Gold Assistant

Chapter 622 Box Office

Chapter 622 Box Office
"But why our data hasn't come out yet, it's so urgent."

Xue Yao immediately said: "Go wash up first, I'll make breakfast, maybe I can see it in a while."

There is also a lot of discussion on the Internet because of the delay of the data.

[Could it be that the data came out early, but it's just too ugly, so stop it from being announced. ]
[Maybe I'm doing public relations and want to buy tickets. ]
[Hehe, Goddess Tita is invincible. ]
[Upstairs don't trick my goddess. ]

On the other side, An Mo was nervously swiping his phone at home.

Aunt Chang smiled and called her to have breakfast.

"Okay, don't watch it, you've been swiping for 10 minutes, even if the data last night is not ideal, isn't there still a month of playback time?"

"Mom, the first day's data is very important. If the box office is good, the screening rate of theaters will increase in the future, so that everyone will have a better chance of seeing it."

Aunt Chang was a little puzzled and said, "But doesn't Yongjia Cinema belong to your Aunt Li? She still can't decide to schedule the film?"

"Uh... yeah, I forgot about that."

Aunt Chang stepped forward and hugged her gently.

"Because you are used to working hard on your own for everything, now that we are the backer of An'an, you don't have to be so tired."

Huaxing's boss smiled at the breakfast party and said: "Why hasn't the box office of "The Female President" been released? Is it because I am afraid of being slapped in the face, so I dare not announce it?
Although the data of our "Fleeing Years" is not good, it has been announced.

One hundred million is also a loss, that woman dares to say. "

The bosses or investors of some other entertainment companies also echoed.

This movie sucks for them, wish it wasn't good
Wheesung's Lee Kyung-hui did not speak.

Boss Hua Xing glanced at him and said, "Jing Hui, this movie is a man's world, and that woman Li Baoqin can't handle it, you have to watch it clearly.

If she hadn't revealed the money laundering case this time, no one would have had so many incidents.

Many movies are still under investigation and cannot be shot. "

"That's right, we were harmed by her."

Li Jinghui remained silent.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, "Sorry, I'm going to answer the call."

After a while, he walked over.

He said eagerly, "Everyone, I'm really sorry, my girlfriend is injured, I want to go back and see her, today's meal is mine."

Without waiting for the reaction of those present, he took the bill and left.

"So impatient, who is everyone's daughter?"

"What a daughter, she is the female star of his company."

"It's fine if you don't have fun, are you still so serious?"

"Hey, it might be fresh."


The staff of the statistics website looked at the data on the computer screen and couldn't believe it.

"My God, this is impossible!"

"How? No way, is it an overlap?"

"Quick, quickly count again."

"These data are provided by various theaters, so they should not be wrong."

"It's better to be cautious. The box office of those movies was so bad a while ago, it can't be that they have written an extra zero in the data they sent, right?"

"But "The Female President" has so many film stars and actresses participating, the box office should not be bad."

"It's definitely not bad, but it's impossible, so let's ask."

"it is good."

After a while, one theater really said that the data was wrong.

"Let me just say, how is it possible..." After seeing the new data sent over, the staff couldn't help but swear. "Damn it! It's even more than just now."

"It's scary!"

All major media are paying attention to this matter.

"Why haven't you come out yet? It's been so long."

"Okay, it's out, hurry up, send the news quickly, and grab the headlines."

"How many?"

One of them showed the data to everyone.

"What, is this wrong?"

"The box office of "The Female President" exceeded 1000 million on the first day!"

"The website said that because the data was too shocking, they checked it many times before they dared to release it. They also attached the data provided by the theaters."

In fact, Xue Yao was also very nervous, so she didn't spend too much time making breakfast. Instead, she steamed the steamed meat buns and cooked a milk and egg soup to finish the breakfast.

The two sat down and ate meat buns while swiping their phones.

As soon as Liu Li saw the data, he couldn't even see the specific content clearly, so he shouted excitedly: "Yes, you can see it."

Xue Yao also refreshed her phone.

Seeing the above figures, the box office on the first day was more than 1000 million.

She wiped her eyes in disbelief.

This... this is too exaggerated.

Really achieved a small goal.

The faces of the bosses at the breakfast party became extremely ugly.

"This is not true, is it?"

"The statistical website has posted the data of each theater chain."

"How is it possible? It's really [-] million!"

When Huaxing's boss saw the box office figure, he couldn't hold back.

Others' movies cost more than 1000 million yuan, while his family's movies only cost more than 200 million yuan, which is not even a fraction.

this is just the premiere
Those company bosses took a look at Huaxing boss.

"Uh... Mr. Qian, our company hasn't finished handling the money laundering case yet, I'm going back to deal with it now."

"Yeah, there are still many details of my movie that have not been finalized, so let's go first."


After a while, the only person left in the banquet hall, which was packed just now, was the boss of Huaxing.

He wiped his cold sweat.

Didn't expect things to turn out like this.

As soon as the box office statistics come out.

The melon eaters on the Internet almost threw away all the melons in their hands.

Lin Xia's fans, Ran Lei's fans, Chen Ting's fans...

All are carnival on scarves or in the circle of WeChat friends.

Many people who haven't watched the movie have called their friends to make an appointment to watch it together.

What everyone didn't expect was that the online appointments were already fully booked, and it would take two days at the earliest to see them.

Media reporters and bib big Vs are also following up and reporting on this matter.

Even in the interviews on the street, everyone was discussing "The Female President", and some people said that they were planning to do a second film, but they only cared about Lin Xia and Ran Lei's acting skills before.

Now the second brush is going to see Liu Li and An Mo.

Not long after, relevant departments also joined in the publicity, saying that "The Female President" respects history without losing the fun of watching movies. It is a rare positive energy movie in recent times.

In the film working group of "The Female President", everyone was very excited and kept forwarding the latest news.

At this time, a field reporter asked: [Then the national publicity that starts tomorrow is still going? ]
Lin Xia immediately replied: [This is a well-arranged event, we must go, we must not disappoint the audience who support us. ]
Ran Lei: [But the security work must be done well, it is estimated that the scene may be chaotic. ]
In fact, what he meant was that other entertainment or investment companies should not admit defeat so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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