Gold Assistant

Chapter 588

Chapter 588
Liu Li said carefully: "After Xiaoya finished researching the new skin care products, she felt bored, so she went to study the Miracle series before Huanxi. If she wanted to know what went wrong and caused her allergies, she should learn it.

Although she knew very well that the people who made that cosmetic were all technicians who had left Gu Yun.

It should be the ancient rhyme formula, but there is no evidence, so there is no way to take them.But after this research, she found a patented product that only Gu Yun has.

She just said a few days ago to report it to the relevant department."

Xue Yao said fortunately: "Fortunately, Gu Yun sent a message this morning, otherwise the public opinion would really be skewed by the happy sailors.

Qin Hong is really heartbroken until he reaches the Yellow River. "

Now is the era of fast food.

Many people only read the title when they read the news, and only click to read the content after seeing something they are interested in.

If you see the information released by the navy and don't analyze it carefully, you will probably believe it.

Although it can definitely be clarified in the end, it is also troublesome.

"However, it has been smeared like this. If Gu Yun keeps silent and doesn't make a move, the upper hand he gained just today will soon be gone."

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, under the pressure of multiple powerful naval forces, public opinion turned to one side.

Some people who didn't know the truth and didn't read the content carefully began to stand on the side of joy and ran to condemn Gu Yun.

But there are not many such people. Maybe the statement issued by Gu Yun in the morning has worked, and many people are keeping on the sidelines.

This time, those big Vs with scarves didn't join in.

"Qin Hong can really use this method to reverse things."

However, seeing so many sailors, Xue Yao felt sorry for Qin Hong's wallet, and probably spent more than 7 figures in publicity fees this time.

After Liu Li saw the public opinion, he immediately frowned, feeling a little worried.

"I'm going to call Xiaoya."

A little flustered, she immediately turned around and went back to her room to get her cell phone, completely forgetting that Xue Yao could also make calls.

But when she came out with her mobile phone, Xue Yao yelled, "Lili, don't call."

"what happened?"

Liu Li walked over quickly.

Xue Yao smiled fox-eyedly, and pointed at the scarf, "Gu Yun has made a move."

It turned out that not long after Tao Chengxuan left, he received a notice from He Botao.

He Botao guessed that after Gu Yun issued the statement in the morning, Huanxin also released such news, and there must be follow-up plans.

He asked Tao Chengxuan to prepare as well, and if there was anything that could be used as a concrete hammer, he would send it out in a while.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy.

Gu Yun's statement was very formal.

The general content shows that a group of technicians who were dismissed many months ago were recruited by Joy, and the list is on the list.

Then Joy launched the Miracle series two months later.

But there is a substance in the Miracle series, which was developed by Gu Yun and has applied for a patent. When other companies use it, they have to apply to Gu Yun to pay the patent fee.

At the same time, because this ingredient is unstable, it needs to be used in conjunction with another substance. This has always been the core technology of Guyun, and ordinary technical people do not know it.

However, the Miracle series of Joyful did not use that substance to cooperate, so it will cause allergies to the users.

Huanxin not only stole Gu Yun's formula, but also ignored the safety of consumers.

These are not allowed by the industry, so Guyun Company has reported to the relevant departments and sued in the people's court.

Following the statement, there was also a lawyer's letter.

Xue Yao sighed, "Your Tao Chengxuan has prepared well. The lawyer's letter has been drawn up so quickly."

"It should be because he saw what Xiaoya did, so he prepared silently. He is a good brother."

"Hee hee, you will also be a good sister-in-law."

Xue Yao touched her face.


Liu Li stamped her feet shyly.

Gu Yun's side has already faced the battle, and the next step is to see the reaction of Huanxin's side.

Sometimes Xue Yao finds it quite funny.

The scarf was originally just a place for everyone to post some new things around them, share the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys in life, so that everyone can hear the voice of the neck owner.

Now it has become a place where public opinion wars are fought.

"Xiaoya's good sister-in-law, I'm going to take a bath."

After she finished speaking, she immediately ran back to her room to get her clothes.

Liu Li watched her leave, and the uneasiness hidden in her heart also settled down.

My sister didn't treat her any differently just because she had an extra biological sister.

Although her rationality told herself that even if Momo became her sister's biological sister, she would not be able to change her identity.

And she herself has always thought of the lovely An Mo as her younger sister.

But in my heart I can't help but think wildly.

Xue Yao's attitude just now was the same as before, which calmed Liu Li down.

She took out her phone and told Mo Ziyan about it.

Mo Ziyan is going to meet Mr. Chen tomorrow, so I still need to inform him about Xue Yao's biological father.

The father and daughter began to chat like this.

It didn't end until Xue Yao finished washing.

Liu Li looked at Xue Yao, and made a request according to Mo Ziyan's suggestion.

"Sister, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Mo Ziyan said that she was very clingy to Xue Yao when she was a child, always asking to sleep together.


Xue Yao agreed without thinking.

In fact, after announcing An Mo's matter in the afternoon, she noticed that Liu Li looked a little lonely.

She can probably understand this feeling.

In the past, when the master brought a friend's child to the sect and said that he would accept a new apprentice, she had this feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

I was afraid that after having a new disciple, the favor of the master and senior brothers would be taken away from me.

It was only later that the child couldn't adapt to the life of the sect, so he left without arguing.

So Xue Yao immediately agreed to Liu Li's request.

Since it was too late, they went to bed without waiting for Huanxin's response.

The two sisters were lying on the bed, recalling their childhood and whispering.

Most of the time, Liu Li was talking, and Xue Yao occasionally responded.

Before, Xue Yao let the intelligent Xiaobai extract the relevant memories, so he was not afraid of being exposed when he said these words together.

After waking up, Xue Yao and Liu Li immediately turned on their phones to see how Huanxin would respond.

"Hahaha, that's too funny."

After seeing the scarf, Xue Yao patted the quilt and laughed.

Huanxin's final response was to say that in their previous statement, they did not say that the things were stolen by Gu Yun, but that some caring people brought the rhythm to Gu Yun, so please don't be misled.

This eagerness to dump the blame on the netizens made everyone very angry, and then forwarded Gu Yun's lawyer's letter statement one after another, asking what happened to Huanxin.

Also, what kind of attitude is Huanxin talking like this?

But the happy official began to play dead and stopped responding to any content.

(End of this chapter)

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