Gold Assistant

Chapter 554 Immortality

Chapter 554 Immortality
Xue Yao slowly put down her hands, changed into a comfortable position in Chen Ting's arms, and continued talking.

"Let's go find out first, how are those people's injuries? If the injuries can be healed after only a few months of treatment, we don't care.

But if it will cause lifelong harm, I think it's better to help. "

Hearing this, Chen Ting frowned, but did not object.

He knew what Xue Yao was worried about.

Xue Yao squinted and said, "You don't need to use a lot of recovery talismans, you can give them a gift or something, and draw a simple spirit-gathering array on it.

Although there is no aura here, they can gather some good aura. As long as they bring gifts with them, they can nourish their bodies and be good for their injuries.

And this kind of recovery speed is only a little faster than normal, so there is no doubt about it.

After all, we hurt them. "

When he said the last sentence, his voice became hoarse.

Xue Yao has already talked about this, and Chen Ting can't stop it.

But he still said: "As for the gift, let Anna pass it on."

If you can touch less, touch less.

He was a little worried about that Huaguo man, and felt that his appearance was too sudden.

"En." Xue Yao nodded immediately.

At this time, the monitoring data has been received.

Chen Ting immediately called out the time when Colin arrived at the bar the night before.

After using the face matching system, Colin's footage was quickly found.

It's a pity that only Colin was photographed in the camera.

The Chinese man who was talking to Colin has been standing in the blind spot of the monitoring, unable to take pictures of his appearance, or even what clothes he was wearing.

"It seems that this person is very familiar with this bar." Xue Yao leaned over to have a look.

Chen Ting tapped the keyboard quickly, and multiple prompts to capture data appeared on the computer screen, and then compared it with other surveillance footage.

After a while, he got a relatively clear figure.

But it can only be seen that this person is tall and a man.

He couldn't even tell which country the people were from, and what Colin said about the Chinese people was only his one-sided words.

Further content will not be available.

Xue Yao suggested, "Why don't you send this to the police in country F? They probably don't have the system of Shishi. It's very difficult to find this person."

"it is good."

Chen Ting immediately sent an anonymous email.

After a while, Shi Xiaonan called and said that Roy had come and wanted to tell them something.

So Xue Yao and Chen Ting went back to the top floor.

In the elevator, Xue Yao suddenly thought of a question.

Why did Shi Xiaonan notify this time instead of Liu Li?

Chen Ting smiled and nodded her forehead, and said, "Maybe things are developing in the direction you expected."

"Master, do you mean that Roy has enlightened?"

"It's possible that when you like someone, you'll want to get close to her and see her every day. If you can't see her, it's good to listen to her voice."


Xue Yao nodded, deeply agreeing.

When I was a child, I liked to be around Chen Ting and talk to him every day.

When An Mo opened the door, Xue Yao saw Roy sitting next to Shi Xiaonan.

After seeing this scene, she smiled knowingly.

In the past, Roy always chose to sit alone.

Seeing that Chen Ting and Xue Yao had arrived, Roy began to tell what he asked.

The person who 'bullied' his sister was named Andre Cohen, and he did have some connections with a certain hand party in Italy.

They met in Italy, and the two had been in love.

But because of some family affairs, Andre and his sister disagreed, and the two eventually separated.

When he said this, Roy involuntarily glanced at Xue Yao.

She didn't expect all these things to be guessed by her.

"Wow, now Andre, does he realize that his life cannot live without your sister, so he came to Country F to pursue love and want to start over?"

Xue Yao looked at Roy with bright eyes, as if saying "gossip".

Liu Li and the others also looked at Roy curiously.

"Cough, cough, Andre really wants to get back with his sister, but I don't know about her attitude."

"Didn't your sister say what happened just now?"

Roy smiled wryly and said, "No."

After sending everyone back to the hotel after the fashion show yesterday, his car was suddenly stopped by several black off-road vehicles.

Andre stepped out of one of the cars.

"He told me that the people at the fashion show turned into zombies because they took the newest medicine 'bath salts'.

It is the second generation product of Happy Angel. "

"Bath salt? Isn't that for bathing?"

Xue Yao also put a few cans in the small space, which are very useful.

Roy nodded.

"That one is really similar to the bath salts that everyone usually uses. Andre said that Huanxi used this method to smuggle 'bath salts' to various countries."

Everyone exclaimed: "Happy?!"

"Yes, what Andre told my sister that day was referring to this news. But now Huanxin has been protected by all parties, so they can't do any further processing."

Having said that, Roy looked at Chen Ting and Tao Chengxuan.

"Andre asked me to tell you about this, saying that you should have a way to stop it.

The bath salts can cause hyperarousal and delirium, with paranoia, violence, and unpredictable behavior in those who take them.

The harm is much greater than the happy angel. "

Chen Ting was silent for a while, then walked aside after signaling to everyone.

He took out his mobile phone and called Chang Yuande, telling him about the bath salt.

Chang Yuande said that he has received relevant information before, and someone is following up on this matter.

However, the problem of Huanxi's transportation channel, because of the blessing of the high-level officials of other countries, is still unresolved, and they are also very headache.

After Chen Ting finished the call, he explained to everyone.

Tao Chengxuan asked, "What can we do now?"

Everyone saw the danger of those people taking bath salts last night.

If it wasn't for Xue Yao and the others to stop them in time, with the abilities of those 'zombies' and their fear of unknown things, there might have been serious casualties last night.

Roy continued: "Andre said to ask Gu Yun to launch new products as soon as possible. As long as the monopoly market of Huanxin Cherry Blossom Water is interrupted, the high-level executives of various countries will not continue to maintain Huanxin."

Wang Jun also saw Jian Letai, and was troubled by the channel of Huanxin's smuggling.

"Why do the top leaders of various countries want to maintain Huanxin? Are they also using Cherry Blossom Water?"

It's just a high-end skin care product.

Everyone is very puzzled.

"Don't you know?" Roy looked at them in surprise.

Xue Yao asked: "Know what?"

"In the circle, there is a rumor that using cherry blossom water can delay aging, rejuvenate, and eventually even live forever. Some people say that it is really the spring water of the fountain of youth."

Everyone: "..."

 Thanks to Ling Yutang, Bottle Spirit, Dip, Brilliant Starlight, Magic Moment 333, Cat's Bones, Mr. Runde, and many other partners who can't see their names because of typesetting, thank you for your support, Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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