this little favor.

Only then did the security guards of the venue rush to take away the bound 'zombies'.

The audience at the scene were stunned, saying that something really happened, Chen Ting and the others were too well prepared, just like a performance.

But let's say it's false, those 'zombies' were still hissing and roaring even after they fell to the ground, their red eyes and ferocious expressions were so terrifying.

Deborah on the stage retreated all the way backstage under the protection of Xue Yao.

But Erin.McPherson suddenly blocked their way, and at the same time, two security guards rushed over from the runway.

When they rushed over, one grabbed Deborah hard, and the other reached out to the antique jewelry on her body.

Unexpectedly, these two people were not helpers, but fished in troubled waters.

Xue Yao quickly swung the swinging stick and knocked off the man's hand.

But these two 'security guards' were very skilled, and they started to fight Xue Yaoyou.

At this time Deborah screamed, and it turned out that Irene had come to them.

Although Irene moved slowly, she had great strength in her hands. Deborah grabbed her feet and fell to the ground without noticing, and dragged her to the backstage.

Irene kept making rattling sounds, and the expression on her face was also very scary.

Deborah had been following closely behind Xue Yao, but she screamed when she suddenly lost her balance.

But Xue Yao was entangled by those two 'security guards', and there was no way to help her for the time being.

She knew she could only save herself.

Eileen's appearance is obviously abnormal, and shouting can't bring her back to her senses.

Deborah didn't try to hold something else, but followed the posture of being dragged away, and vigorously poked and kicked Irene's hand with the heel of the high heel on the other foot.

Erin's hand was red and skinned from the poking, but she didn't let go.

As if he didn't know the pain, he dragged Deborah to the backstage persistently.

Because everything happened so fast, the people in the audience knew something was wrong when they saw it now.

Those with the ability stepped forward one after another to help control the 'zombies'.

Anna rushed over from the backstage immediately, slapped Irene hard, trying to get her to let Deborah go.

But the effect was minimal, and it could be said that it had no effect on Irene at all.

Anna went around to the front, trying to break her grip on Deborah's hand.

But Irene held on tightly, no matter how hard Anna tried, it was useless.

Just when Anna didn't know what to do, a figure ran over quickly.

"Back up."

Hearing a familiar voice, Anna quickly stepped back.

A black stick waved on Irene's arm.

It turned out that it was Chen Ting who arrived, and he took over to deal with the two fake security guards, Xue Yao turned around to rescue Deborah.

Anna heard a "click" and saw Irene's arm deformed.

Taking advantage of Irene's withdrawal, Xue Yao kicked her off the runway again.

But she, who was lying under the stage, still had a distorted and hideous expression, trying to struggle to get up.

The security guards quickly held her down, but one of the security guards was accidentally bitten on the palm of her hand by her.

Erin bit hard and didn't let go.

The security guard turned pale with fright, so he punched Irene hard in the face, knocking her nose crooked.

Erin let go of her mouth.

The security guards next to her quickly tied her up with plastic cable ties.

The security guard who was bitten sat on the ground with a mournful face, and kept muttering, "I was bitten by a zombie, and I'm about to turn into a zombie. My God, I don't want to die yet..."

The other security guards looked at him sympathetically.

Xue Yao helped Deborah up, and after hearing his words on the stage, she burst out laughing.

Everyone who heard it stared at her angrily.

"Don't worry, they are not real zombies, so even if you are bitten, you will not become a zombie, but the wound should be treated as soon as possible to avoid deterioration."



Her words seemed to be magical and convincing.

"Thank you." The security guard was immediately taken down by his colleagues for treatment.

Anna stroked her heart with a look of shock. "What the hell is going on? A good fashion show, just ruined like this."

There was indescribable bitterness and regret in his tone.

Xue Yao hurriedly helped Deborah tidy up her clothes and put her jewelry back in place.

I don't know what the hair stylists added to the hair. In such a chaotic situation, it only spread out a little.

Xue Yao removed the clips from Deborah's loose hair, so that she showed a delicate and beautiful appearance.

"Are your feet okay?"

She kicked so hard just now, Xue Yao was worried that her feet would be hurt.

Deborah tried to take a step or two, a look of pain flashed across her face, but she quickly looked okay again.

She smiled at Xue Yao

"It's okay, I can continue." Then he smiled and said to Anna: "This fashion show is not over yet, and it will really end after I finish walking."

Anna took a look at the chaotic scene. Although the audience hadn't left the scene, the stiff expressions on their faces showed that they were quite frightened this time.

She frowned and said, "Deborah, don't force yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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