Gold Assistant

Chapter 566 The Vest Is Suspected

Chapter 566 The Vest Is Suspected
"Because you call her Sister Ling, you put yourself in the same position as Dongdong. It's hard for her to look at you seriously and consider you as a boyfriend candidate.

After all, you were young. "

"Well, well, is there anything else to worry about?"

Ah Si asked An Mo for advice seriously, wishing to take out a small notebook and write it down.

Seeing Ah Si like this, Xue Yao's originally worried heart was relieved.

Even though Zhang Ling was asked to sign under the name of the studio, she had already cut off her branch line with the scumbag manager in the book.

But her relationship has never been settled, and Xue Yao always worries that if she doesn't pay attention, she will be snapped back by Tiandao.

Especially after Mu Xuan took over the filming of "Mask" again, she had concerns about this.

The branches of Liu Li and An Mo have been changed, and Xue Yao hopes that the branches of other people can also develop better.

Now that Zhang Ling has Ah Si on his side, it shouldn't be a problem.

In this small world, the people around me are kind and beautiful, which can be regarded as making up for the regrets in the previous world.

Although Xue Yao knew very well that only she and Chen Ting came here in that world, she couldn't help thinking that if her senior brothers were here, she must make them happy too.

Although Ah Si escaped like the fourth brother, he was just as reliable at critical moments.

Xue Yao quickly cut up the fruit, and took out yogurt instead of salad dressing and mixed it.

Most of the people who are waiting to eat over there want to control their weight. If you use yogurt, the calories are not so high.

Ah Si walked out of the kitchen with a plate of colorful and sweet fruits.

An Mo and Liu Li followed behind with small plates and forks.

After eating a piece of apple, Qiao Le sighed: "Sure enough, people who know how to cook even cut a piece of fruit taste better than others."

"The material is good." Xue Yao told the truth.

"Don't be humble. I really hope that the movie will start shooting soon, so that I can eat your dishes."

An Mo smiled and said foxyly, "You don't have to wait for the filming to start. If Aunt Le likes it, you can come to our apartment, so that you can eat sister Yao's dishes every day."

"Okay, I will definitely go then."

While eating fruit salad, everyone chatted about news from the entertainment and fashion circles.

On the other hand, Ah Si was holding the phone over there, murmuring words and writing down the precautions that An Mo just said.

As the only two males present, Ran Lei asked with concern: "Ah Si, what are you doing?"

Ah Si looked up at Ran Lei, his eyes lit up.

The person in front of you is the best person to ask for advice!
Even more reliable than the young master!
So he immediately pulled the man aside, and asked carefully about pursuing him.

Because of their status, few people would talk about such things with Ran Lei. Ah Si's request for help opened up the conversation between the two.

Not long after, the plane arrived in City B.

Before leaving Ran Lei and his wife, Xue Yao solemnly took out two amulets for them.

"Uncle Lei, Aunt Le, this is a talisman consecrated by an expert to pray for good health. Please accept it, and your wishes will soon come true."

"I thought only those of our age would believe it. Why do you young people believe it too?" Ran Lei didn't refuse, he reached out to take it, and gave one to Qiao Le for her to put away.

Over the years, they have progressed from science to theology because of their desire for children.

Even if those things seem unreal, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will do it.

Seeing the lovely Xiaobai and Xiaoxian in the past two days aroused their longing for a child even more. The two discussed it last night, and after returning home, they went to the orphanage to go through the formalities to adopt a child.

An Mo poked his head out from behind Xue Yao, and said with a smile, "This is really effective, our bodies have improved."

Then she looked around and said in a low voice, "Brother Ting recovered so well because of the amulet that Sister Yao begged for.

Aunt Le must carry it close to her body, we all carry it. "

After speaking, she took out her amulet and showed it to Qiao Le.

Seeing her agile appearance, Qiao Le felt warm in her heart, and said with a smile, "Okay, we will definitely keep it close to my body."

After everyone separated, Qiao Le stared at the amulet in his hand in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Ran Lei added a shawl to her.

Qiao Le glanced at the driver in front of him, Tao Chengxuan arranged this, so he should be trustworthy.

But the matter was too miraculous, she thought it was better to go home and talk about it.

"Just a little tired."

Ran Lei, who has been married for many years, knew she had something to say when he saw her appearance, but it was inconvenient to be outside.

"Then you rely on me to rest, and you will be home soon."


Qiao Le closed her eyes, leaned gently on Ran Lei, and felt the amulet in her hand more attentively.

Is what you want come true?
She seemed to see hope again.

After Xue Yao and his party returned to the apartment, they immediately took out the cleaning charm and walked around the room.

If there is no one in the house for too long, there will always be a feeling of stuffiness.

The three of them quickly washed up and went back to their room to rest.

Xue Yao habitually took out her mobile phone and began to swipe her scarf to check the situation.

I just didn't expect that as soon as I turned on the phone, the private mailbox in the scarf rang desperately.

She hurried to check.

Unexpectedly, everyone suspected that the assistant's sister was Xue Yao, and sent inquiries one after another.

Because the assistant lady has been by Liu Li's side all the time, she can still be seen in HG's fashion show.

But Chigu's fashion show did not see her.

So everyone guessed where she went.

Some say she may be on leave.

But there are also sharp-eyed people who found that Xue Yao's posture in the Chigu fashion show was very similar to the teaching video sent by the assistant lady a long time ago.

So some netizens had their brains wide open, saying that the assistant lady must be Xue Yao.

Most of the netizens didn't believe it, saying that the CEO of a website of hers went to work as an assistant, and it was too small to be useful.

Liu Li is just a fledgling actor, so it would be too big for a website CEO to be his assistant.

But netizens who can't stop once their brains are open, don't believe in this evil.

He put on a mask on the photo of Xue Yaochi's ancient fashion show, and sent it out together with the photo of the former assistant lady.

Let everyone determine whether it is the same person.

It's just because most of the photos of the assistant lady are hiding aside, so they are not very clear.

But netizens feel a little like it.

They sent a private message to my goddess Bangbangda, this account asked.

Seeing the flashing 99+ private messages, Xue Yao felt a little headache.

Although she disclosed her relationship with Chen Ting, she didn't want to expose the vest of the assistant lady so soon.

Play dead first, ignore it for now.

After a day of rest, everyone felt refreshed.

An Mo ran back early in the morning and dragged Liu Li to see Lin Xia and Li Baoqin, accompanied by Shi Xiaonan.

Xue Yao followed Chen Ting to meet Mr. Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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