Gold Assistant

Chapter 609

Chapter 609

Xiaoxian raised her already somewhat fleshy face, and looked at her sisters cutely.

She said seriously: "It's still cold now, so wear more clothes so you won't catch a cold."

Min Shasha clapped her hands and said, "Xiaoxian is right!"

After being reminded by Xiaoxian, Xue Yao and the others chose to keep warm.

They don't want to be beautiful and "frozen". Even with Xue Yao's talisman to keep them warm, they still feel cold in their hearts.


After everyone changed their clothes, Xue Yao carefully stuffed them with an amulet.

After An Mo reminded him, Chang Yuande interrogated Chu Yu again.

Only then did I know that she had indeed deliberately thrown out the previous matter to divert everyone's attention.

In order to get real news, they invited Tang Boxin back to the base.

Because the catastrophe was over, Tang Boxin, who had already packed his luggage and was going back to country F, could only go to the base to help.

When he saw Jiang Pingyuan, he quietly hid aside, he was worried that Jiang Pingyuan would ask about that day.

But I don't know what Xiaobai did to Jiang Pingyuan.

When Jiang Pingyuan saw Tang Boxin, he didn't ask anything, just said hello and left.

Tang Boxin felt incredible.

Although I really want to know what Xiaobai has done, I am afraid that he will do the same thing to me.

And what happened that day was also deeply buried in his heart.

No matter what others asked, he just smiled and said nothing.

When the interrogation started, Tang Boxin began to listen to Chu Yu's heart.

After the catastrophe, his ability was upgraded again.

Now you can freely control the ability, unlike before, the ability should be activated automatically.

Moreover, when listening to the news, it can automatically judge whether those words are true or false. In the past, although other people's thoughts can be heard, the authenticity of the content still needs to be investigated.

After Chang Yuande heard about it, he was very happy.

Because in this way, there is no need for An Mo to come over to make further judgments.

The less people know about An Mo's ability, the better.

Through this interrogation, Chu Yu told everything he knew.

Her current "boyfriend" is also a videographer, and his company was hired by the Shi family to shoot at the birthday banquet.

The reason why they approached him was to use him and his company's people to enter the venue of the Shi family's birthday banquet in advance.

Because there is a computer expert in the dark night, just change the photos of the company's employees, and you can get in.

And those so-called invitations to his family are to confuse the public.

As long as they enter the arena with "invitation cards", they can bring chaos to the venue, and the guards will focus on those people, while the people in the dark night can take advantage of the chaos to prepare.

Although Mr. Shi is not in officialdom, the bodyguards trained by the Shi family have always been the first choice of important people.

There are also children in the family who are also sent to the Shi family for training.

Therefore, Mr. Shi's birthday banquet will be attended by important people from all walks of life.

If they can be wiped out at this time, then Dark Night will make a lot of money.

In addition, regarding the plastic surgery, Chu Yu himself did not know the specifics.

Because when she was sent for plastic surgery, she was blindfolded.

She just remembered being asked to enter a room and lying on the bed waiting.

Soon someone came in, handcuffed her, and prevented her from moving.

Then there was a pair of hands on her face, stroking back and forth.

The fear in her heart made her unable to count the time, and only felt that the seconds seemed like years.

Then she felt hot and painful all over her face.

She wanted to escape, but she couldn't move because she was handcuffed.

I don't know how long it took, but she changed her face.

Song Kai also said the same experience.

Tang Boxin judged that what they said was true.

After hearing the news, the members of the Special Task Force felt a chill down their spines.

On the day of the Shi family's birthday party, due to the special circumstances, members of the special task force will be responsible for the security work.

Although they will strengthen their precautions, if An Ye really goes according to Chu Yu's plan, they are likely to fall there.

After receiving these messages, Chen Ting reminded Xue Yao.

Let them pay attention to their own safety when participating in the birthday banquet.

After all, they don't have much information on members of the dark night, even Xiaobai can't find anything.

After listening to Chu Yu's plastic surgery experience, Xue Yao suddenly said: "You can have plastic surgery by touching your face with your hands, isn't this a supernatural power?

Are there other Tang family members? "

Chen Ting frowned.

"After Tang Boxin told about the Tang family, Xiaobai and I both went to investigate. He is indeed the only one left in the registered Tang family."

In the end, he looked at Xue Yao, and said, "Of course, the situation like the original owner and An Mo may also happen, so Uncle Chang asked Chen Kele to match everyone's DNA in the system.

But the same person was not found. "

Xue Yao leaned gently on Chen Ting, thinking deeply.

In fact, she wanted to sit in Chen Ting's arms, so she could think of more things.

It's just that when they were sitting like this once, they almost accidentally fired a gun, and the two of them became more cautious.

"Ah, I remembered, didn't Song Kai say that Tang Yu sent two medicines to old man Zhan, and one of them was used on Zhan Jingni.

And the other one is gone. I don't know if it was thrown away or used by someone? "

"Yes." Chen Ting nodded, "However, Zhan Jingni didn't have supernatural powers. Even so, it doesn't affect her revenge on Qin Hong and Zhan Jingyun."

Xue Yao also paid attention to these things, "Shi Shi said that the audio that was circulated on the Internet a while ago, the indecent videos and photos of the two of them were all released by Zhan Jingni.

Hehe, she is quite ruthless. "

Chen Ting raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Yes, that's the news she asked someone to release."

After being exposed on the Internet, Qin Hong found that the audio or video was recorded at his home, so he searched the room for a long time, but found nothing unusual.

In the end, experts were invited to come to the door and searched with instruments, only to find the hidden bugs and cameras.

It's just that I haven't found out who put it.

A servant said that he saw Zhan Jingni and stayed in that room for an afternoon.

But Qin Hong thought that Zhan Jingxue couldn't see it, so how could it be possible to hide Dong XZ in the room and hide it so deeply.

So he thought it must be a servant at home. In order to find him out, he did something, but no one admitted it.

Hearing this, Xue Yao straightened up suddenly.

"I think those things were put by Zhan Jingni.

This kind of thing happened before in Interstellar.

Some people have no supernatural powers detected at birth, but after encountering a life-changing blow, the supernatural powers in their bodies are stimulated. "

"A life-changing blow?"

"Well, for example, encountering life and death disasters, the death of a loved one, or physical injury or something.

But in Interstellar, as long as you don't die immediately, you can generally recover. "

(End of this chapter)

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