Gold Assistant

Chapter 636 He is still a child!

Chapter 636 He is still a child!

Chen Ting walked over to look at the screen, with a just-right surprised expression on his face, not exaggerated at all.

He reached out and stroked Xiaobai's hair again.

"Xiaobai did a good job."

Jiang Peng was walking over in a hurry, "Is it cracked?"

"It's almost there, now just wait for the program to finish running."

The computer screen displayed the number 59:36.

Just now Xiaobai adjusted the program again while Wang Jun was showing his acting skills, making the running time slower.

"Is this the time?" Jiang Pengzheng asked suspiciously.

Xiaobai nodded obediently, "Yes."

Then he stood up again, "I'm going to have a snack."

After speaking, he ran to the door.

When Jiang Peng heard the word dim sum, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head.

What's going on here?
Thinking that I fell asleep sitting up just now, maybe I was really too tired. After this case is over, I should apply for a few days of vacation and have a good rest.

Since the time had not yet come, Jiang Peng was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed to rest.

After getting the deciphered information, he may have to work for a long time, so he has to hurry up and rest.

Time passed little by little.

When the time on the computer screen showed only 59 seconds left, Chen Ting woke up Jiang Pengzheng.

"Uncle Jiang, the time is almost up."

Jiang Peng opened his eyes immediately and bounced off the sofa.

"How about it?"

He rushed over so quickly that he almost tripped.

If Wang Jun hadn't supported him, he would have had an intimate contact with the floor.

Look at the time from 10 seconds, 9 seconds... to 0.

It's just that when the number turned to 0, the computer screen suddenly went black, and no picture came out.

After waiting for a long time, the screen was still pitch black, and even the sound of the fan in the computer stopped.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Wang Jun was stunned.

Chen Ting was also a little surprised, he had successfully entered the computer just now, there was no such thing.

When he was about to check, Jiang Pengzheng pushed him away.

"Could it be a failure? Could it be that the computer was destroyed?" Jiang Peng was yelling at the screen anxiously.

At this time, Xiaobai came back with a plate of round glutinous rice dumplings in different colors.

He squinted his eyes and shouted happily: "Brother-in-law, allow Brother-in-law Mo to have some snacks."

Why do you want to add a quasi-character on purpose?

Wang Jun felt very sad.

As soon as Jiang Pengzheng saw Xiaobai, he pointed at the computer screen and asked sharply, "Xiaobai, what's wrong with your program? Why is the screen black? What did you do?
If you can't crack it, we won't blame you, but what's going on now?
The information in this computer is related to future development and reform!
It's ruined by you now! ! "

His tone was very aggressive, and he stared at Xiaobai with an unfriendly face.

Wang Jun immediately frowned: "Uncle Jiang, why are you so angry at Xiaobai?

He is still a child! "

Xiaobai stood in the living room blankly holding the glutinous rice ball, looking at the angry Jiang Pengzheng.

Chen Ting stepped forward to take the plate, and stopped Xiao Bai behind him with a cold face.

"Uncle Jiang, we respect you as an elder, but you can't blame Xiaobai for this matter."

Jiang Pengzheng, who had calmed down, felt a little guilty, but he couldn't bear to apologize, so he kept silent.

Xiao Bai came out from behind Chen Ting, tilted his head and looked at the computer screen.

He lightly pushed the mouse with his finger, the computer fan started to rotate, and a neat desktop appeared on the screen soon.


I dare to say that the black screen just now is because it has not been moved for a long time, so it has become a screen saver.

If Jiang Pengzheng hadn't pushed Chen Ting away just now, he would have discovered this a long time ago.

"I'm going to take a nap."

Xiao Bai looked up at Chen Ting.

"Okay, remember to brush your teeth first."

"Yeah." Xiaobai turned and went to the bathroom without even looking at Jiang Pengzheng.

Jiang Peng was looking at Chen Ting and Wang Jun with embarrassment.

It seems that he has offended Xiaobai.

I really didn't expect that this child's technique is so good, he is really a genius among geniuses.

I don't know if he will hold a grudge.

What should I do if I need his help in the future?
Do you want to apologize?

But for a person of his age to apologize to a little boy, he really can't afford to lose face.

Forget it, I'll talk about it later when I need it.

It's just that he never thought that this demand would come so quickly.

"Let's take a look at what information is inside, shall we?"

Jiang Peng was opening 'My Computer' to check the data in the hard disk.

Wang Jun couldn't help looking at Chen Ting.

I don't know what he put in just now. If it's just some ordinary information, will it arouse Jiang Pengzheng's suspicion.

"what is this?!"

Wang Jun hurriedly leaned over, "What's wrong?"

"These are all encrypted files, and the information inside cannot be seen until they are unlocked."

After brushing his teeth, Xiao Bai walked to his room and said to Chen Ting, "I'm going to sleep."

"have a good rest."


Jiang Pengzheng hurriedly said, "Don't...sleep..."

It's a pity that Xiaobai has already closed the door.

Chen Ting said: "Uncle Jiang, the computer has been cracked, you can take the rest back and find other people to help, I'm going to take a lunch break too."

What's your lunch break? !

You didn't even eat lunch, just took a nap, your excuses for driving people away are too fake! !

Because of his bad attitude just now and not apologizing in time, Jiang Peng was dissatisfied and could only complain in his heart.

"Ah Jun, let's go back, we may trouble you later."

But Wang Jun looked at his wrist, "It's getting late, and I have to go back to work. I didn't do anything this morning, so I'm probably going to be very busy in the afternoon."


There is no watch on that bare wrist, how do you tell it is not early from there? !
Jiang Pengzheng, who was rejected, had no choice but to leave with his laptop.

As soon as he left, Wang Jun poked Chen Ting curiously and asked, "What did you do just now? What is Xiaobai's toy? Why does Jiang Pengzheng seem to forget everything?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Chen Ting's mouth, "Do you want to try?"

"No, there's no need." Wang Jun shook his head quickly and stopped asking, "By the way, what is stored in Su Zhengxin's computer?"

He didn't even ask why they changed the information.

"Let me see."

Chen Ting opened the transferred files.

Xiao Bai also ran out of the room, lying on the table and looking at the screen expectantly.

When they opened the file, they were all stunned.

Chen Ting immediately covered Xiaobai's eyes with his hands, "Xiaobai go back first, and watch after I filter."

Xiaobai responded in a daze: "Oh."

When Xiaobai returned to the room again, Wang Jun leaned in front of the screen and made a clicking sound.

"Su Zhengxin is really a pervert, the taste is so strong? The 1000G hard drive is not full of these things, is it? Is it so tight to protect these things?"

Chen Ting flipped through the hard disk information with a dark face.

 I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!Salt is going to buy discounted mooncakes, it should be much cheaper today~\(≧3≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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