Gold Assistant

Chapter 623 Value Chapter Fares

Chapter 623
The box office has already been nailed to the board and cannot be changed.

Those people will likely find fault elsewhere.

For example, when watching a movie, something unpleasant happened to the audience.

The best thing is to have an accident during the promotion of the crew, and then it can bring a stain to "The Female President".

Didn't something happen to the premiere last night?
But these words are not convenient to say in a large group.

Lin Xia immediately said: [Security work, let Xiaojiao and her family help, there will be no problem. ]
After Zhang Dahu received the business, he immediately greeted everyone on the road. Except for some stunned youths making trouble, the publicity period was basically passed safely.

Zhang Xiaojiao pulled Xue Yao and the others together and said, "Brother Yao said that besides my family's security personnel, the relevant departments also sent people to help this time, that's why it's so safe."

"Is there really someone who wants to take the opportunity to make trouble?"

"Well, but we have received tip reports a long time ago, so we made preparations in advance and stopped those people. They all said that they took other people's money to cause trouble."

An Mo said angrily: "It's disgusting, did they say who gave the money?"

Zhang Xiaojiao nodded, "I told you, it's Huaxing's boss."

"Ah?" Everyone was puzzled, "Why did he do that?"

Xue Yao thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because I'm worried about losing my position in the industry.

Huading also participated in our film, probably because we were afraid that Huading would regain its leading position in the industry. "

The box office of "The Female President" is getting higher and higher every day.

Originally, due to the strong Chinese characteristics of this movie, many countries did not plan to introduce it.

But now that the box office is so high, they can't sit still, and they have discussed with Li Baoqin about the introduction.

Deborah, who is doing global endorsement promotion, also posted on her Facebook, saying that the movie is very good.

Chigu's chief stylist, Anna, posted a message expressing her support.

Later, many people in the fashion industry also posted that the cheongsam and makeup of the actors in it were very good.

Even just looking at these is worth the price of admission.

Although they are voices from different fields, everyone is very curious about the shape that has been praised by fashion masters.

Sure enough, the global box office did not live up to their expectations.

Almost every day the box office champion is "The Female President".

It even set off a wave of Chinese cheongsam.

Qiao Le's studio was overwhelmed with orders, and some people ordered to wear the same style as Lin Xia, Liu Li or An Mo.

This made Qiao Le happy all day.

It's just that she didn't know if she was overjoyed, but she passed out in the studio.

Ran Lei, who got the news, immediately left his job and rushed to Saint Laurent Hospital.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the hospital, he was scolded by the doctor.

From the cursing, Xue Yao and the others heard the most crucial word "pregnancy"!
Ran Lei and Qiao Le were stunned by everyone's blessings.

Ran Lei asked tremblingly: "Doctor, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

"I said that your wife has been pregnant for two months. Fortunately, she is in good health now and there is no serious problem. Otherwise, you will regret it."

Qiao Le shed tears excitedly, protecting her stomach with her hands.

Now there's a little life inside!

"Brother Lei, we...we have a baby."

Ran Lei grinned stupidly, "Yes, you have a good rest, and let me do whatever you need to do in the future."

"Yeah!" Qiao Le nodded with a smile.

Then she looked at Xue Yao and mouthed "thank you" gratefully.

Xue Yao also responded, 'You're welcome'.

"Brother Lei, based on this time, it should be the day when we decided to subsidize children in mountainous areas to go to school. Maybe it's the luck brought about by this incident. We must continue."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Due to customs, they couldn't tell others within three months, so they declared that they were too tired to work and suspended work.

For this reason, there have been various speculations in the media about some good things.

For example, because Qiao Le used her costumes in the movie and didn't pay enough rental fees, the two sides had conflicts.

It has nose and eyes.

Many people who don't know the truth are paying attention to this matter.

After all, Qiao Le is Ran Lei's wife.

And Ran Lei is the actor with the most roles in "The Female President", and he plays Mr. Song, the husband of the female president. He can barely be said to be the leading actor in the movie.

But for some reason, this topic was quickly brought to the topic of Ran Lei's well-maintained.

His handsomeness in the movie is not inferior to Chen Ting's, and he is even more elegant.

After seeing these false news, Ran Lei didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.

So he sent a photo of a party with Lin Xia and the others.

In the photo, Ran Lei, his wife and Lin Xia are all smiling very happily, and the previous rumors will soon be self-defeating.

About a month later, "The Female President" was drawn down.

They also extended the release by a week because the movie was so popular.

The total box office statistics made everyone very surprised.

The final box office of "The Female President" reached 68 billion!
Everyone is very satisfied with this box office result.

Especially the actors who get a share of the salary.

The money they share is much more than they get paid directly.

This is a miracle for Chinese films.

At the same time, they also became famous again because of this movie.

Especially Liu Li and An Mo.

Although neither of them won the queen award, their status in the film industry is already a first-line actress.

Later, various international brands approached them for endorsement, and many well-known directors also offered them olive branches.

It's just that they don't have the mind to make movies or commercials at the moment.

Because the movie is over, Xue Yao and Chen Ting are going to start preparing for the wedding.

As younger sisters, they have to accompany Xue Yao to deal with these things.

At the same time, it also draws experience for my own wedding in the future.

Since they were going to hold two weddings, the first one was decided to be held in Huaguo first.

Those who came were old man Chen's friends, all of whom were from the upper circles.

The Chen family no longer had any female elders, and the old lady of the Mo family would have laughed if she hadn't come to make trouble, so she couldn't count on it.

And Li Baoqin and Lin Xia are in different fields, so they can't help.

Mrs. Tao is getting old, so it's not easy to bother her.

So Mr. Chen asked Mr. Shi for help.

In the end, Shi Lekang's mother and Ah San's mother were invited to help.

Xue Yao and the others are like rag dolls, being dragged around by the two elders every day, learning various etiquettes.

Fortunately, the three of them have good learning ability, and they mastered it quickly.

Then I was dragged to do beauty maintenance.

It's just that after arriving at the beauty salon, those beauty technicians asked the three of them for beauty skills.

The two aunts of the Shi family looked at the jade-like white skin on their faces, and felt that it was a waste for them to come to the beauty salon.

After learning the etiquette, and not needing beauty care, the time of the three of them was finally free.

This is the time to deal with the backlog of things before.

(End of this chapter)

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