Gold Assistant

Chapter 619 Should It Be Drinking?

Chapter 619 Should It Be Drinking?

Now what Xue Yao gave to Jian Le'an should be the real thing.

A few days before the premiere, Su Zhengxin, whose face had been completely deformed, ransacked the happy cherry blossom water.

It's just that after using it, I found that the effect is not as good as before.

According to those technicians, the ore of substance L has long been gone.

They added something else to the remaining Cherry Blossom water, making 1 bottle into 100 bottles and continuing to sell.

Because of this, the happy people did not go to the police.

After all, under the impact of the prosecution incident, no one bought Yingfushui.

Huanxin is about to collapse, and the employees of the company are all looking for a way out. Now it is better to have one thing less than one more thing.

Anyway, no one wants the Cherry Blossom Water anymore.

On the other side, the "bath salts" who lost the asylum of high-level foreign officials and walked through the inspection-free passage with Ying Fushui were all seized by the anti-narcotics team.

When Jian Letai took people to Huanxin to arrest them, she found that the office building of Huanxin was empty.

And the Qin family put all the blame on Qin Hong. After all, when those things happened, it was Qin Hong who was the president.

So the group went to Qin Hong again.

Unexpectedly, he was not found at Qin Hong's residence, but Zhan Jingyun's body was unexpectedly found.

Zhan Jingyun was lying in a messy room.

Even though the corpse had rotted to varying degrees, she could still see her unwillingness in her wide staring eyes.

After forensic examination, she had been dead for almost a month.

Judging from the scene, Qin Hong should have killed Zhan Jingyun when he was arguing with her, and then absconded.

Jian Letai decisively applied for the arrest warrant for Qin Hong.

The news began to circulate in the upper circles.

The two flowery granddaughters of Zhan's family were both killed, and both had relations with Qin Hong.

Now the Qin family not only lost the cash cow of Huanxin, but also faced lawsuits for high compensation, coupled with rumors about Qin Hong and the murder case in the circle, both the old man and the old lady of the Qin family couldn't afford it.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yi immediately ran away quietly with her money.

She was afraid.

If Qin Hong cannot be found, the Qin family will probably push her to take the blame.

After all, she is the happy president now.

Because of Qin Yi's departure, everyone in the Qin family also learned to loot everything and ran away.


Jian Le'an returned to the projection room with Hua Yan.

"We haven't contacted that person yet. This is Gu Yun's beautiful face. I heard that it also contains L substance."

Putting the delicate vial on the table, Jian Le'an immediately backed away.

Su Zhengxin stared closely at the front to prevent them from attacking suddenly.

He slowly took Huayan and took off the mask, revealing his collapsed face.

When Jiang Pingyuan saw it, he took a deep breath.

Out-of-frame eyeballs, crooked noses, lumps of falling flesh...

What a horror! !

Su Zhengxin ignored the surprise of the special agents, opened the flower face, and drank it directly.

Jiang Pingyuan was stunned again.

Isn't Huayan used to paint the face?

He even drank it!
After a while, there seemed to be some changes in Su Zhengxin's face, the out-of-frame eyeballs shrank back, and the drooping flesh also retracted a little.

Everyone in the Special Task Force was dumbfounded.

Should it really be for drinking?
But this situation only lasted for 1 minute, and Su Zhengxin's face changed back to the original one.

Looking at him with a mirror in his hand, his originally satisfied expression instantly turned into anger.

He opened his clothes again, took out a remote control, and looked at everyone with stern eyes, "Bring some more beauty, and I want to see Substance L within an hour!

Otherwise I will detonate the bomb immediately. "

Jiang Pingyuan immediately comforted him and said, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, we will arrange it immediately."

Xue Yao and Chen Ting lay at the door, quietly watching.

When Su Zhengxin drank the bottle of Huayan, she was so surprised that her jaw almost dropped.

Especially after drinking it, the effect that appeared was even more astonishing.

It has been tested before, and substance L cannot be taken orally.

Has Su Zhengxin's physique also changed?
That would be non-human.

After seeing the effect for only 1 minute, she thought of a way.

She and Chen Ting retreated back.

Xiaobai came rushing over and held up a golden pheasant.

The golden pheasant has a ring of metal feathers around its neck, just like a peacock spreading its tail.

"Sister, it's all right."

Xue Yao stroked his soft hair and praised him with a smile.

"Little Bai, that's amazing."

Then the switch was pressed.

In an instant, there was no signal at all on the phone.

She took out three more bottles of Huayan from her bag (a small space) and pasted them with sleeping charms.

Just as he was about to go to the projection room, Chen Ting took it away.

"Take Xiaobai to find them and ask for a few more bottles."

Xue Yao was taken aback for a moment.

He immediately understood what Chen Ting meant.

He wanted the two of them to get out of here first.

Xue Yao stuffed another protective talisman into Chen Ting's hand.

Because Su Zhengxin's physique became non-human, Xue Yao was worried that the Sleeping Talisman would have no effect on him.

After Xue Yao left with Xiaobai, Chen Ting walked into the projection room slowly.

"The beauty you want."

After seeing Chen Ting, Su Zhengxin was a little excited.

"Put Huayan over there, you handcuffed and come here."

Jian Le'an quickly stopped her, "If you need a hostage, I can go there."

"Hey, you don't have the capital to bargain now, come quickly!" Su Zhengxin looked at Chen Ting like a very hungry person seeing delicious braised pork.

Chen Ting said calmly, "Brother An, handcuff me."

Jiang Pingyuan hurriedly stopped, "You can't go, what if you have something to do, what will Miss Xue do?!"

"I'll be fine." Chen Ting showed a confident smile.

Xiao Yao stuffed him with a stack of amulets, even if the planet exploded, he would be fine.

It's a pity that this matter can't be used for show.

In desperation, Jian Le'an had no choice but to handcuff Chen Ting herself, and slipped the key into his hand.

When Chen Ting walked over, Su Zhengxin said, "Bring over the beauty on the table."

Chen Ting took Hua Yan as he requested.

"Open it and feed me."

A strange picture that everyone immediately saw.

A handsome man in handcuffs feeds a hideous and scary man.

After drinking all three bottles of Huayan, Su Zhengxin's face quickly returned to normal.

He looked at the mirror in his hand with satisfaction.

It seems that as long as the amount is large, the effect can be achieved.

Seeing that the Sleeping Talisman didn't work, Chen Ting was thankful that he was the one who sent the beauty over.

Su Zhengxin put down the mirror, put his hand on Chen Ting's handcuffed hand with a strange smile, and stroked it back and forth repeatedly.

Jiang Pingyuan's eyes widened.

This... this is too scary.

It turns out that Su Zhengxin likes this one!
But hasn't he been pestering Wang Weiyi before?
Su Zhengxin caressed, caressed, his face changed drastically immediately.

Why didn't it work?

Why can't I feel the supernatural power?
Had he made a mistake?
Suddenly a sense of drowsiness struck, he tried his best to open his eyes, and looked at the three vases of flowers with sharp eyes.

"You took medicine?!"

 The mangosteen was coming, and he was trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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