Gold Assistant

Chapter 565 Pretending to be a Boyfriend

Chapter 565 Pretending to be a Boyfriend

Ah Si immediately stared at Xue Yao with wide eyes, with an incredulous expression.

Xue Yao was annoyed inwardly. She never thought that she would show her secrets like this. In order to change the subject, she immediately asked, "What did you just use your phone to scan?"

"Uh...just, just take a look."

Usually speaking, he was too cruel to say a hundred sentences in one breath, but he stopped after only one sentence. Xue Yao and the others felt that there was something wrong.

"Say, be frank and be lenient, and refuse to eat."

"Young Madam, what you're doing is treating the employees harshly, and it's against the law." Ah Si complained in a low voice.

"You didn't sign the contract with me, so it's illegal."

In order to avoid being caught by Ah Si again, Xue Yao quickly took the fruit back and washed it.

Liu Li and An Mo just looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, they had discovered similar things before. They both knew that Xue Yao had many secrets, but they were worried that they might lose Xue Yao after revealing the secrets, so they buried it deeply in their hearts.

From time to time, he helped Xue Yao cover up.

An Mo immediately asked, "Are you talking to your girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Ah Si, who was always fearless, blushed.

The three sisters were very surprised.

"Quick, quick, honestly, who is it? Do we know each other?"

Ah Si waved his hands and said, "The horoscope hasn't been written yet.

That's right, I had that thought. "

An Mo stepped forward excitedly, "Hey, tell me who it is? Could it be from our studio?"

Ah Si didn't deny it.

"Well, Tongtong is the only girl in the studio now, but she belongs to Brother Tao, so you have no chance. The rest, huh? Do you like Sister Ling, Zhang Ling?
Why didn't I see it before, Brother Ah Si, you are buried very deeply. "

Now that he was guessed, Ah Si didn't show any pretense, so he directly admitted it.

"Actually, I just found out."


It turned out that Ah Si returned to the kitchen after being stuffed with dog food.

I swiped my phone because I was bored, and liked and commented on every artist in the studio.

After Zhang Dongdong saw it, he started a private chat with him.

It turned out that when Zhang Ling was on a concert tour, she was entangled by a rich second generation.

That person followed from city B to city G. Every time he went to a place, he would reserve a few seats in the front row and put down a lot of flowers.

It was also photographed by some entertainment reporters, saying that the little queen has a master.

Zhang Ling had already rejected that person secretly and publicly.

But the other party went its own way and didn't care, thinking that Zhang Ling's refusal was just pretending to be reserved.

Zhang Ling also reported this problem to Shi Lekang.

Shi Lekang immediately talked to the other party, but the rich second generation said that he was just chasing stars, and this was his personal freedom.

Even if he told the security guard not to let him enter the concert, he still had a way to find the organizer and go through the back door.

In the end, Shi Lekang could only increase the security personnel around Zhang Ling.

This has caused great troubles to Zhang Ling's life and work.

Zhang Dongdong saw his sister disturbing her, but he couldn't help, so he complained to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai thought about what happened to Zhu Haixuan before.

"As long as Dongdong also has a brother-in-law, this problem can be solved."


Zhang Dongdong looked at the computer screen in confusion.

"Well, someone wanted to chase after my sister before. I told about my brother-in-law, and he immediately backed down."

"But where can I find a brother-in-law?"

Now Zhang Ling is focused on her singing career and has no time to find a boyfriend.

Xiao Bai immediately typed on the keyboard, "You can find someone to pretend."

The drama he watched with Xiaoxian just now happened to have this plot.

The heroine in the play found a fake boyfriend to cope with the forced marriage at home, and finally developed a relationship with that fake boyfriend.

"Then who are you looking for? Brother Kang?"

"No, Brother Kang belongs to Sister Ling. He is thinking about having a baby with Sister Ling recently, so he can't."

Zhang Dongdong frowned deeply.

"Are you looking for those brothers from 603?"

603's brothers are all tall and burly, and they can be scary when they stand up.

When I went to exercise with Xiaobai before, I always saw 603's brothers, and they often asked him about his sister.

It's just that my sister doesn't seem to like this type.

Xiao Bai continued to deny, "No, their acting skills are not good enough."

"What should I do?"

"You can ask Brother Ah Si for help."

Thinking of acting skills, Xiaobai immediately thought of Ah Si.

He is the single person that Xiaobai knows, and he has the best acting skills.

Zhang Dongdong thought for a while, Ah Si was usually nice to them, although he and his sister were quiet people, it would be terrible if they found a brother-in-law who was also quiet.

Moreover, Ah Si's force value is not low, and he is also handsome, which is exactly the type that my sister likes.

My sister once praised Ah Si brother.

They have known each other for so long, and they can be regarded as people who know everything.

It's just a bit of a fool, but I believe that after having a family, it will become stable.

The more Zhang Dongdong thought about it, the more he felt that Ah Si was a good brother-in-law.

So he contacted Ah Si directly and told him about the rich second generation.

He completely forgot Xiaobai's proposal at the beginning, and just found someone to pretend to be her boyfriend.

After Ah Si heard about this incident, thinking of that young lady who smiled softly and sang well, being entangled by a man with a ferocious face (?) and a smell of copper (?), she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

He quickly replied to Zhang Dongdong, and when he returned to China, he would ask the young master for leave and fly directly to G Port City to help.

Although he has never done anything like pretending to be a boyfriend, but with the young master as a model, it is not difficult for him to pretend to be an outstanding person.

Zhang Dongdong immediately responded happily.

And in order not to reveal his flaws, he began to call Ah Si his brother-in-law, so that the two could get acquainted with this relationship.

Looking at the word "brother-in-law" on the phone, Ah Si couldn't help but think of that gentle young lady again.

She used a voice like the sounds of nature, calling her own name.

"Maybe that's fine too."

After Xue Yao and the others listened, they couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, the people in their studio would be so strict in adhering to the principle of not letting the rich water flow into outsiders' fields.

Basically digested internally.

In the end, Xue Yao felt that the main reason was that their people were too good, so they could see each other right.

Xue Yao patted Ah Si on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry about chasing after her, but you must also pay attention. If Sister Ling expresses her unwillingness, even you can't continue pestering her facelessly."

"Well, don't worry, young lady, I will definitely not do anything that makes sister Ling hate." Ah Si said in a rare serious manner.

An Mo immediately gave him a lesson, "Whether you want to pretend to be a boyfriend or you decide to pursue Sister Ling, you will never be called Sister Ling anymore."

"Huh? Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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