Gold Assistant

Chapter 600

Chapter 600

Before Xue Yao could bring it up, Chen Ting said, "Brother An, please send me a photo for you to see."

"En, um." Xue Yao nodded with a smile, and then asked, "How did Song Kai get involved with An Ye?"

"He used to be the security guard of Zhan's family."

"Ah?! Is there such a relationship?"

According to Song Kai, a person surnamed Tang visited the Zhan family back then, and that person exchanged two strange potions for the help of the Zhan family.

Needless to say, the person surnamed Tang, everyone guessed it was Tang Yu.

Tang Boxin was very surprised, he didn't expect Chen Ting to know so much.

Xue Yao frowned, "Strange potion?"

"On the night when he got the potion, old man Zhan used one for Zhan Jingni, but nothing changed. Even so, old man Zhan decided to help."

"It's disgusting, how many families' happiness has been destroyed just for this little thing."

Xue Yao was very angry when she heard this, and then she was a little confused. "I felt strange before. If Tang Yu wanted to get back those children who were sent away, why did he take away other people's children?"

Chen Ting's eyebrows turned cold, "He wants to experiment with those children."

Hearing this, Xue Yao huddled tightly in Chen Ting's arms. "Teacher, actually this... I am also an experimental product."

Although she only borrowed this body, she still felt sad for the original owner.

Mo Ziyan handed it over to her before, and Xue Ruhan gave the two sisters a notebook, which recorded every detail from the time they knew they had a baby, until they gave birth, to the two of them growing up.

In Xue Yao's notebook, Xue Ruhan wrote that the baby came so suddenly that she didn't even know what happened, and felt that she was in a daze during that time.

Also because of this baby, the heroine of the original play was lost.

But as a mother, she still became strong and began to look forward to the arrival of her little life.

It's just that Tang Yu's sudden departure has dealt a fatal blow to her fragile.

At such a moment, she met Mo Ziyan...

"Based on what I wrote earlier, I think Tang Yu was just experimenting, but he didn't expect his 'disaster' to come, so he left in a hurry without waiting for the result.

When he came back, he had already lost Xue...mother's figure, that's why he would go to rob the laboratory later. "

Tang Boxin originally wanted to tell Xue Yao that he was her father when Xue Yao mentioned Tang Yu.

But after hearing their discussion later, I stopped thinking about it.

What's more, Xue Yao and An Mo's births were all due to experiments, not love.

At this time, Xiaobai opened his eyes, and said in a cold electronic voice: "The next crack in time and space will appear in about 10 hours."

"Ten hours, that's okay." The stone in Tang Boxin's heart finally fell.

But everyone knows that they came to save Tang Boxin, if they don't go back for too long, it will make everyone worry.

Xue Yao looked at the egg alarm thrown to the ground by Tang Boxin.

Thinking that since this thing can penetrate the four-dimensional space and remind them, it should also be able to send the message there, right?

Xiaobai who was asked nodded.

He dismantled the hen and rooster in his hands, took out his mobile phone, and the egg on the ground, and quickly assembled them.

Tang Boxin was very surprised by the hand speed during assembly.

After a while, a bigger turkey appeared in front of everyone.

Xiaobai pulled the turkey's wings, and it turned into a communicator with a large screen.

Tang Boxin twitched the corners of his mouth, was this made by humans? !

After pressing a number on the communicator, the other party was connected soon.

"Xiaobai, where are you now? Why can't we see you after we come down?"

Hearing Hajime's thick voice, there was an inexplicable sense of relief.

Xiaobai immediately handed the communicator to Xue Yao, and Xue Yao handed it to Chen Ting.

When Chen Ting heard that there were other people besides Ah Yi's voice on the other end of the phone, he didn't elaborate.

"We are all safe, it's just that we are in another place and we can't go back for the time being. You don't have to do anything, just wait carefully.

We'll be back about tomorrow. "


At this moment, Jiang Pingyuan's voice suddenly appeared next to him.

"Wait, where are you? Why did you suddenly disappear? I checked the surveillance, and there is no record of you leaving.

And why is this room decorated so weirdly?Could it be something unclean?You will not be imprisoned in that place with eighteen floors, will you? "


Is this human talk?
Everyone frowned.

Chen Ting held the communicator far away, and tapped lightly on the table twice.

"What are you... talking about? This... signal is not... good..."

Then he turned off the communicator and pretended to be disconnected.

Seeing his appearance, Xue Yao covered her mouth and kept laughing.

This series of movements is so proficient, it is estimated that they have been used frequently before.

Jiang Pingyuan's talkativeness is comparable to that of Ah Si, but his mouth is too bad.

It seems that it must be because of him that Hajime and the others took the risk to go downstairs to find someone.

It is only because the time rift is closed that the two spaces cannot communicate with each other, unlike Tang Boxin who could see them before.

Now that someone has been notified, Xue Yao and the others sat down and had a good rest. Later, they will travel through time and space and need to maintain their strength.

But seeing the things in Xiaobai's hands, Xue Yao couldn't help asking: "Xiaobai, why did you make all these things like this?"

Xiao Bai closed his eyes, and after a while, he heard a young boy's voice, "Xiao Xian likes it."

Xue Yao: "..."

Chen Ting stroked his soft hair and said, "Very good."

On the other side, Ah put the mobile phone away and said to everyone: "The young master and the young lady will be back tomorrow, everyone should go back."

Ah Yi and Ah Er started to chase people away.

Although Chen Ting didn't say anything, they were not seen leaving on the surveillance, so Ah Yi and Ah Er guessed that they were still in the apartment.

As for why I can't see it, I don't know.

Anyway, they have seen many strange things before.

The most important thing now is not to let other people hinder the young master and young lady.

But Jiang Pingyuan insisted on waiting here until the next day.

Everyone's persuasion was ineffective, so Ah Yi had to stay with him.

Not long after the people from 603 left, someone came with a bag of things.

It may be useful to talk about Jiang Pingyuan.

At night, when the wind was blowing the talismans on the wall, Jiang Pingyuan couldn't help but shiver.

He looked around, "Ah Yi, don't you think this place is weird?"

Ah Yi nodded immediately, "Indeed, I'm a little scared, how about leaving?"

"Hmph, it's no wonder you're afraid, I won't leave!"

Unable to gain empathy, Jiang Pingyuan immediately took out his mobile phone, found an audio of the Diamond Sutra and played it.

At least some unclean things will be afraid.

 Thanks to Dip, Bottle Spirit, Cat's Bones, Jindan Shaobing, Xuanyuan Xiner, thank you for your votes, it's great to have your support!
(End of this chapter)

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