Gold Assistant

Chapter 589 Throwing a Stone

Chapter 589 Throwing a Stone

"Huanxin's official neck is really capricious."

Holding the phone, Liu Li felt a little emotional.

When they send out scarves by themselves, they often have to think twice and be careful to see if the content they post will offend others, what day it is, and whether any major events have happened, and they are afraid of stepping on the line.

Huanxin's official neck is fine, if he says throw the pot away, he will throw the pot away.

"I think this content should be posted by Qin Hong himself, otherwise how could a person who manages the account be so bold."

At this moment, Xue Yao remembered something, and immediately got up and turned on her laptop.

The last time Chen Ting sent her something, there was a content that I never found a chance to send out.

Right now.

She found an audio that had been playing for a long time in her laptop, and clicked on it to play a recording.

"Huanxi takes the top-level route. Those who can only hide behind the keyboard and talk, can't afford it anyway, so there is nothing to worry about."

When Liu Li heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes, "Sister, why did you do this? But you slept with me last night."

Xue Yao covered her mouth and smiled, "This was not recorded yesterday, but he said it backstage at the opening ceremony of Yongjia Films.

Send it out now, just enough to throw a stone into Qin Hong's well. "

Speech if you don't like it: [I just watched the battle between the two companies, one has reason and evidence, and the other just relies on words, and finally dumped the blame on the netizens who helped, it's really funny.

Gee tut.

But the president of that company is like that. He just received an interesting audio and shared it with everyone. (link attached)]

[Unfair world: Hehe, Huanxi really has a big face. Although I haven't used your products now, I believe I won't use them again in the future. ]
[Youqian Dashai: This voice is a bit familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere.But to say such a thing, it should be a high-ranking person who is happy. ]
[Coke without ice: Is it the same as this voice, no thanks. (Video attached)]
[Seeing that you are not pleasing to the eye: I will go!It turned out to be Qin Hong who said it, he is really shameless.It turned out that since he proposed to Zhan Jingni, the scumbag changed for the better, but he was still the same scumbag. ]
[A needle salt: As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. A scumbag is a scumbag. No matter how you package it, it is still a scumbag. ]

Since they had to meet their parents today, things were quite busy, so Xue Yao and the others did not continue to observe the trends on the Internet.

They had to meet Mo Ziyan first, and then go to the shop in the suburbs to meet Mr. Chen.

Unexpectedly, when the two were fully dressed, An Mo and Wang Jun appeared at the door smiling.

"Momo, why are you here?"

An Mo first smiled at Liu Li, and immediately stepped forward to hold Xue Yao's hand, "Today is the meeting of my sister's parents, which is very important, so I also want to be there."

Xue Yao raised her chin with her fingers, and teased: "I have no objection if you want to come, but why did your family's Jungugu follow, isn't he going to work?"

Wang Jun raised his sunny smile again, "Isn't this meeting the parents? I'm here to study, study."

"Pfft." Xue Yao and Liu Li covered their mouths with their hands in unison, "What are you studying? Both of your parents know each other and are good friends."

"It's different. We'll talk about the wedding then, so it's different from the usual meeting."

Everyone has already arrived, and Xue Yao couldn't drive him back, so he said helplessly: "Okay, but our car can't fit so many people, so why don't you drive here?"

"Chengxuan drove the car and is waiting downstairs."

"What? Chengxuan is downstairs, why didn't he tell me?"

Liu Li was a little surprised.

An Mo immediately pinched him, and Wang Jun realized that he had slipped his tongue, so he could only pretend to smile stupidly.

Xue Yao and Liu Li looked at them suspiciously, there must be something tricky.

At this time, Chen Ting was also ready and walked out from 601.

He just glanced at Wang Jun lightly, without saying anything, turned his head and said softly to Xue Yao, "Let's go, let's pick up Mr. Mo first."


When they got downstairs, Wang Jun quickly walked to Tao Chengxuan's car and said something to him.

Tao Chengxuan glanced helplessly at Wang Jun, and stood outside the car door to greet everyone.

An Mo immediately pulled Wang Jun into his car and said, "Go, go, don't let the old man wait."

A group of people set off to pick up Mo Ziyan at the hotel.

Knowing that Mo Ziyan came to City B, Xue Yao suggested him to live in the apartment, after all, it was convenient.

At first, Mo Ziyan agreed, so that he could spend more time with his two daughters.

After they got married, it was much harder to get together again.

But when he knew that the whole apartment belonged to Chen Ting, he refused.

He changed his words and said that he had already paid for the hotel in advance, so don't waste it.

The one in the front clearly promised well, but the one in the back shouldn't waste money, it was just an excuse, which made Xue Yao and Liu Li a little confused.

Later, when Xue Yao was chatting with Chen Ting, she realized Mo Ziyan's intentions.

He may feel that it is not good in terms of status to live in the prospective son-in-law's place before meeting.

Knowing that both Xue Yao and Liu Li had found a man from a big family to be their son-in-law, Mo Ziyan would intentionally or unintentionally avoid contact with them except for the necessary contact for work.

I was afraid that when I was in contact, I would say the wrong thing, which would affect the happiness of the two daughters.

But now they are talking about getting married, and they can no longer escape.

Fortunately, with everyone's help before, Mo's company jumped out of Lin's trap, and faintly became the industry leader in G City.

With such an identity, Mo Ziyan could barely be equal to the Tao family or Chen Ting.

But he only found out a few days ago that Chen Ting was actually a child of the Chen family.

For this reason, he began to worry about Xue Yao's life after marriage.

After all, I have seen many cases in G City, where the woman was wronged and had nowhere to cry because the family status of the woman and the man were too different.

Before meeting Mr. Chen, Mo Ziyan began to worry whether Mr. Chen would dislike their family.

Strictly speaking, their family is just a wealthy businessman, but they don't have as much money as Chen Ting, and they don't have many connections.

Xue Yao saw that Mo Ziyan, who was always calm and never showed timidity even when he was uncertain, appeared restless.

She felt a little guilty.

In fact, regardless of blood relationship or name, he doesn't have to meet Mr. Chen.

Because Xue Ruhan named her Tang Yao at the beginning, and only asked her to call her Uncle Mo Ziyan in her life, but she didn't want Mo Ziyan to be involved in her life.

But Mo Ziyan said that their family was far inferior to the Chen family. If they didn't even have an elder who came forward, he was worried that Xue Yao would have a hard time in the Chen family.

Mrs. Mo was supposed to come forward, but thinking of how she treated her daughters in the past, Mo Ziyan would rather come by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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