Gold Assistant

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Xue Yao mischievously poked Chen Ting's palm, but he quickly grabbed it.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, and continued: "So some people without supernatural powers use such extreme methods as self-mutilation to force out their own potential, but there are still a few successful cases."

Chen Ting squeezed Xue Yao's hand, "But if you force it like this, there should be sequelae."

"Yes, usually the abilities that appear in this way are not very stable and will fail from time to time. So later, some people have researched some potions that can stimulate the potential of the human body.

Ah, far away.

I think Zhan Jingni may be like this,
Isn't it because of an accident that she couldn't see her eyes?

This was a huge blow to her.

Perhaps because of this, she developed supernatural powers, so she could easily XZ up those things in Qin Hong's room. "

Xue Yao raised her small face, trembling at her own brain hole.

Chen Ting leaned over and kissed her triumphant face.

Looking at her delicate and lovely face, my heart throbbed for a while.

Alas, he was afraid he couldn't wait until the wedding.

In order to divert his thoughts, he picked up the laptop next to him and typed on the keyboard.

"What Xiaoyao said is very reasonable. I will check Zhan Jingni's affairs and see if she has any changes now."

Not noticing Chen Ting's abnormality, Xue Yao changed her position and nestled on the sofa.

"Well, but what exactly is Tang Yu's medicine, if it really stimulates supernatural powers, the person must have this gene in order to be successful."

Speaking of this, Xue Yao suddenly froze for a moment.


She shouted excitedly.

"what happened?"

"I know why those Tang family members disappeared! It's probably Tang Yu who did it."

Xue Yao looked at Chen Ting, and said quickly: "There was a kind of ability called deprivation in the interstellar world, which can take away other people's abilities."


Chen Ting frowned, "Xiaoyao meant that Tang Yu's ability might be deprivation, so he found the Tang family, then took away their ability, and finally destroyed the corpse?

And fake their disappearance to cover up their actions. "

What is tacit understanding?

It was Chen Ting who was like her now.

Just talking about a deprivation ability, he can understand his own thoughts.

She forgot to read such a passage in that book.

[The world is so big, life is so long, there is such a person who resonates with your soul, no matter what you do, you can keep the same rhythm with you, how lucky you are. ]
It was lucky for her to meet Chen Ting in so many small worlds of time and space.

After this speculation, Xue Yao and Chen Ting probably understood what happened back then.

Later, Tang Yu should have made the deprived ability into a potion, and then injected it into some people.

There should be a successful example, otherwise the old man Zhan would not help Tang Yu create a disappearance case just because of a hope.

However, all the materials of the Supernatural Research Institute have been destroyed, so it is impossible to know the truth of the year.

These things are too incredible for people in this world, so the two of them don't intend to tell others, so as not to cause panic or bring opportunities to some ambitious people.


After everyone put away the amulets, they set off for Shi's birthday banquet.

After the group arrived, Shi Xiaonan took them to see Mr. Shi first.

The birthday banquet was held at Shi's old house.

Compared with the Qin family's birthday banquet that Liu Li attended last time, it was even more grand.

Wang Jun is arranging meals.

The dishes for this banquet were provided by Long Teng, and he and Wang Weiyi came over early in the morning to make preparations.

As soon as he saw An Mo, he immediately clung to him and said that he would accompany them to meet Mr. Shi.

"Xiao Yao, when will your wedding with Ah Ting be held, can you hurry up?"

Xue Yao looked at him suspiciously, "Why hurry up?"

"An'an said that she will not marry me until you, the older sister, hold a wedding ceremony."

An Mo immediately blushed and pinched him.

"Why are you saying these things here?"

Wang Jun caressed An Mo's hand, and said with a smile, "I've been exercising recently, and my arms are full of muscles. Be careful, it hurts."


Everyone: "..."

This is the legendary wife slave, right? !
A sonorous voice came from the side.

"Akang, you see Ting is already arranging the wedding, and Xiaojun's is also on the agenda.

And Ah Shang (Ah San) will bring his girlfriend to see me today.

When will you show your uncle a girlfriend? "

It turned out that Mr. Shi was here.

Shi Lekang replied in a muffled voice: "It's coming soon, it will be available soon."

Shi Xiaonan walked over, took Mr. Shi's hand, and said with a smile: "My cousin already has someone he likes, but he hasn't caught up yet.

He is a very good independent person. "

"Then hurry up and catch it, don't be robbed, and then you will cry again."

Shi Lekang lowered his head depressedly, "I will work hard."

Everyone covered their mouths and laughed.

The word "again" is very curious.

But if Shi Lekang is still not enlightened, it is estimated that the matter between him and Huo Ling will drag on for a long time.

Xue Yao pulled Liu Li and An Mo forward, said hello to Mr. Shi, and handed over the gift in his hand.

Mr. Shi has heard a lot about Xue Yao and personally experienced the effects of her talismans, so he is looking forward to the gift she prepared.

"What did Xiao Yao send?"

Xue Yao smiled, "It's a bracelet. It's a pear blossom wood bracelet that the three of us made together. Wearing it on your hand can make your body healthier."

Since the time limit for recovering talismans is too short, it is not a long-term solution to always prepare new talismans for everyone.

Later, Xue Yao got inspiration from Tang Boxin's set of antique jewelry.

She carved the improved array on the pear blossom bracelet, and adorned the knot of the bracelet with crystals to provide energy.

Although this effect is relatively weak.

But for people whose body has recovered, it just happens to play a role in health care.

The recovery talisman is reserved for those who need it more.

"Oh, this is good, this is good." Mr. Shi opened the box excitedly, and put on the string directly.

He smiled happily and said, "You Grandpa Chen just wore this bracelet yesterday to show off to me, but I didn't expect that I would wear it today too.

When he comes later, I'll show off, hahaha. "

The crowd also laughed.

"Why are you laughing so happily?"

Mr. Chen walked over accompanied by Chen Ting and Ah Yi.

Old Master Shi smiled, "Yo, say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be here."

"You young people go and play by yourself, we two old men can talk together."

Because they were worried about the people in the dark night, Ah Yi and Ah Er stayed to protect the two old people.

Xue Yao and the others sat in the corner chatting.

(End of this chapter)

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