Gold Assistant

Chapter 555 Pregnant?

Chapter 555 Pregnant?

"Such an outrageous thing, does anyone really believe it?" Xue Yao smiled lightly.

I didn't expect people abroad to believe the joke about Emperor Shi Huang that I told Chen Ting just now.

"Uh..." Roy also smiled awkwardly. "But some people believed it. After all, the efficacy of the cherry blossom water is really miraculous, and it comes from the mysterious Eastern China."

"Oh my god, how many misunderstandings do you have about China?"

Roy touched his head and thought about it.

"There are quite a lot. Huaguo is really a magical country, and there have been many miracles."

This made everyone speechless.

Roy continued the topic just now, "It's just because the production of Cherry Blossom Water is too small, so those who believe in it began to provide various conveniences to Huanxin, just to get a bottle of Cherry Blossom Water."

I didn't expect those people to disregard the safety of the country and the people for such a vague rumor, and open the door for Huanxin.

Xue Yao sighed, "I didn't expect Qin Hong to be so bold."

Qin Hong, who was being discussed by everyone, was anxiously watching the news announced by the Zhan family.

Zhan Jingni's eyes were injured by cherry blossom water, and she was sent to the hospital, where she was diagnosed as blind.

It made everyone who saw it very worried and questioned the safety of Huanxin's products.

After all, the allergic incidents that occurred earlier have not been resolved.

Qin Hong's phone calls were almost exploded by people from all walks of life.

Finally, the battery of the mobile phone died, and the farce finally stopped.

Seeing that the allergy incident, which had finally sunk down, came to the forefront again, Qin Hong was so angry that he slammed the table hard.

"What the hell is going on? What does Zhan Jingni's going to the hospital have to do with us?"

The staff under him stood aside tremblingly, not daring to speak.

An overly middle-aged man with thick hair walked up to him.

"Master Qin, this matter may be a trick of the Zhan family."

"Bitter meat plan?"

"Yes, Zhan Jingni posted a video before, because Chen Ting announced her relationship, and was scolded by others, now you can read everyone's comments."

The middle-aged man turned on the computer screen and opened Zhan Jingni's scarf.

She posted a new selfie, in which she was lying on a hospital bed with gauze tied over her eyes and a desolate expression on her face.

In the comment area, which was full of scolding before, it is now full of sympathy and wishing her a speedy recovery.

Qin Hong looked at these contents in surprise.

It's changing too fast.

"This, could this be the sailor that Zhan's family is looking for?"

"Oh, of course not ruled out.

But now Zhan Jingni has successfully changed her role. "

"Then what can be done? Because of the allergic incident, the company's stock price has been half-dead, and many shareholders are already expressing dissatisfaction."

Thinking of this, Qin Hong gritted his teeth angrily. When Huanxin first went public, those people came to flatter him every day and call him brothers.

Now that there is a little crisis, they turn their faces and deny people.

"The president is not good!!" A staff member hurried over.

"What do you mean the president is bad, can you speak!"

When Qin Hong, who was upset, heard this, he kicked the staff forcefully, causing the staff to fall to the ground.

The staff kept apologizing, "I'm sorry, I can't speak."

The middle-aged man stood aside and watched silently, without expressing any opinions.

"Say, what's the matter?!"

The staff quickly said: "The relevant quality department issued a latest statement saying that excessive use of Joyful Cherry Blossom Water will make the skin thinner, so the public should use it with caution."

"What kind of fart statement is this?!" Qin Hong immediately frowned, and clicked on the computer screen to look.

When netizens saw this content, they immediately linked Zhan Jingni's blindness.

Everyone started to discuss and continue to question the quality of Yingfushui and Huanxin products.

Qin Hong immediately turned to look at the middle-aged man, "How should we deal with this?"

After the middle-aged man glanced at the statement, he squinted his eyes and thought.

After 5 minutes, he opened his eyes.

He said to Qin Hong: "You will visit Zhan Jingni in the hospital later."

"To see her?! Isn't she hurting me enough? And the Zhan family doesn't necessarily let me see her. "

The middle-aged man smiled, "I don't necessarily want to see her, but just a way for you to visit her."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll find someone to post about your visit to the doctor online, and then... this... that."

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Qin Hong, who had been anxious for a day, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, just do as you said, I will go to the hospital after changing clothes."

"Wait, let's go like this."

Qin Hong lowered his head and pulled the clothes on his body. Last night because Zhan Jingni was slapped in the face, he went to drink to celebrate, and he hasn't changed his clothes until now.

"Going like this? Will it be too ugly."

The middle-aged man immediately said: "This is how people know that you were hurt last night, so you went to drink to drown your sorrow."

Qin Hong's eyes lit up, he gave a thumbs up, and said, "High, high!"

After Qin Hong left, the staff member who was kicked to the ground stood up.

He walked up to the middle-aged man, and said with some confusion: "Brother Kai, why did you hack him, and then help him clean up?"

It was he who sent out the news that Zhan Jingni was admitted to the hospital.

"Brother Xin requested this, who knows why?"

F country Paris.

After Roy finished speaking, he left in a hurry. He was going to Huaguo with everyone, and there were still many procedures to go through.

At this time, Xue Yao suddenly received a call from Huo Ling.

"Xiaoyao, let me ask you something, is Lili pregnant?"

"What? Pregnant?!"

Xue Yao exclaimed loudly.

Everyone immediately turned to look at her.

Huo Ling went on to say: "Akang heard from others that Lili was a child with a belly, and that's why Mrs. Tao agreed to let her be with President Tao."

Xue Yao said dumbfoundedly: "Brother Kang also believes this?!"

"Of course we don't believe it, but now the news is spreading, but because those media people have been slapped in the face too many times, they haven't sent it out yet.

Those who wanted to post were suppressed by He Botao and the others. "

Then she asked cautiously, "Aren't you pregnant?"

"Lili is not pregnant, how did this news spread to the circle. Grandma Tao held a tea party for Lili before, didn't she already express her attitude?

How could anyone take such sour words seriously? ! "

She thought that the words of those famous ladies were just sour, but she didn't expect it to spread.

"It is said that Mrs. Tao said in a certain group that she is about to have a grandson, and there are screenshots, so someone spread the news that Lili is pregnant."

"Great-grandson?" Xue Yao glanced at Tao Chengxuan suspiciously. "Why don't we send something to prove that we are not pregnant."

"Okay, I'll inform He Botao and they will follow up later."

(End of this chapter)

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