Gold Assistant

Chapter 601 Time Stowaway

Chapter 601 Time Stowaway

It's just that in such an environment, coupled with the scriptures played on the mobile phone, it seems that the atmosphere in the entire living room has become even more terrifying.

Jiang Pingyuan searched for the special gift from 603's partner.

I found a handful of incense and a censer.

He twitched the corner of his mouth.

Don't know where they got it from.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the talisman on the wall rattled again. He hurriedly asked, "How about... light it?"

Ah Yi said again: "I'm quite scared, why don't I go back."


Jiang Pingyuan had heard about Ah Yi and Ah Er, so he didn't believe that he would be afraid at all. He just wanted him to leave here, but he didn't.

In the end, Jiang Pingyuan lit the incense anyway.

Smelling the smell of incense, he also gradually calmed down.

It seems to be right.

But at this moment, the talismans in the living room suddenly burned and disappeared into ashes.

The walls were empty, as if no talisman had ever been posted.

Ah Yi and Jiang Pingyuan jumped up immediately, looking around vigilantly.

"What's going on? Couldn't there really be that one?"

Jiang Pingyuan was a little nervous.

Suddenly a black crack appeared in the living room.

Chen Ting hugged Xue Yao, and Tang Boxin fell down with Xiaobai in his arms.

Jiang Pingyuan opened his eyes wide, pointed at the four people, and said incoherently, "You... you, that... that... ah!"

Before he could speak, he fell to the ground with a bang.

It turned out that it was Ah Yi who slashed his neck.

In normal times, it would not be so easy to succeed, but he was in a state of extreme tension just now, so he was defenseless.

Xiaobai immediately ran over and poked Jiang Pingyuan's head with the turkey in his hand.

"Well, sister, he won't remember what happened just now."

It turned out that while waiting in the four-dimensional space, a space-time crack suddenly appeared, which was different from Xiaobai's calculated time completion.

A white lump came out of the crack.

It jumped around Xiaobai a few times, saying that if Xiaobai is willing to help, it will forgive their sins.

In the end Xiaobai carried it and ran away muttering for a long time before returning with Xue Yao's worried eyes.

After discussion, Smart Xiaobai went to help, leaving only Mengmeng Xiaobai.

When Chen Ting heard the word "crime", his eyes immediately sank, and the aura around him became cold.

But now Xue Yao's attention has been on Xiao Bai, so she didn't notice it.

After Smart Xiaobai was stripped, Xue Yao immediately tied them with red strings and affixed protective charms.

Finally came back safely.

Tang Boxin looked at Jiang Pingyuan on the ground and asked, "Uh... what should he do?"

Listening to the Buddhist scriptures in the living room, smelling the same incense smell as in the temple, thinking about what Jiang Pingyuan said just now, he knew without asking that he made these.

He looked at the people lying on the ground.

Because of Smart Xiaobai's departure, Xue Yao was in a bad mood and vented her anger.

She said coldly: "Since he likes this place so much, let him sleep on the ground and wake him up tomorrow morning."


After returning to the 6th floor, Chen Ting asked Ah Yiyi Xiaobai to go back to 601, while he and Xue Yao went back to 602.

Liu Li and the others haven't come back yet.

The living room was pitch black, Xue Yao turned around and turned on the light in the living room.

Chen Ting looked at Xue Yao's back with dark eyes, and a dark aura flowed from his body.

His delicate and handsome face, looming under the light, coupled with that slender body, has a fatal attraction.

"Xiao Yao."


Xue Yao turned around and was immediately attracted by the evil smile on his face.

The whole person stood there in a daze.

Chen Ting walked over slowly and grabbed her waist, which was completely different from the usual Chen Ting.

Smelling the familiar aura on his body made Xue Yao a little intoxicated.

Chen Ting's eyes shone faintly, and when he was about to kiss, Xue Yao suddenly blocked his mouth with his hand.

When he approached, Xue Yao, who was fascinated, suddenly remembered that the cracks in time and space can erode people's hearts, and if there are traumas, they will also attract demons.

Chen Ting blamed himself very much for the matter of that small world, and he never really let go of it.

The person in front of him may have been possessed by a demon.

Xue Yao had given away those sobriety charms before, but now I don't have any of them.

In desperation, Xue Yao tried hard to think of a way, when an idea suddenly popped up in her heart.

She quickly shouted: "Teacher! Come back quickly, or I will be kissed by others."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Ting, who was originally full of evil spirits, changed his whole feeling.

He closed his eyes and scanned himself with divine consciousness.

Then somewhere in his mind, he found that black demon, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Get out!"

The black heart demon was immediately shaken away.

Before disappearing, this demon felt very aggrieved, he was actually defeated by the power of jealousy.

Xue Yao didn't expect this method to be successful, and her heart was full of sweetness.

Chen Ting hugged Xue Yao guiltily, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I was distracted by a demon. Fortunately, Xiao Yao found out."

Unexpectedly, after many worlds of experience, he would be so easily exploited by the inner demons, it is really useless.

Xue Yao patted him on the back lightly, comforting him, "It's because I didn't remind you of this, so don't blame Shishi."

Having said this, Chen Ting remembered what he wanted to ask earlier.

"Why is Xiaoyao so familiar with cracks in time and space?"

Although they are people who work for the Space-Time Administration, in fact, every time they enter the new world, they are arranged by the system and the attached brain.

But Xiaoyao knew so much, which made him very confused.

And Xiaobai...

Although he knew before that he was Xiaoyao's system intelligence, but he was actually not very clear about many details.

When Chen Ting was talking, he hugged her tighter and tighter, making Xue Yao feel as if she was about to be rubbed into her body by him.

Xue Yao understood how he felt, and tried to relax her body to cooperate with him.

Only gradually, she felt a little difficult to breathe.

She had to pat Chen Ting, "Master, it's uncomfortable, it's too tight."

Chen Ting immediately came back to his senses and loosened his hands, but he still hugged Xue Yao and did not let go.

Burying her head in Xue Yao's neck, she said in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry."

"it's okay no problem."

Xue Yao gently stroked Chen Ting's hair, and found that he was slowly relaxing.

Unexpectedly, she would one day be able to use the trick of touching the head to kill.

The two continued to talk while maintaining this posture.

"When Shi Shi was working in the Space-Time Bureau, he should have heard of space-time stowaways?"

"I heard from the system intelligence before that time-space stowaways use time-space cracks to escape to live in various small worlds in order to prolong their own lives, and it is also because of them that time-space chaos is caused."

(End of this chapter)

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