Gold Assistant

Chapter 620 A Spread of Mushed Meat

Chapter 620

It was obvious just now that Xue Yao took out her beautiful face from her bag, and she did not do any tampering.

When Chen Ting opened the bottle, Su Zhengxin also looked at it very carefully, and didn't add anything into it.

Why did he even want to sleep now?

At this moment, his face began to slowly collapse again.

Su Zhengxin felt something was wrong on his face, and immediately picked up the mirror to look at it.

It's just that drowsiness hit him, and his consciousness began to blur.

He shook his head vigorously, and the flesh on his face shook accordingly.

Chen Ting took the opportunity to open the handcuffs, quickly tapped Su Zhengxin's hand, and snatched the remote control from his hand.

Su Zhengxin woke up instantly.

He threw away the mirror, reached into his clothes, and was about to press the remote control inside.

After discovering Chen Ting's actions, Jian Le'an immediately rushed forward and grabbed Su Zhengxin.

"Hehehe, you are slow, I have pressed a switch, Chen Ting, you have to be responsible for your own stupidity and impulsiveness."

Jiang Pingyuan picked up his phone nervously, wanting to see if there were any relevant notices or reports.

"Huh? Why is there no signal?!"

Su Zhengxin looked at him with astonishment.


The other special forces members also took out their mobile phones to look at them.

A big X is displayed on the position of everyone's mobile phone signal.

Chen Ting made another move, hitting Su Zhengxin hard on the neck.

"Do you think……"

Su Zhengxin glared at Chen Ting fiercely, but passed out in the next second.

I don't know if it was the Sleeping Talisman or what Chen Ting did just now.

This made everyone stunned.

Jian Le'an, who was the first to react, put away Su Zhengxin's remote control and put it in a special box before asking, "Ah Ting, are you blocking this signal?"

Chen Ting nodded, and took out a golden pheasant at the door.

In full view of everyone, he pressed the golden pheasant's butt, and the metal feathers on its neck were retracted.

"Isn't this... Xiaobai's toy?"

Jiang Pingyuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Captain, there is a signal!" The team members on the side picked up their phones and waved them.

"Okay, let's go back first, and find out the bomb he planted as soon as possible. A Yuan, contact Mr. Tang and ask him to come back and help."


After the special forces left, Xue Yao immediately ran over with Xiaobai.

Eyes were on him all the time.

"Is Master okay?"

"Don't worry, there is Xiaoyao's talisman, nothing will happen."

"That's good."

But before they got back to the apartment, they received a call from Jian Le'an.

"What Su Zhengxin is dead?!"

"Okay, let's go now."

After Xue Yao hung up the phone, she frowned.

"Master, Su Zhengxin must have been poisoned to death by Huayan, right?"

Chen Ting stroked her hair, "It's his own fault."

"But what if someone accidentally eats Huayan, what should I do? I heard from Xiaoya before that Substance L cannot be taken orally."

"Gu Yun has indicated on the label of the bottle that it cannot be taken orally."

"Huh? That's right, that's good."

When the car turned to the Special Task Force base, as soon as they entered the door, they saw many team members with ashen faces.

"What's going on here?"

Jiang Pingyuan, who came to pick them up, didn't look very good.

Facing the question from his sweetheart, he still talked about the situation.

It turned out that when Su Zhengxin was brought here, just as he reached the entrance, his whole body suddenly became limp, and finally fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of meat, with not even bones left.

And there was a foul smell.

Anyone who smells it can't help but vomit.

Jian Le'an endured the discomfort and put on a gas mask to clean up the puddle of meat.

It's just that the smell is still lingering in the air.

In the end, Jian Le'an found a magical little note from somewhere, and after sticking it on the ground, the stench in the air disappeared immediately.

Xue Yao, who provided the note, of course would not volunteer to say that it was a cleaning talisman.

"Well, there is absolutely no clue about the five bombs. If they are accidentally touched or detonated, the consequences will be dire.

I don't know why the captain invited you over at this time. "

Xue Yao thought for a while.

"Isn't it possible to use the identification system to find his figure in the surveillance and then track him?"

"Well, we also thought of this method, but the data is too huge.

This is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. "

A group of people came to Chang Yuande's office.

Chang Yuande said directly after seeing them: "I won't say polite words, I hope you can help, after all, if the bomb explodes, it will hurt many innocent people."

Chen Ting said, "We have recently optimized the recognition system, which is just in time to come in handy."

After finishing speaking, he took out his laptop and connected it to Chang Yuande's computer with a data cable.

Xiaobai also took out his laptop from his small backpack and operated it together.

Jiang Pingyuan looked at the two in surprise, and when he was about to say something, Xue Yao proposed to see Su Zhengxin.

"All he has left is a puddle of meat, nothing to look at."

Xue Yao insisted: "I just want to confirm something."

Chang Yuande: "Ah Yuan, take Xiaoyao to have a look."


Jiang Pingyuan had no choice but to lead the way.

Thinking of the spread of meat paste, there will definitely be no meat sauce dishes on his future meal menu.

Xue Yao was silent all the way, remembering the past.

When I was in Interstellar, the teacher in the school talked about the power grabber.

That person's end was because he had seized too many abilities, and the abilities in his body conflicted, and finally turned into a fleshy pulp during the battle.

Could it be that Su Zhengxin turned into flesh because of the conflict of supernatural powers in his body?

But apart from his own abilities, that is, the one who robbed Zhan Jingni, it shouldn't be too many.

Then she thought of Chu Yu again.

Maybe Su Zhengxin also stole Chu Yu's ability.

Jiang Pingyuan brought Xue Yao to the storage room, and he looked back at Xue Yao with a very ugly expression.

"Do you really want to see?"

"Yes!" Xue Yao nodded firmly.

Jiang Pingyuan had no choice but to open the door.

But when he saw the box on the middle table, he couldn't help but quickly backed away and started to vomit into the trash can.

Xue Yao gave him a sympathetic look, then went straight into the storage room.

The meat paste in the box has begun to separate, the upper layer is greasy fat, and the lower layer is meat paste.

This is the same as the image she saw in the interstellar school.

She put her hand on the box.

"No, don't open it, that smell can kill people."

Jiang Pingyuan came back after vomiting, saw Xue Yao's movements, and stopped her immediately.

Xue Yao ignored him.

She just wanted to quietly feel the power fluctuations inside through the box.

There are more than the three abilities she guessed in it, at least five of them can be sensed.

How is this going?

Where did those abilities come from?

Could it be that besides Tang Boxin and Chu Yu, there were other supernatural beings discovered by Su Zhengxin?

(End of this chapter)

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